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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. Great mission Webwing! I got wasted pretty hard, but I was really distracted. Once I get back home, I'll be rolling up my sleeves and diving into it again. Thanks!
  2. Check out my mission "Afghani Stan". It's a special forces mission. I have them set as elite, and I think that is about right (they are!). Play it and/or check it out in design mode to see what you would like to do differently. I really like the small sf missions. You really feel like you have control of your guys. I had plans to make more but got caught up with the mod manager and life in general. If you could make another good one, I would love to play it!
  3. You can move to the tower no problem, then blow a hole in the wall, pop smoke, and send guy up the tower. From there, you can blow the hell out of anything with artillery, snipers, and javelins.
  4. Man, those new vehicles look BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait!
  5. Salam, The best advice I can give is to play as though those little guys are YOUR men. You don't want to be writing letters to anyones family about how good of a guy they were. There are many ways to skin a cat... so you don't really have to follow any particular gameplan except your own. Think of it as a complex chess game. Go slow. Human waves will only get your guys killed. Try to advance in groups, keeping some guys available to cover. When the moving group gets to their destinations, then the covering group can move up. Your tanks aren't invincible. Don't rush them up. Use them as support when needed if possible. Try not to expose flanks. Learn to use the movement commands. They are very useful for different situations. Just play! Luckily, these aren't real lives your leading into combat, so you can learn valuable lessons and start over at any time. Keep playing and you'll be a bonafied tactitian in no time!
  6. I've played this one 2 or 3 times in the past. Great scenario, but I'll have to try again with 1.11 due to the things cmfan mentioned. Can't wait!
  7. I don't know what video card you're using, but I've had to revert back to an older set of ATI drivers. That might help you.
  8. When I had to actually dig foxholes, we were required to make a 36 inch "parapet" (a small wall of dirt in front of the fighting position), that was supposed to stop a bullet. Obviously, an HE tank round would obliterate 3 feet of dirt and anyone behind it. Firing from a tank as the picture shows? Maybe a sabot would punch through first shot, I don't know. An HE round might create a crater, and displace the dirt into the foxhole, burying the poor guy hiding inside. Otherwise, maybe the tank should target the rear of the foxhole instead, and kill the guy with shrapnel.
  9. SkinnedPuppy, although your name horrifies me,(), those are great ideas. I was able to sort by columns in an app I made for work, and it didn't take very long at all. Great idea. Colored fonts may also be fairly easy, but I'll have to look into that. Birdstrike and Dietrich, no problem. I looked into something that resized the forms according to your resolution, but it may be much easier to resize the forms myself and just make a high res version. Maybe some time in january I'll be able to do that. Other than some requests for improvements, I'm happy to say that I've received a lot of good feedback! I'm happy that it's working out for cmsf fans!
  10. Yes, the most you can do is try to use the closest equipment possible and repaint the skins. However, there are european terrain mods that make everything green. The rest is up to your imagination.
  11. I'd still like to see detailed hits and "score cards" that let you know who killed what. I won't even comment on the HUGE RED BUTTON. ;P
  12. You'll find that all of these user made mods will really improve your gaming experience quite a bit, so I'm glad your checking them out. Using mods was confusing to me too. That's one reason I created the mod manager. The problem is that you can't just dump all of your mods in the z folder. Instead, you have to pick and choose what you want to use. For example, you want to play a gulf war battle, so you need your gulf war era uniforms. You would have to dig down to your z folder and take out uniform mods and put in the new ones. With the mod manager, it's much easier. You can attach whatever mod you want to whatever scenario or campaign. Beware though, you must completely close cmsf when switching mods. Check out scipios stuff. Normal Dude also seems to be the king of uniforms. There's a lot of great stuff out there, and with the mod manager it'll be easy enough to experiment and find the combinations that suit you. P.S. Sorry for the self-promoting commercial, but it really does help. You can PM me if you have any questions and I'd be happy to help.
  13. Mord, Thanks for everything. To do what you are doing is a very honorable thing. We will miss having you around and will miss your kickass modding. Godspeed to you and your new brothers in arms. You mentioned before that you wanted to go to Afghanistan. 2009 is looking like it's going to be a hell of a fight, and may even decide the fate of the war. If you end up going there, you'll be a part of history forever. Just PROMISE to keep your head on a swivel and don't trust a single damn one of those Afghans no matter what. Like someone said earlier, incoming has the right of way, so don't be too brave! Thanks for you service. We are all proud of you and hope you nothing but the best. Good luck with the newest chapter of your life and we'll be keeping you in our prayers. HOOAH!!!
  14. Is that the smell of crack or meth? Merry Christmas to all. Take 2 seconds to think about all those guys sitting up on some lonesome outpost, freezing their asses off on some mountaintop in Afghanistan, wishing they were toasty warm next to a fireplace and a Christmas tree. They are giving us a great gift by doing so, and I think we should all take some time to pray for them. Take care, and I hope you all get what you want!
  15. C3K, Sorry, I think you've got a good point. I always play in rt mode and wasn't thinking about wego, where you can only make adjustments every minute. In rt mode, it's easy enough to just pause the game at any time and give any orders needed. Playing this way, laying down suppressing fire whenever needed is a snap. In wego, I think that would frustrate me as well. Good observation. Otherwise, the 1.11 patch is a marked improvement over 1.10.
  16. Normal Dude, Next time you get the itch to make some new uniforms, I've got a couple requests for you to consider... 1. A Navy SEAL wetsuit with woodland camo or green gear. That would be sweet. 2. Something you mentioned a while back... tiger stripes. 3. Ghillie suit texture. I know it might not look right up close, but from a slightly zoomed out perspective, it might look cool. 4. Realtree for my Kentucky mod... just kidding ;D I'm not demanding, just trying to give some ideas for your next project. Anyone else who can mod uniforms can go for it too.
  17. George, you're the man. Your stuff is always top notch, can't wait to kick some Syrian buttox.
  18. C3K, I absolutely agree with the premise of your argument, BUT in-game, that's what area fire is for. Whenever I notice an rpg or something and I can't see the shooter, I area fire to try to keep him down until I get out of the area. Hope that helps. As far a 1.11 goes, it's working great for me. I've only seen a couple of MINOR things... once I saw a guy fall from the roof to the bottom floor, then shoot back up to the roof (NOT a big deal at all). Also, the edges of the setup zones kinda fuzz out a bit. Again, not a big deal. Since I'm away, I installed it on a laptop and it works great! The loading times are much faster, it plays smoothly, etc. I was also very pleased to see that my vehicles were following my waypoints. GREAT JOB and thanks for all the hard work!!! Merry Christmas
  19. My first video game was Combat. It came with the atari 2600 way back in '83. When I was a kid, I learned about my great great grandpa who fought in several civil war battles. So I went to the library (before google we actually had to go get a library card, look for books using the dewey decimal system, check the books out, and read them in order to learn about things) and checked out a ton of books about the war. I ended up creating my own civil war battle game, complete with a large paper map and cardboard chits! The map was a bridge crossing and the chits represented roughly a platoon of men. I even made my own rulebook. Too bad I never really got to play anyone (a.i. would have been nice at that point). When I was in the military, wargames were like a trip to disney land for me. I loved it. Now? Now I play CMSF, which keeps my inner wargamer satisfied. One of the main reasons I keep coming back to this forum is for the exceptional maturity and friendliness of it inhabitants. Thanks guys, and have a great Christmas/New Year.
  20. Dan, I had the SAME problem. I reverted back to the previous video card driver and it worked fine. I have ati x850. When I installed the newest drivers, it totally screwed up the game. Reverting back fixed it. Hope that helps.
  21. It may be possible. I created it in 1024 x 768. I think there is a utility that increases the size, but I'll have to look into it. If I do happen to implement that, it won't be until some time in January.
  22. Hey guys, I was just wondering if the mod manager was working for you. Are you using it? Any complaints? Suggestions for improvements?
  23. I've tried the second mission 5 times and cannot seem to pass. I've tried to approach from the right, the left (3 times), and the middle. I tried to punch a hole with a lightning fast attack and also tried staying back and fighting from a distance. Maybe I'm just unlucky, because I have guys getting capped from enemies 500m away. I wasted thousands of rounds trying to kill a sniper up on the hill and thought he was dead, only to approach and lose several more guys to him. I also can't seem to get my pickups anywhere near the objective. What am I doing wrong? I feel like I'm using sound tactics, but I'm either running out of ammo or dying, or both. And when a couple of guys buy the farm, I lose the campaign.
  24. Awesome work, Normal Dude. Those are some of the most impressive screen shots I've seen!
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