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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Thank you @Bil Hardenberger I am game any time for an official public rematch when the Beta for space lobsters (or whatever is next) comes along. Heck if you are ever in need of an opponent for any game drop me a line - I'll probably be doing the same.
  2. Straight out of @Bil Hardenberger's lessons from the previous AAR. I have been doing a pretty good job at positioning armour for a while now but I spent too much time just parked in the same good place. Not this time. After seeing Bil so expertly handle his armour in the previous AAR I resolved to make a better effort. Yeah, I copied the master. Imitation is the sincerest form or flattery.
  3. Interesting note on this one. It was an AT LAV (TOW) that did this. Over at the village objective I had two Leos and two AT LAVs. The Leos were in key hole positions but had lots of additional choice locations but the LAVs were supposed to be just hiding. Exposing light armoured vehicles when you don't know what is coming and from where is a bad idea. But it turns out those little one story buildings are *not* actually enough to hide behind. So when the missile flew I was just as surprised as you were. After that I tweaked the position of the other LAV (it was behind a two story building) so it could peak around the corner and get eyes on the area to your right of the farm. He actually got the second TOW kill.
  4. That's actually a good question because my FOW icons are not normally tactical but are the in game ones restyled to match the look of the other ones. @Bil Hardenberger has a good point though unless the light and heavy armour icons are on screen at the same time it is nearly impossible to tell what you are looking at. I'm going to have to test that. Thanks @IICptMillerII I believe you helped me test those. They were based on my CMBS icons I forget how much tweaking was needed - or not. I have not even tested them out yet. It's on the list....
  5. Yep TRP. coming in at the 5min mark was just a coincidence. I was thrilled that a mortar call using a TRP comes in in under a minute. I am also happy to see that it had the desired effect.
  6. Interesting. Meanwhile I was expecting you to come over the top Also interesting that my tank was not positively ID'ed from its MG fire. So cool reading your AAR...
  7. I guess that was a small surprise then. My dismounted teams on this ridge gave me a huge amount of information on what was going on. I am curious to see if they were spotted at all. They never took any fire so I figured they were not.
  8. I considered that but apart from being unsporting I have had many bad experiences with C2s facing T72s so I didn't think it would necessarily end in my favour. And that's one important aspect of what happened. Close meaning close to you? My thoughts on that were that the open area would make it hard for me to withdraw over after you took Star Hill. I figured I had a chance to get back from Snake Ridge but no way anyone was going to get back from Start Hill. So instead I decided to dominate that ground from key hole positions in the village.
  9. I don't think so. I am not away or CF purchasing any in RL but what do I know. In the normal order of battle the AT role is filled by TWOs, Carl G's and LAWs
  10. Now that I have wrapped up my thread - I'm just starting to read this. Cool Kind words in deed - Guess where I learned a lot of my techniques? That's right from @Bil Hardenberger . Bil has been raising the bar on tactics since the beginning. I read his posts carefully and his blog too. Thanks Bil
  11. Thank you and glad you enjoyed it. I am not sure I'll be able to repeat that next time - I am usually a hang on by my fingernails scrap for every meter of land kind of player.
  12. Minute 148: Victory And that's game. Canadian army victory. With no casualties! Sounds like the my defensive plan to stay back and pick off the enemy as they moved forward under observation worked. The Syrian army did secure Rutsey but I never planned to hold that. Again no Canadian casualties so no points there. Wow I am surprised by that but I am sure Bil could have pushed further and caused some even if they might not have been any more successful I also did not have any one on objective Jones so no credit for that. But no one could have pulled back from that location safely so it made sense to leave it unguarded. Scored a few points for causing casualties. The tanks on KT3 each scored a BMP and a handful of casualties. The enemy ATGM I was targeting with mortar fire was not doing very well. Interesting a few tanks I had not seen yet. I suppose they were waiting for other forces to deal with my tanks on KT3. The enemy poised to move onto Rutsey. The artillery kills are scored by the caller now. Some combination of the original mortar fire and the later 105 call. Artillery kills associated with the caller – this time the second mortar call. A final look at the battlefield.
  13. Minute 1:49-1:48: As the smoke builds the sniper team pulls back. Artillery continues to fall on the enemy. A BMP shows itself on objective Rutsey and is taken out by a tank.
  14. My bold - I would favour trying this first. Having some of the initial force arrive as reinforcements would fit with your goal:
  15. Minute 149: Orders Members of 15 Platoon are still resting before moving to their new position. Area fire from the tanks on KT3 continues against the previously spotted ATGM team. The sniper team will let their smoke form before sprinting back to cover. A view of the mortar fire mission. A view of the 105mm fire mission.
  16. Minute 1:50-1:49: Some fire continues to land near the sniper team as the prepare to drop their own smoke screen... Grenades ready to go... Grenades in the air... Smoke starting to form. Other good things happen. The AT LAV that moved forward last turn finds something to target. and scores a dramatic hit. 105mm artillery begins to fall around the enemy advancing on Rutsey. While mortars continue to drop on the ATGM team near KT1. Another BMP is spotted over near KT11... It is promptly dispatched. As requested here is an overview of the battlefield with the icons turned on.
  17. As you guys already know @Bil Hardenberger has called this game. That happened just as my house painting weekend started so I have two turns to post before this thread is caught up. Then I'll pop over and comment on Bil's thread. I was / am honored to do battle with Bil since his skill is well known and documented. To say I have come out on top is an understatement. Thank you Bil for a fun game and I want to thank you for inspiring me to do more planning for this battle than I have for previous. I am going to continue to do that for future battles. "Plans are worthless, but planning is everything." Dwight D. Eisenhower
  18. Actually I don't really like those two mixed together at all. I would prefer to see them separated - then given more triggers. Not sure we need more objectives.
  19. Well said. This is huge. I don't think we always appreciate how great this really is. Well, some of us forget from time and others seem to wilfully disregard it
  20. Interesting. I suppose it could be but then the MP 40 should be the same. I think.
  21. Oh that would not be correct - it should be firing Are the ranges comparable in your testing. I ask because range will matter for the squad's choice of what to fire.
  22. What you guys are saying is not wrong. But I wish to point out this is a game and as such a balance needs to be stuck to allow playability. When looking at actual combat footage the enemy are completely unseen at all times more times than visible. If we truly got 100% realistic we would not enjoy playing. IMHO.
  23. Sorry that didn't work. I not clear on what you did with support. If you open a ticket someone in the support team will help you sort it out.
  24. Try entering as much of your email as it will accept. I know it sounds strange but it has worked for some. If that fails then contact support. https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com
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