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  1. Thanks! I see that CM Helper is not really necessary but I will try it for a bit, until I get my sea legs!
  2. I have solved my problem. I wasn't saving the incoming files correctly from Dropbox correctly. I started to use CM Helper and I was still having problems. I would save the game and then it would not be in the Incoming email folder. When I looked at Dropbox, it appeared that there was a folder for each of the three games we'd started. But in reality, the moves were all in the initial folder I'd created for CMNB. I made the correction and just opened the first move of the first game I'd been unable to start and easily entered a password and sent the game back to my opponent. Thanks for the invitations to other games; I will wait until I get my first one completed!!!
  3. I am still stuck. From the CMNB manual: 1. You pick a Game and are prompted to create a password. This creates Game file 01 which is stored as an Outgoing file. You will find this file in CM:BN/ Games File/Outgoing Email. You send this to your partner 2. Your Partner (THIS IS ME) gets the 01 file and saves it in his Incoming Email Folder. 3. He (THIS IS ME) starts game and finds file 01 in the Saved Game portion of the Opening menu. 4. Partner (THIS IS ME) puts in password (THIS IS WHERE I ALWAYS GET STUCK. ) and a new file 02 will be generated to be sent to you. Today my opponent sent me another game via Dropbox. Using CM Helper, I launched the game. All going well until it asks for a password: I enter and I keep getting the same message: ***INCORRECT PASSWORD: Please try again.*** Because I am unable to enter a password, I cannot generate a file to send to my opponent.
  4. Thanks for all the help! I think we are getting there.
  5. OK; my opponent has sent me his first move via email instead of depositing it in Dropbox. I saved it to the Incoming Email folder. I then started the game and selected the first move. I am asked for a password so I enter one and I'm told that it's incorrect. I do this five times and each time get a message telling me my password is incorrect. How do people ever play this game?
  6. With another person. He has just said that when he started the file it never opened and went straight to send. Neither of us has played CMBN much; me not at all. He will resend and I will try again. Will keep you posted.
  7. I am puzzled why this game is so difficult to start! I save an email game. I open the game and Load Saved Game. I click Fight. I enter Password. I save email game. Then nothing happens; shouldn't the game begin? If not, how do I start the game?
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