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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Agreed. As you know it is hard to get that perfect but I agree designers should be considering that. It is one of the things I "proof read" when looking at a map or scenario. Some of the issues you can see in 3D preview if you know the kind of thing to look for.
  2. I hate it when that happens. Even worse in a campaign since it is not so easily fixed. Thanks for the recommendation. Honestly I'm not sure I'll get there but I do appreciate it.
  3. That was an awesome post. Thanks for the background info and the links to references. My AI knowledge is from listening to and reading podcasts of interviews with technology inventors and practitioners and interacting with the group in my company that are working on integrating some machine learning into our product line. It is very interesting to see how things are progressing from the expert systems that I started working on using Fortran back in my university days. Also, very predictable that the latest work builds upon the previous work - duh As a side note there is a clear difference in reading your well thought out charitable arguments on the subject. References certainly help solidify your posts.
  4. Oh yeah that makes sense. Sorry I have never played the campaign (not much time for single player play) so I didn't realize that there were choice missions.
  5. LOL - that is funny (in a way to close to home kinda way) - I have run out of likes for the day so this will have to do
  6. No, I just meant that loosing a battle to try another branch doesn't sound particularly fun. At least not to me.
  7. I like the idea. I would love to participate in discussions like that. I can see an downside though. As Steve alluded too in his last post on this thread talking about things too early leaves us alone with our imagination and we can be let down once the game comes out and doesn't have some feature that was discuss or it works differently than we imagined. Personally I think on balance it would be a net positive but you have to admit there are some that would post for years about how sad it was that feature X was not done right (aka their way). So, it may depend on how much of that Steve wants to live with
  8. Indeed and if it happened close to the turret and was particular nasty (left a very thin portion of the barrel behind) then it absolutely is possible that the weight of the extended barrel would cause the gun to droop. Oh and in a nice bit of irony my degree is in fact BSc Eng in Mechanical Engineering.
  9. Oh yeah absolutely. The majority of the material in the gun barrel is to hold in the explosive propellant and the round and do that in such away as to continue to function correctly after hundreds of rounds and the odd knock and bash that normal use dishes out. The amount of steel needed to support itself is lots less that what is in the typical gun barrel. Having said that someone hanging off the very end might find their feet touching the ground - leverage is powerful.
  10. It will *not* be early enough, unless you are "announcing" something brand new that came out of a lunch meeting between Steve and Charles. See below... Clearly listening to customers is the right thing. Also clearly BFC have / are doing that. I know that's now what many people want to hear and not at all what @RepsolCBR is talking about but they are a successful company so they must be providing what people want. The issue with what @RepsolCBR is talking about is that, once a plan for a new product, game, module has been created and is worthwhile announcing, the window for getting non trivial customer feedback has closed. Sure, you can tweak a little thing here or there but meaningful change to the plan is just not going to happen. I suppose unless you scrap it and start over. The real value that customers, like us, can give is constructive thoughts on their current offerings. *That* feedback can be taken into that lunch meeting between Steve and Charles and the following planning meetings and consultation meetings with the other internal stake holders. What I am saying is that customer feedback goes into the products even earlier than the announcement. So, threads like suggestions, what we want to see in CM3, what theatres we are interested in and the various discussions about how the UI works and the commands we want to see or not see, those are the things that fedback into BFC's products. Oh and don't forget that if you have feedback and those ideas never make it into a product that does not mean the feedback was ignored. I realize no one wants to hear their ideas aren't going to be implemented because they are not seen as workable, or just not as important as many other things. Myself included. But not having your ideas implemented is not the same as being ignored.
  11. For me the most important mods are for the icons and the solider status text. I am partial to my own tactical icons but there are a handful of others: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1613 The animated text gives a nice UI enhancement to see what your soldiers are doing. This has not been updated for the latest patches. That reminds me to get off my butt and fix that (I didn't create this one but I seem to have been tapped to keep it updated). Here is the old one so you can see what it does - what ever you do, do *not* install it: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-fortress-italy/cmfi-other/vins-animated-text-mod-for-cmfi-v2-01/
  12. Glad you got an overall speed bump. I also do not play with FPS camera controls so I may not totally follow your descriptions but you are correct that travel accelerates, up to a limit, and I do notice that if you hold the A key down and then switch to the D key to move back it does start out at full speed if you don't let go first. Holding the W and A keys at the same time never bothered me but I guess you are correct that it is going faster than just one or the other. It does not feel twice as fast to me and I don't feel like it's strange. I'm probably used to it. The mouse click and drag speed is relative to how far away from your original click location is on screen. That allows you to speed up and slow down the camera as you move around. I find it pretty intuitive and some times use it to follow units when I don't want to be locked to a unit. Yes, for the behaviour of camera controls the demo and the game will be the same. Essentially the demo is just a self licensing install with a limited set of scenarios. All the functional code is the same. The only time the demos lag behind is if upgrades have been made to the game that have not been ported back to the demo. At this point the demos are all up to date except for very limited patch fixes, none of which effect the camera controls.
  13. True the chart doesn't tell you anything about the differences. The scanner doesn't have much more than basic map info. Really though no one needs to know any of this to have fun with the battles.
  14. Actually each node on that graph is a different scenario regardless of the name similarities or not. So "[CB #15] To the Meuse", is different from "[CB #16] To the Meuse", which is different than "[CB #17] To the Meuse" and different to "[CB #18] To the Meuse!". All four of those similarly named scenarios are different. Given their similar names I suspect the author has just tweaked things slightly but the fact remains those are four different scenarios no four instances of the same scenario. Of course having said that it is possible that they are just copies of each other but I would be surprised by that; however it is up to the designer.
  15. The graph for the campaign is a bit hard to read but 15, 16, 17 and 18 seem to come on very different paths. http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/FinalBlitzkrieg/Campaigns/Kampfgruppe Peiper.html
  16. Oh that's not good. I agree with @Schrullenhaft support will sort it out - delay sucks though. I wonder if since the new module is not done yet but pre orders have started, if purchasers of the CMFI bundle end up in the wait queue for when the module is released. Probably not intended though.
  17. No, that does not sound usual. There are no known camera movement bugs in the demo or the full game. I use the standard camera controls and I have turned off screen edge camera controls (<alt>E). When I use the keyboard camera controls they move at at constant speed - with the caveat that in a large scenario there can be some slow down as you move around and more or less units come into or go out of view. To control the speed of the camera movement I click and drag the mouse - the further you drag the mouse the faster the camera moves and the shorter you drag the mouse the slower the camera moves. Sounds like the problem you are experiencing could be because the game is struggling to keep the frame rate up. Try reducing the 3D texture and quality settings on the options page even just to test that out. Also if you have an nVidia graphics card there are a couple of good threads on how to improve performance. Check out the "Performance Discussion" section here:
  18. You might be able to get what you need from your account. Log in choose My Account and then My Orders. Find the order in your list and click on it: Then you can find the download link and you key: If that doesn't work then you will have to wait for support.
  19. The vast majority of the time the TO&E is correct. So, if you find evidence that there should be a radio by all means let us all know. Those 60mm mortars are best used directly anyway. Keep them just out of harm's way behind the pointy end if your advance and use them to directly fire on the hard to dislodge enemy. Target light your friend.
  20. Sounds like a job for the professionals. In general licensing issues can only be handled by support. I mean people here can offer advice but you seem to be doing the right things so I doubt we would have anything much to say. Open a ticket here: Battlefront Help desk
  21. Ah but the air force damage report lists that the pilot took out 5 AT guns and 6 trucks. More seriously @MOS:96B2P answered well. Air craft suck at hitting what you want them to. Mortars excel at hitting what you want them to - usually. Another option is if those were 60mm mortars is to use them in direct fire. The 60mm mortars with their limited ammo supply are best used - in my opinion - directly. They can drop scary accurate fire themselves. I typically use target light because that uses a slower rate of fire. With normal targeting they can run through a lot of ammo very fast.
  22. I recommend opening a support ticket. Very few people hit this and I think some kind of resolution has been found for everyone so far.
  23. Promoting prescription drugs for other form members are you in the pocket of Big Pharma?
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