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  1. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to IICptMillerII in Is Combat Mission BS worth the steep 60$ US?   
    LMFAO. He says, not realizing the irony of the statement, in which he is literally dictating the financial freedoms of BFC. Frankly, if you're too poor to afford a $60 game, then don't buy it. Get Shock Force, which is $15, or is that too expensive for you too?
    No one cares about your whining, and BFC isn't going to change their prices based on your entitled opinion that you deserve the product of their labor at a price you determine.
    Someone tag based Steve and burn this thread down. It's only getting worse from here. 
    Honestly, the quality of posts here on the forums has taken a serious nose dive. Good grief...
  2. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to sburke in Is Combat Mission BS worth the steep 60$ US?   
    You seem to have your mind made up. Not sure what you are looking for.  Typically when people give you reasons why something has value, you don’t argue with them why it doesn’t. You don’t have to accept their reasoning, but you don’t engage in a debate.
    you liked CMSF..  no cmbs isn’t a different game engine, but unit capabilities etc are significantly different. Hell you have drones. You’ll have to make up your own mind but if playing the demo doesn’t convince you then what exactly are you looking for here that will?
    help us to answer your doubts but most folks here bought it and likely own CMSF as well and will likely buy CMSF2 when it is released. It’s like asking a deadhead if you should collect every concert. They’ll just wonder why you are asking a question when it is so obvious the answer is of course.
  3. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to para in New movie   
    Not sure if this has already been reported on here.
  4. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to Mord in Mord's CMFB Unit Portraits Mod   
    Well, my trial version of Elements was running out so I pulled the trigger and got the full version on Amazon at 40% off last night.  So, looks like I am back in the modding game.
    Here's what I need help with. I need a list of German Divisions that were in the Western European Theater from October 44  to May 45. Not having to reaserch this will cut at least a month off the time it'll take to get this mod made. So, if you guys want a portrait mod I could use the research help.
    (Following cut and pasted from my RT mod thread)
    If you choose to do it, this is how I'd like to see the divisions listed;
     For Heer:
    (number) Inf Div
    (number)Pz Div
    (number) Pz Gren Div
    For Luftwaffe:
    (number) Luft Div
    (number) Fals Div
    For Waffen SS:
    (number) SS Div
    (number) SS Pz Div
    (number) SS Pz Gren Div
    For Volksgrenadier
    (Number) Volks Gren Div
    Keep all the branches together and div types together like above (Heer Infantry first, Heer Panzers second etc. with the division in numerical order), and I can easily scan through them without jamming my brain up. Seeing that is how I name the bmps when I mod them it's like muscle memory and makes it easier on me.
    You guys could keep adding to the list, and when the next guy has new stuff just cut and paste the list into your post with the updated divisions.
    An example of what I am talking about would look like this;
    85th Inf Div
    89th Inf Div
    148th Inf Div
    2nd Pz Div
    9th Pz Div
    11th Pz Div
    When Fizou helped me (with the  RT mod) he got a lot of his info from the Panzer Campaign series, if any of you own them they are a good place to start.
  5. Like
    Fizou reacted to Kuderian in Combat in woods - clip from TV series   
    Don't worry John. Rep points are for for pubescent girls As someone once said "Don't let the Buggers get you down!"
  6. Like
    Fizou reacted to John Kettler in Combat in woods - clip from TV series   
    Krupp stahl insufficient vs murderous Russian die rolls!  Would you believe four sixes (Kills) in six dice rolled in one group firing alone?! Situation further degraded by failure (through ignorance) to voluntarily employ Down, use carried over Down to roll D6 divided by 2 Pin removals and also properly use officer to remove Pins when ordering a Pinned unit to fire. Brother Ed discovered all this later, along with the fact I'd forgotten the Hitler's Buzz Saw German special rule (which I never learned, since Ed has the BA rules and the German book) which adds a D6 to the German MMG, maddeningly referred to in the rules as an HMG. The German MMG thus rolls 6 D6, instead of a D5. Time and again Ed's DPs smashed my LMG and, later, the MMG added, after being wiped out three games running. The Germans, despite a telescopic sight and a NCO with binos, have the same range as other MMGs. Gah! Also galling is that one turn of run will bring men into rifle range vs an MMG. Ridiculous. In all games my men (full standard squad with LT added when reinforced) were in Hard Cover on a ridge, but DPs and, as he closed, massed rifle fire, wrecked even that war effort. I completely stalled his main attack in Game 4 (2 squads with piles of Pins) but couldn't get a decent die roil to save my life to exploit this. My defense collapsed under close assault by his LT and another guy with PPSH41 as well. Killed one thanks to an Ambush order, but lost the all-important turn draw, resulting in the end of all my remaining men. Total force annihilation and an HSU to the valiant and impetuous Russian leytenant! 

    It was great to play, doubtless beneficial to my brain from integrating mental work with tactile activities, took pressure off me from brother George who provided my troops and was annoyed they'd seen battle only one outing prior and long ago, but the relentless successive failures were very hard to take. We weren't playing points, just my dug-in squad or squad reinforced with an LT and an MMG vs Ed's 22 man Russian rifle platoon. Lack of fire groups was a big problem, but with the MMG and the LT, I was able to field four. It also occurs to me that we should've looked to see what snow would've done to his movement.
    Not beneficial to my brain was a dreadful card game called Crazy Letters. Had you deliberately designed a game to hit my cognitive weak spots, you couldn't have done much better than this. Lots of visual noise, an array of colors, letters not only in various jumbles and orientations, but not necessarily what they looked like--all processed on the fly under acute time pressure from people with lightning quick information processing and the ability to call out the word. Ed swept the field with 20, while I had 0.  Two others played, but nobody was close to Ed's score. Did very well with the now insanely priced decades old Naval War (80 pounds) but lost the next night playing Nuclear War, also very pricey. We used to play the original so much we wore down the damage wheel, but his was a larger format later version with a plastic spinner instead of the steel one sported by the original. There was also some game in which you used clues to figure out the word. Got 1 in that game. 

    Won't be entering tournaments any time soon!

    John Kettler
  7. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to John Kettler in Combat in woods - clip from TV series   
    Regarding my negative post rating, that's because there are some rabid haters here (imagine that) who routinely down vote my posts and have for some time , while most Forumites simply don't rate posts at all. Such are the realities of human nature and busy people focused on CM, not voting. What's being done to savage my rep is a great well-poisoner when newbies notice and ask why. That's when items I'm been asked not to/am not allowed to discuss get trotted out, yet I'm powerless to defend myself. All I can really do is let my CM posts do the talking  for me. 
    John Kettler
  8. Like
    Fizou reacted to John Kettler in Combat in woods - clip from TV series   
    With nearly 15K posts to my name, I find it patently ridiculous that I, who have contributed mightily to the Forums since January 2000, should have anything but a sterling rep here. Therefore, the factors I have described above would appear to be pertinent. Believe the rep feature is relatively recent, so down votes nowish can undo a great deal of otherwise invisible good rep. That the well is being poisoned is indisputable, for several times I've seen one of the usual suspects jump in to trash me in the eyes of newbies, said trashing being done by characteristically hitting me in ways where I can't defend myself directly. Would love to see the rep feature killed outright.

    John Kettler
  9. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to AttorneyAtWar in CM: Battle of the Bulge Stream gameplay   
    This is from ChrisND's stream that aired today, enjoy guys, and thanks Chris!
  10. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to Sequoia in Preview of the first Battle Pack   
    So Jon are you back? How was the trip and more importantly how is the Pack coming along?
  11. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to LukeFF in why is the game so expensive   
  12. Upvote
    Fizou got a reaction from waclaw in HQS 2.0 CMBN.CMRT.CMFI   
    Awesome waclaw. I missed the latest updates but will check them out tonight  
  13. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to waclaw in HQS 2.0 CMBN.CMRT.CMFI   
    g43, and new rain
  14. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to waclaw in HQS 2.0 CMBN.CMRT.CMFI   
    improved and new ricochets, inspired by the film "Fury" - highly recommended!
    copy and paste files to the directory: z / sound / bullets and shells / ricochets
  15. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to kipanderson in Replaces Closing With the Enemy as best CM relevant book on tactics…   

    Stout Hearts: The British and Canadians in Normandy 1944. By Ben Kite.

    Many of you will know that almost by tradition now the Michael Doubler book Closing With the Enemy has been considered the best overall CM relevant guide to tactics in WWII. But each to their own of course. As it deals with explaining how the Americans did things when they went well after many lessons learnt you hear little of other ways of doing things but still superb, detailed explanation of real world WWII tactics.

    Stout Hearts does the same but following the adventures of the Commonwealth forces in Normandy. It is a bigger, fuller book. An incredibly detailed and well written explanation of how battalions really did fight the war. Lots and lots of detail on tactics. Wonderfully illustrated by first hand counts, but also clearly explained from a more serious, lessons learnt perspective. The two are welded together as in no other book of the many hundreds I have read on military history.

    The fact that it follows the adventures of the Commonwealth forces should not put anyone off. As the Doubler book hopefully did not put off those who are not American. Such as myself.

    The tactics are relevant to all nations. An example is the detailed passages on the use of anti-tank guns. Near always setup to fire through side armour. Explains why even the Soviets with their ubiquitous light weight but low energy76mm guns could often halt any German, medium armour unit. The 76mm gun could penetrate the side armour of a Panther, let alone Mark IVs, at 45 degree strike angles out to and beyond 1,000m. In “village Russia..” or Ukraine you see this when Panther battalions were ground to halt trying to fight their way into the Korsun Pocket.. to give one example. They had to clear a wide corridor by assaulting over quite long front or losses climbed quickly.

    But no matter.. If you are keen fan of CM I know of no better books on the tactics than the two mentioned above. The newer Stout Hearts being the bigger better book but that is no insult to Doubler as no doubt his book was a quicker product.

    Each to their own… .
    Lucky to CM at all..!
    All the best,
  16. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to Juju in [RELEASED] Juju's TweakedUI v5   
    Although I expected v4 (final) to be the definitive version of TweakedUI for CM:BN, it was -obviously- not to be.
    After many requests i've finally decided to update TweakedUI to include full support for CM:FI and its Gustav line module. There are also a few other tweaks/additions that affect both games:
    WHAT'S NEW IN v5:
    - CM:FI base game and Gustav line module are now fully supported.
    - New unique portraits for Canadian, Polish and NZ forces.
    - New Bren weapon slot icon.
    - Cosmetic updates to loading bars and command buttons.
    - Optional French language splash background for CM:BN.
    Get it now in at GaJ's ! The repository will follow shortly, as usual. NOTE: You will find this mod in the CM:BN section!


  17. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to A Canadian Cat in Campaigns,H2H Ever?   
    Oh, please, oh please
  18. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to Doug Williams in Soviet SMGs   
    I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love them when I'm Soviets, hate them when I'm Germans. Yep, when playing Germans....keep your distance.
  19. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to Juju in [RELEASED] Juju's TweakedUI v5   
    Although I expected v4 (final) to be the definitive version of TweakedUI for CM:BN, it was -obviously- not to be.
    After many requests i've finally decided to update TweakedUI to include full support for CM:FI and its Gustav line module. There are also a few other tweaks/additions that affect both games:
    WHAT'S NEW IN v5:
    - CM:FI base game and Gustav line module are now fully supported.
    - New unique portraits for Canadian, Polish and NZ forces.
    - New Bren weapon slot icon.
    - Cosmetic updates to loading bars and command buttons.
    - Optional French language splash background for CM:BN.
    Get it now in at GaJ's ! The repository will follow shortly, as usual. NOTE: You will find this mod in the CM:BN section!


  20. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to NPye in Getting into more complex builds. Is it worth it?   
    Introducing the Hotel de Normandie is this correct Frenchtouch? Cheers
  21. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to NPye in Getting into more complex builds. Is it worth it?   
    A few more in-game screens:

    A carrier comes off worse than the German Halftrack as usual.

    2 New Commercial Builds which works functionally as should.

    2 Churchills caught by a Stummel, one from the rear and one from the side.
  22. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to umlaut in Getting into more complex builds. Is it worth it?   
    Great minds think alike, eh?
    Here´s my version:

    screenshot windows
  23. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to NPye in Getting into more complex builds. Is it worth it?   
    Now for something completly different. lol Ok im looking to build a scenario with an airfield, see below:

    I think the hangar doors should be bigger as it would be a bit tight to get a Focke Wolfe 190 in there.

    Also ive made the runway from the gravel texture, has anyone else made a runway and what texture did you use?
    Cheers guys
  24. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to NPye in Getting into more complex builds. Is it worth it?   
    Hurrah ive done it big thanks guys, now i can post at my leisure, the red build I copied from Private Ryan Ramelle scenes.

    After careful study of French streets from the 1940s I realised not that much has changed,, ie, the shops have changed and if the town/city hadnt been bombed to much then the buildings still exist pretty much as they where, shops where generally side by side both sides of the street, then there would be industrial areas and historic buildings such as churches and then housesing areas just like today. This street is made up of hundreds of photoshop layers, taking bits from everywhere. Most of the windows are cut out from other builds and used on mine, the shop fronts i found online, then added the french signs and posters and flags to flavour the street up, all original period stuff.

    Ive almost completed this one but im not sure what to make it, I intended it to be a college, but it could be used as a chateau, school. What do ya think it should be.

    Here's a wider view.

    One thing i noticed from my observation that in French towns they use a lot of buildings with large arched doors, probably to fit horse drawn coaches way back, so i made this one.

    I stole the look of this one from BOB Its a commercial build and becuse of the limitations of window placement etc, it is based on the build and not a true replica which i have made in a modular build. In this instance it was essential that german soldiers could fire, enter and leave the build so I choose the commercial format.
    PS IanL that is something im gonna look into but i know from past experience is you can edit the windows but you cant edit the size of the windows and the frame shape around them, so they wouldnt ne no where near as good as they look now but they would be functional, so worth a try.
    What i plan to do in the near future is collate a collection of these buildings and get them on GAJ but there is still a bit of checking to do, ie, windows fit 100% etc then i will use a my mates computer to upload as like i said earlier im on  really slow dongle and its not fast enough to upload from here.
    Anyway thanks for your time in viewing and leaving your comments.
  25. Upvote
    Fizou reacted to Wicky in Getting into more complex builds. Is it worth it?   
    Missed one

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