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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yep that's the icon. I could not find any reference in the home page html either. I cleared my Chrome cache just to be sure and it changed nothing. I vaguely remember setting that icon for a site of mine somewhere other than in the html for the site (i.e. on some special file in the root so the icon would be the default for the site). It is one of those things that you set and forget. Which is fine until you need to remember
  2. So this error means that the page is trying to load scripts via http instead of https. It is unlikely to be the reason that the login is not remembered but should be fixed. Google is probably already down grading such pages in their search algorithm. A look at the console reveals the likely problem - the favicon:
  3. Hummm I'm seeing something slightly different. FireFox is fine - remembers the log in and no errors. While Chrome works - remembers the log in but I get the same error:
  4. Yes, this comes up frequently and you have allies. People clearly have a desire to micro manage things . Steve has talked about the game design issues that lead to why it is the way it is in the past. I am sure I will not do it justice but the short version is that changing it would: 1 it add more work and adding more work is not desirable and 2 it would give the human play yet another advantage over the AI. I usually let my unit's TAC AI do it's thing and only using target to area fire or disambiguate multiple targets and only then rarely.
  5. Blush I am a beta tester - that's as far on the payroll I will likely get. It is nice trying out new stuff and helping to make things better for everyone. That's reasonable compensation.
  6. This, plus a hundred. Like the statement that a tank crew spent the entire game panicked. I have never seen anything even remotely like that. It would be an utter waste of time to try and reproduce it. Ken is being very kind saying it is not the customer's job to reproduce issues. I disagree totally. Given how this game is developed you either accept the games behaviour as it is (not talking about blatant bugs - as designed behaviour) or *you* spend the time reproducing the behaviour in game and doing the research to show that the behaviour is incorrect. Oh and expect some constructive criticism and even some arguing. We are all adults here (nearly :-) and we should be able to handle some discussion and push back here and there.
  7. Well I guess you have to send them a message to say "no it's not". Out here it's just a bunch of other customers.
  8. Ah, the simplified install has caused confusion for you. As @sburke alluded to BFC changed the way they do things. If you have CMFI 3 then the correct thing for you would be to download the full installer, you can find attached to your v3 update purchase. It is big but it has everything. You will not even have to activate anything since it sounds like you already have.
  9. They are afraid of failure. Sounds goofy. Can you share a save? That way I can look at the terrain etc and try and repeat it.
  10. You mean seeing the names on the list of orders? Yeah that is not a feature of the store. Nothing Steve can do but make a feature request to the store provider.
  11. That is definitely not right, at this point everyone's orders are supposed to be there. Open a support ticket for that.
  12. Scenario files are not stored with the game. Look in the my documents/Battlefront/Fortress Italy /scenarios folder or the equivalent on the Mac.
  13. Well the target command should work. Do they also have a pause order?
  14. Oh I totally get what you are trying to do. Just teasing.
  15. Not with the game settings no. One thing that you could consider is creating a set of icons that are totally transparent. Then you could swap in the red transparent icons when you play blue and visa versa. Yep
  16. Ahh, CM1 operations are not at all like a true operational layer that people actually want. CM1 operations are like a series of quick battles where the front like moves as battles are win and lost. I see no point in looking to CM1 for inspiration.
  17. No. The new licensing system used by everything other than the original shock force does not need un-licensing. The new system has some number of activations allowed stored in the license server. Once you hit that you will not be allowed to license it but you can contact support and get more. Way back I remember that the initial number was 4. Bottom line is that most likely you will license the games on the new machine and all will be well. If not then open a support ticket and they will sort things out. New support link is here: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/ click on the blue new ticket button
  18. Minute 158: Orders No new orders repositioning members of 14 platoon. The squad from 15 Platoon on KT3 need to spread out more. I split the teams and have them crawling forward . To ambush whatever is coming up the valley I will move one of the C2s to a position where they can be hull down to the valley floor a head of where the contacts are. I want the enemy to move into our LOF not the other way around. This shows a good example of how I use the hull down command. I laid down some basic move orders to get close to the location I want to be. Then I switched to the hull down command and picked a spot where I would be OK with ending up. From there I use the target command on the hull down command’s way point to pick the area I want to be hull down to. In this case it is the valley floor. The hull down way point location has hillside rising up to the left, so the location where the enemy is now does not have LOS to my new location. I also verify that that previous way point does *not* have LOS to the location I want to be hull down to. This is so the hull down command can work its magic – when the vehicle starts the hull down command it cannot see the location of interest and as vehicle moves along the hull down route it will watch for when I can see the location of interest and stop when it can.
  19. Minute 1:59-1:58: Things started to happen. The sniper team at Rutsey acquired a couple of sound contacts near the road. Looks likely to be a tank and an IFV. Right at the end of the turn the sniper spotted an ATGM team. As the turn ended he was taking a bead for a head shot. First blood could be mine. In the shot below look carefully in the right hand side of the upper pane of the window. A wider shot of the sniper aiming. The infantry at KT3 also can hear armoured vehicles in the valley below. Infantry moving to KT8. One of them carrying a SRAAW.
  20. I am not seeing the disposable M72 LAW on my troops but the larger re-loadable launchers are there. I'll check what the intent is. Yes. At night units equipped with night vision will wear them. That I do not know about. This is set in 2008 - were they in use on C9s at that time. I see from the Wikipedia page for the C79 that the were designed to fit on the C9. I could not confirm their use in the field though. Does anyone know about that?
  21. Yes, I agree not a good permanent place. They are really far back from the non action so just there for a better view. I'll get them downstairs before anyone gets close.
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