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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Just for fun I have a small update: @MikeyD updated the CF uniforms. Now they look even better:
  2. From your Upgrade 4 (mine is for the big bundle but yours could be for just one game) order page - click on the sharefile url Pick the game you want (it is possible that if you just bought one game's upgrade that you will not see this page and go directly to the installers page): That will show you the installers screen. You want the one that says full for whichever platform you like: That should take you to the screen where you can download the game: I do not even think you have to uninstall what you have. The good thing about this installer is that it will make sure you have all the content on your HD and all you have to do is activate what you purchased (other modules and packs will still be on your HD but you will not be able to play them - but they will be right there just wanting for you to spend more money) I hope that works for you - if not I am sure support can sort out whatever is screwy.
  3. Your v4 upgrade link will take you to a link where you can download load either the update installer or the full installer. You probably won't even have to activate things again.
  4. To follow on from this. Having the old scenarios to use is great but as @Combatintman says new ones and updated old ones will be available. The progress of the game and authoring tools has helped scenario authors do better and better work. Each new game release has included even better scenarios than the last. Nostalgia aside, start with the scenarios that ship with the new game then move to any new ones or updates that people do before going to original ones. Just MHO
  5. This is what my order fro CM Battle for Normandy looks like: Shipment # 1 - Shipment status: Pending CM Battle for Normandy Engine 1 CMBN-BGV1 https://battlefront.sharefile.com/d-<redacted>a <<<<<<< This is the download link Activation Code(s): <redacted> Of course yours will not say "Engine 1" but you get the idea.
  6. Shhhhh, Steve might raise the prices if he figures that out.
  7. That certainly is possible. They have not done a building pack yet so I am not sure how likely it Is. But it is possible.
  8. How is this preemptive? Someone just two posts about @MikeyD was complaining that modular buildings were not added. Great. That's excellent. We can and should ask for what we want.
  9. Yes, this is one of the reasons our games move along at a quicker pace.
  10. Step back? :confused: CMSF1 doesn't have this feature. The strongest legitimate criticism you can make is that CMSF2 does not go as far as you would like with adding content from other Tittles. Nothing is straightforward. There is no free lunch. There is no such thing as a one day task. What is added or not is trade off between art work, development and testing time for each and every new thing. Steve has to decide which gets added and which does not. He made his pics. You don't agree - your disagreement has been registered we get it. No one ever called it a kludge. It is feature work.
  11. There is not core units file stored in the campaign. The core unit file is used to mark the units that are core fore each scenario. Well that sucks - that was my thought. Do you get the same error? One possible thing you could try is with your core unit file you created go to each scenario and delete the units that came from the core unit file and then re-import the core unit file into each scenario (then delete the ones not used by the scenario and restore the AI groups, units objectives and reinforcements as they originally were). If the references to the core unit are done with some ID or other internal reference then having the names the same might not be enough.
  12. If nVidia had dropped OpenGL support the game would not even run. Sounds more like a driver bug. Have you reported it to them?
  13. Ah, that old thing :-). Personally I never like that feature so I'm not eager to see it return.
  14. Ah you are talking about the dynamic shading of the ground as you place way points for infantry. No, that is not mod-able.
  15. Yeah the cable news stations are bad / crazy news amplifiers too much of the time. My I humbly recommend the CBC's The National http://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational (about a half our of, mostly international, news followed by handful of investigation, short docs or interviews) and or The Current http://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent (a current event podcast / radio show that digs deeper into a selection of the current news). Clearly those are Canadian but frankly The National probably gives an appropriate amount of coverage to US events and international ones as well. If you watched the first half hour you would be in good shape. Then The Current goes deeper into various topics - I listen to the podcast and just skip the segments I'm not interested in. The full time host (on holidays for the summer) is probably the best interviewer I have ever heard - she does not interject her ideas but she also does not let people lie to her. It's awesome listening to her point out that her guest just tried to pass off BS.
  16. LOL OK. Which fit into the scenario we created perfectly. If the Syrians were looking for a place to attack the flank they would have pull back and picked another place. For sure - anything you like.
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