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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yeah, I did it when the repository was still alive. The Blitz links are all pooched too. I have plans for updating and fixing. I even had some help from @Falaise. I will let everyone know when it's fixed.
  2. Interesting, we've had people complain that the AI surrendered too soon. I've never really experimented with it. My impression was that the AI force is pretty much done by the time it surrenders. Sounds like that's true.
  3. No that is not an option for scenario design. You only have time. With one exception, if the AI force gets worn down it will automatically surrender. You don't get to control that though.
  4. I have played another game with Slytherine's system and it did support more than two players. CM cannot at the moment. Presumably in a future where CM has support for more it would also work with Slytherine's system.
  5. In directly. CM on Windows can only use 4Gb of memory. I have no idea how bit a turn file would be that would load up and use all the memory but I have played turns in the 120Mb range so you are a ways away from that even.
  6. Oops wrong link on the clipboard. I fixed the previous post but just in case people don't see it here is the correct one again: https://community.battlefront.com/topic/118549-performance-optimization/#entry1589327
  7. Also CMBN is at version 4.03. Do you both have that version or the same older one? That's the other way a file will not show up - if it was generated by a newer version of the game.
  8. Bummer man. Well good to get the second shot, bummer that you are feeling off the next day. I had my second last week. I was a little tired by the end of the next day and my arm was a little sore but the impact was in the middle of reactions from other vaccines I've had.
  9. Yeah, and that is certainly possible. There are veterans from that era around here. My own impressions, again not based on experience, is that the 70s and 80s did have better and more reliable equipment the actual tracking of information was still done with the same tech as in WW2. I would not expect a significant difference in spotting contact information spreading. But again I don't really have any expertise either.
  10. Agreed in game controls would be nice. Just in case you don't already know you can use the built in Volume mixer app on windows.
  11. But the .exe being used is identical in both cases? So, your graphics and frame rate problem is likely caused by issues with the graphics card being used and their settings. If this is a notebook make sure you have set the game to use the GPU and not the built in graphics adapter and check out this tread for possible settings that will help graphic performance:
  12. Yep, and that is why many people with actual expertise are careful about how confident they seem - they know they don't know everything. Meanwhile non experts who watched a few hours of a documentary say with confidence how sure they are. Sigh - we humans can act pretty spacey. My son is currently a PhD candidate at McGill and really likes going to those presentations at his university. I love hearing about them. Learning is fun.
  13. It sounds like it's working but slower than you expected. I'm not sure what kind of timings are "correct" but I do know that we players tend to be an impatient lot and think we should not have to wait. My guess is that if the info is flowing then it will get there and be a reasonable simulation of reality. If you really think it is too slow you might need to get some real life accounts to support it and see what everyone thinks.
  14. Heck yeah I'm on board for adding the Canadians too!
  15. Use a tool such as @Kevin2k suggests to un pack the patch into a new empty folder. Then run the setup program as @LukeFF says. Just make sure you have first un packed the patch file into a new empty folder.
  16. Unzip it to a new empty folder and run the setup program inside said new folder. Notice I say new folder twice that was on purpose it's vitally important!
  17. Who knows. I use up votes for stuff I like that is relevant to CM and like for the odd thing that is funny or interesting but not CM related. Those are just my personal thoughts.
  18. They are for the major version. Normally all 2.xx patches will patch a 2.00 to the latest version of 2 but will not bring 1.xx up to version 2 for that you need the specific update for updating the engine version. If you are keeping up with versions it is easy to download and install each patch as they come. If you skip a bunch or don't do an engine update or are installing on a new computer then following all the baby steps is needlessly tiresome. Which is why the fully up to date full installer is available.
  19. Yeah the actual mechanics and setup for demoing a bridge is longer than the typical scenario. So BFC decided it would work as @domfluff described. Also as @domfluff says artillery can destroy a bridge. But direct tank fire can too. There are no intermediate damage models for most (all?) bridges so you will not get feedback that your HE is having an effect until on turn it collapses.
  20. The target profile of each soldier is based on their model. There is a little abstraction but standing is larger profile than kneeling etc. So, the hiding soldiers will have a target profile equal to their individual posture.
  21. Here are a couple of other threads on the topic: Some messed up images in the above post but the thumbnails show the full images OK. and
  22. Yep, its not that hard to plan for that but it does take a little work upfront. I have not used WinRAR for a long long time. As soon as tools like 7-zip started supporting RAR I switched away. I never liked the RAR format much so I was happy to let that app go.
  23. This is already how the game works... One player starts the QB and chooses a password. The game is saved and sent to the other guy, who also chooses a password and then goes to the screen to purchase forces. Game is saved again, goes back to the first guy who selects his forces. I think he is referring to single player. In that case you can only save once both sides' forces have been selected.
  24. There could be a server problem - your best bet is to open a support ticket: Battlefront Help desk They will get you up and running.
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