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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. Your not asking for a release date, but at the same time you are talking about the unreliability of release dates. I think Elvis just spoke his mind for a bit. You seem a little agitated. Chill out, it's only a computer game.
  2. Is estimating remaining development time easier than predicting the weather?
  3. Is that also true for a hit on the barrel or for example the weapon mount? Still I think the representation with textures of types of hits is a visual approximation on the underlying 'physics calculation' and not to be confused with a real visual representation of what actually occurred.
  4. Been reading this discussion with some interest between work etc For a part it seems that some dialogues have been going past eachother. Personally I don't see what the game should fix, apart from it's always nice if the simulation becomes more fine grained. Yes in certain tactical situations in the game, it can be advantageous to not go hull down. More specific, when you are rolling with tanks and are in close range of several enemy which lack the ability to penetrate your tanks frontal/hull armor but can damage the turret (or gun/mantlet area). Many players still will choose to go for shoot and scoot hull down, because that's still the best thing to do. Others will go for hull up because in specific situations they know it can help their game. I think this is were the misunderstanding is focused. It's 'parameter X has too much influence on outcomes in situation A' vs 'situation A is not, or should not, be a desirable situation whatever parameter X is'. Personally I am happy that CM doesn't artificially reward a 'hull down' position. Yes, sometimes outcomes of battles can feel unnatural. In certain situations, being aggressive and or not caring for certain advantageous like hull down + shoot and scoot, can reward (which is not 'unrealistic' imo). The way how the ballistics simulation of CM compares to the real thing can sometimes be off. It's still a simulation. Also, afaik 'hit mark' visual representation is just a visual representation of the place where the impact occurred with a static texture for the type of round. It's just a texture bolted on a spot, not sure how accurate it is. So if we see 10 penetration textures on the barrel, it might not represent 10 actual APFSDS (or whatever) projectiles making a full penetration through the barrel/muzzlebrake.
  5. Fair enough, although at that time India wasn't as independent as it is now .
  6. There are many types of bullets which are 'non full metal jacket', which are not permitted for military use. The name 'Dum Dum' comes from a British factory. Also it was actually Germany who originally pleaded for the banning of expanding bullets (long before WW2). At the same time for hunting expanding bullets are often mandatory.
  7. Nice updates! I wondered though, why is the loss of that single tank (from the SPW251/21) such a problem?
  8. Observe the lay of the land, before making plans Set your own goals, don't blindly drive/run towards objecives Make an actual plan how to achieve those goals Shoot up enemy positions before assaulting them. Attack when rounds are still falling, not when the enemy has had time to regain his posture. Hide your troops when they come under HE fires and cant retreat. Use covered arcs and hide for ambushes. You don't have to open fire on sight, pick the ideal range for your ambush. Separate enemy tanks and infantry asap.
  9. I think in some of the last screens of Elvis, Ithikial got a T-34 with a Panzerschreck team.
  10. Just saw this one. So far not much discussion Difficult to call who's going to win this yet. In the beginning I thought Ithikial, now my money would be on a draw. Elvis his rifle company attacking Beer could challenge the defense, but he needs to take out the German armor defending the Beers; I guess that will prove difficult.
  11. I've installed it as well. Looking great! When PBEM finishes, I can make some screenshots :-).
  12. Imo one thing we like to forget at times, is that doctrine is just doctrine. Armed forces always try to have forces conduct according to doctrine, which isn't always 100% successful (be it for the better or for the worse). Around Bagration I'd expect quite some of the USSR soldiers having enough experience with success that they'd add their own sauce over doctrine. Probably some of the sauce which helped them survive until then. People are people, human ingenuity is everywhere.
  13. Operations Research? That is big brain indeed. I thought his knowledge was a great database for a forum like this. Also, I like 'hard' discussion with direct to the point language. Although I think this is not a 'hard talk' forum ;-). Iirc he also had a habit of making things personal/insulting, when he felt the need for it. Being quite a temperament myself I remember some incoming fire, too which I responded in kind. Guess a forum isn't really a good place for such outbursts. ;-). Anyway, a decade orso later I've experienced my own adventures regarding stress, chances are the extraordinaire reactions came forth from such issues. I remember him for his knowledge about USSR operational art first, his bullsh1t secondary.
  14. Nice! I imagine must be interesting to play a scenario you designed (a while ago) n H2H! Never got to really play this one unfortunately (time/it's really huge), but have been eyeing it for years!
  15. I did play and finish the campaign, years ago. With a lot of casualties, but I enjoyed it. A bit in the middle about the subject. How realistic CM is, it will still never be real. Hourlong barrages aren't fun to play. Also, some challenge for the player is needed; after all it's still entertainment. The AI needs some help providing a challenge, which won't always feel natural. Also. war doesn't always goes by the book. So I can understand if a scenario models a specific part of the front/attack where most artillery was simply not available and or defenses stronger than anticipated. FUBAR . In reality in Bagration (and other offensivse) there also have been attacks which pressed on while taking very heavy losses. Apart from the (locally) failed attacks, renewed later or just bypassed. The scenario depicts a challenge to overcome dug in defenses by attacking with quite massive infantry formations, with limited support. I took about a hundred casualties IIRC. I tried it a couple of times. The river battle was similar, and perhaps bloodier. I don't think those are badly designed, however felt that perhaps a bit much focus was given to these types of scenarios. Making the campaign quite the grind to finish, while many 'toys' didn't feature. This is in contrast with, for example, the first mission of the Russian campaign in CMBS. It's more a full scale attack 'here's all the toys' type of mission, which I think is a nice way to start of a campaign.
  16. I think there are some tips on the forum, try to google with the name of the campaign. I forgot it at the moment ;-). I played and finished the campaign eventually, although it took a while. Long time ago though. I remember the first mission, I used the Katyusha around the objectives and advanced on a broad front. Use your MG, SP guns, AT guns, etc to setup firebase. Move your infantry forward. Use your sappers to check for mines where you send vehicles. Use mortars and any firesupport you have on enemy strongpoint. Rinse and repeat. Maneuver around in numbers, try to overwhelm locally for example use a company to attack instead of a couple of squads. Good luck!
  17. I'd say put whatever you wanted to give here into saving account for your son (for education etc, things like that). Add as much in it as you can I'd say. Not that I want to tell you what to do, but I would personally think that is the wisest and probably most well spend. This can help reduce the balance to levels that don't need your obsession
  18. Thanks for making it! Playing it with @BletchleyGeek and we are both enjoying it, ~50min left. Like @mjkerner says it is a great scenario! I'll try to post some form of AAR when we are done.
  19. I think it's in (on map). From the CMFI manual: leIG 18 (7.5 cm) The 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschuetz 18 (7.5 cm le.IG 18) was an infantry support gun of the German Wehrmacht. Mountain infantry and airborne infantry Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7.5_cm_leichtes_Infanteriegeschütz_18
  20. When available I'll load them into my game for a current PBEM of Mort aux cons. It's a great scenario by @snake_eye !. If I understood correctly it historically features Moroccan troops, although perhaps not Goumiers. Anyway, I've visited Morocco quite a couple of times and looking forward to troops wearing djellaba.
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