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Everything posted by z1812

  1. It seems to me I have read a thread concerning a feature that would allow you to change the saturation to a more "realistic level". As I remember it was not a mod but something BFC was including in the game. I have searched for it but without any luck. Does anyone remember or know anything about it?
  2. I have Sent you a private message.
  3. This is a trilogy I stumbled across supposing a World War 3 between The West and the Russians starting in 1947. They are only available as ebooks and are quite reasonably priced. I have read the first 2 books and they are very enjoyable. The authors name is Colin Gee. I bought my books for Kindle. Here is a link: http://www.redgambitseries.com/
  4. An interesting article. http://www.polygon.com/features/2013/1/29/3916154/turn-by-turn-battlefront-combat-mission
  5. An interesting Article. http://www.polygon.com/features/2013/1/29/3916154/turn-by-turn-battlefront-combat-mission
  6. I am 60. A lot of the games mentioned, that people started with, bring back lots of nice memories. Anyone remember Dogfight or Diplomacy? My first " real wargame " was Avalon Hill's Blitzkrieg.
  7. I would be happy with line abreast if you were able to dictate spacing.
  8. The ability to issue different formation orders is one the features I hope to see at some point.
  9. Patience is truly required with this game. My enjoyment of CM really increased when I realized that slow but sure often wins the day.
  10. I know you would rather not consider this.......but you may find the most direct route from A to B is to re-install and be done with it. Just remember to back up your z file.
  11. I have always wanted a game where new features are backwards compatible. I hope that BFC keeps offering upgrades for previous games and modules. Either you wish to play the best tactical simulation available or you don't. I do.
  12. I wonder if Mods made for CMFI will now work with CMBN as they are both 2.0?
  13. I agree with Erwin. Don't be too hard on yourself. They look very good.
  14. You need to provide more information. What side are you playing. Exactly what type of " Amoured Car" are you talking about. That information will help people to give you a better answer.
  15. Perhaps Green as Jade will set it up again...especially with the new complete eurofication of CMSF.
  16. Perhaps Green as Jade will set it up again...especially with the new complete eurofication of CMSF.
  17. Very impressive and I am really looking forward to it's completion. That is a lot of work.....
  18. Yes almost always. The vehicle simply gets them quickly to where there going. On foot they are unobtrusive and much safer.
  19. Spotters and Snipers are very good recce teams. However I would be very surprised if they could see through LOS obstructions.
  20. Hi Green as Jade I find your site much easier to use and search than the repository. However I understand why you may not want to put the time into it if most is covered at the repository. Thanks for your work, John
  21. Hi Green as Jade, I have been wanting to download some CMSF mods but I see it is down for maintenance. Do you have an idea when it will be back to normal. Thank you.
  22. Generally I move in cover to an area that seems to have a good field of view. Then I dismount my recce unit a bit back from that area. I give the recce unit a small cover arc and have them move quickly almost to the position where I want them. Then I slow move them into that position. this very often works very well. I most often wait for the main force before taking any direct action.
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