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Everything posted by z1812

  1. Excellent. I have been lurking about this thread for a while and I am glad to see you have safely returned.
  2. If you decide to set something up and need players let me know. I am interested. I imagine co-op against the AI could be done this way as well.
  3. There is a European building mod. Also a russian voice mod. Your project, by the way, looks great. P.M. me if you would like me to email these to you.
  4. Hi GAJ, Thanks for your reply.
  5. There is a different log on for both. I did log off and log in to CMSF. That is when I discovered the problem. But thank you for the suggestion.
  6. I cannot download any CMSF mods from your site. Downloading for CMBN is fine. When I try downloading for CMSF I recieve an error message. I thought you would want to know.
  7. I have had 4 or 5 crashes in the QB menus. Quite annoying.
  8. 1. Give your unit a move command. 2. Click on the last waypoint until it shows a solid colour. 3. Click T for target. You will know what your unit can see or not from that point.
  9. As I said earlier I have noticed the same problems with Meeting Engagement Maps particularly for H2H games. However it is not too difficult to take any QB map and delete the designed AI, Setup Zones, objectives and preplanned artillery. Then it is a matter of setting new set up zones and objectives and tweaking the map if you wish. Naturally it would only be for H2H games as there would be no A.I. Of course remember to save it with a different name.
  10. I have noticed this too. For the first time using CMFI I was looking for a QB medium map for a PBEM meeting engagement. My first surprise was the small selection of maps and then the odd placement of setup zones that seems to place one side at advantage. It would be easy enough to take the existing QB maps and change the victory locations and set up zones, but for many people finding the time to do it is difficult. The AI plans would have to be deleted and the maps could be listed as head to head only. I wish I had the time.
  11. Here is a site with quite a few good documentaries and most are available for free. I have provide a link for the Wehrmacht documentary. http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/wehrmacht/ I also watched the one about the Grenadier Guards which was also quite good.
  12. I too would like to see a separate location for AAR's and Tactics.
  13. I can't re call a "type" being listed that would be a person who simply enjoys cmx1 more than cmx2. There are still many things to enjoy about BO, BB, AK. Some have been mentioned such as large battles, random maps, command lines and greater and more convenient access to game information. I sometimes think that CMx1 was more a labour of love. That is that business sense took a bit of a back seat to passion for the game. While CMx2 is more about business with an eye to attracting new players. Also very important if you want the only company making the best tactical wargames to stay profitable. I regret that moving forward has also brought more complexity to certain parts of the game. As the scenario/mapmaker becomes more refined and labour intensive I fear less people will have the time or inclination to make scenarios. New file types that support improved graphics may require more work and skill that will, I think, lead to less mods being made. I hope to be wrong however more complexity in a game does tend to require more time and effort to construct maps and scenarios. In any case I continue to enjoy the older games along with the new.
  14. Hi Kelzhat, I have PM'ed you regarding a game.
  15. Not having much time, I too prefer smaller scenarios.
  16. Nvidia GT 620 1 GB here. The new shaders are a great improvement. Tree shadows were looking a bit blobby before the fix. Now they look like............tree shadows.
  17. When will it be ready? At $45.00, I presume future upgrades will be included as new conflicts and wars breakout. Otherwise it's too pricey.
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