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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Don't be confused. The AI does *NOT* have any special protection. If someone has tests that show otherwise lets see them. Such claims have to be near the top of the ridiculous pile of BS made on here.
  2. What he concludes is 100 percent incorrect. Preparatory fire can be effective and cause casualties.
  3. I am unaware of such a bug... Just checked nothing known. Let me know if you can reproduce it. 28 minute delay seems very long to me too BTW.
  4. Yep, now when you purchase you get a key that works on either OS so you can choose where you want to pay the game. There was a time when they were separate keys but not any more.
  5. The TO&E in game is meticulously researched. Sure, errors do occasionally occur but the chances are low that there is an error like this. StG 44s are in the game so chances are they are just issued to the unit or in the time frame you thought. I don't remember who the author of that campaign is. What time frame and unit formation were you looking at in the editor? Perhaps then someone, for example, @akd would be able to shed some light.
  6. Steve has discussed some of the issues with LOS and trees. Your example might be something different but you might like to read this if you haven't seen it already.
  7. Not for nuttin but you have access to it. You can see for yourself. LOL yep. I told me self.
  8. Yep. I personally would like a true WYSYG mode for fog, darkness, blizzards etc. but that would have to be toggle-able so you could actually play - as @ASL Veteran correctly points out. I think it would be pretty cool to follow a unit through the fog seeing what they can really see. Like smoke now. Not to mention it would put to rest some of the "why can't my guys see that <insert big scary thing here> right in front of them". OK it wouldn't really stop those posts but we could turn them all into: OP: "Why can't my guys see that <insert big scary thing here> right in front of them. The game is broken" The rest of us: "Have you toggled on True Visibility (tm) mode? OP: "Oh"
  9. Yeah it's a weird name. Yes, it is a new system. They are hooking into the Slytherin PBME lobby system. For BFC it is the third iteration of PBME, first was the CM1 games then the CM2 games and now the Slytherine lobby. Yes, the current CM2 PBME will still work - so I have been told.
  10. Really, you want them to ship it if it still has major problems? I get it we all want it but fixating on some specific date isn't really magical. So, personally I'd rather it work than be released.
  11. I am not seeing any more of the running towards the enemy bug at all. Play a lot and I am no longer using my work around for the bug and I have not seen it again since it was fixed. As far as I know BFC considers it fixed. So, if you guys see it please save the turn and PM me or your favourite tester.
  12. A rare pic of it sitting in Steve's driveway
  13. Correct. We love the SMGs but WW2 soldiers didn't really view them all that favourably. My experience is extremely limited (only shot one mag of a 1980s SMG) but I don't blame them. I would rather have a battle rifle than and SMG any day of the week.
  14. Interesting. My guess is this is a limitation of the world box but that's just a guess. Either way it's a bug so I logged it. I doubt it will rank very high but it's recorded.
  15. Pretty cool eh? Steve has been very tight lipped on this only confirming it happened and never even hinting at who our benefactor might be. If you are reading this - THANKS! Kickstarter - that hasn't come up in a while. IIRC Steve isn't interested in dealing with it himself. I'm not sure how fans could use it. Can you even setup a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for something that you hope to convince another company to do but have no way to even ensure your proposal would even be considered?
  16. Obviously only Steve can really answer this but the thought that jumped into my head was "how would adding additional setup work and an additional layer of bureaucracy involving people from two other companies help streamline anything?"
  17. That would be awesome. NATO arctic exercises. My dad tells stories about visiting the Norway, Swedish and Finish boarders back in his day.
  18. Well that last part is not correct. The rest of the platoon does get the information. I suppose you are not wrong about who gets it first and who gets it next. Adding that extra level would be pretty cool but there is more to doctrine that radio nets. I maintain that most of units behaving according to doctrine is really up to us (and scenario designers) when we issue orders.
  19. They do model who gets a radio and who doesn't and who reports to whom. That clearly has an effect. But otherwise doctrine is not in the CM model - its in our orders.
  20. Oh I hear ya. And frankly for businesses it makes a lot of sense - its more flexible and it funds better support. Or it better ties good support to funding. Usually Wheeeew. I'll rest easy. I don't really want to hate anything you guys do
  21. PM me a link to the saves or email if we already have exchanged email - I can never keep straight who I've talked to outside the forum and who I have not.
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