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Everything posted by z1812

  1. Could someone tell me, what would be the easiest way to post reasonably sized pictures here.
  2. Perhaps we should have a consolidated list of existing mods that work with CMRT.
  3. I always wondered why there were so many one armed people in Berlin.
  4. I predict the pre-order game will be released the morning of the April 4 at approximately 10: a.m. The regular order game will be available within 4 to 8 hours after that. So where is my prize?
  5. The World would be quite boring without eccentricity. Here I am, waiting anxiously for a game that sees little digital representations of tanks and soldiers being moved about a little Digital map. I stayed up purposely after midnight to see if it was released. The first thing I am doing this morning is checking this Board wondering with others if is it available yet. I am sometimes brave enough to visit the Peng challenge thread. The Reptilian underworlds have nothing on Peng! In view of the above, I am always careful about criticizing the interests of others.
  6. This from the features page. Air support attacks can now be directed by an air Controller, or attack on their own.
  7. I was sorry to read in the manual that planes will randomly fly the map looking for targets instead of being called in by Forward Observers. Too bad there was not an option to have one or the other.
  8. Thank you for posting the link. Downloaded from the link directly to my tablet.
  9. I too am waiting with anticipation. However I find that very odd, seeing as I have all the of the CM games and probably have not even played 10 percent of all the secenarios.
  10. This would also be my guess. And I also will have a free weekend.
  11. I would enjoy the very early months of the First World War ........... With Cavalry and horses of course.
  12. The Blitz site works well. There are many opponents to find there.
  13. We are very much in the murky world of speculation, however; If the Russians withdrew their forces. If the Ukrainian government ( whoever they end up being ) agreed to a referendum. If the West looked favourably upon it. If the Russians agreed. If the OSCE agreed to monitor the referendum with the support of all parties. If all parties then respected the result. That's a lot of ifs. 1 if could be. 2 ifs well maybe. 3 or 4 ifs probably not. 5 ifs or more and we are in danger of heading towards the world of tin foil hats.
  14. Let's consider that the vote result was 70% in favour of Crimea joining Russia. And let's say we had some reason to believe it may have been a fair vote. Even at that, the referendum could not be taken seriously while Russian Soldiers occupy the region.
  15. @LUCASWILLENO5 The post you quoted as being mine, in your post #87, is actually Steve's from Battlefront, post #84. Please edit your post to reflect this.
  16. [quote=Battlefront.com; At the very worst, Russia is actually "stealing" a piece of Ukraine for it's own. No matter what one wants to say about Iraq, it's territorial integrity is intact. Steve
  17. The United States claims to act in the interest of encouraging democracy and fair elections. In 2010 Yanukovych was elected in the Ukraine fairly and democratically as witnessed by independent international observers. Germany, France, and Poland brokered an agreement that, among other things, would guaranty early elections and amnesty for protestors. Sadly that was not to be as the opposition deposed Yanukovych, the legally elected president. Russia had the pretext needed to enter the Crimea. America acts quite frequently outside international law when they feel their national security is compromised and Russia has done the same. Bear in mind it is 7,000 miles by air to Iraq from the U.S. and even further to Afghanistan. It is just a few steps across the border from Russia to the Ukraine. As we can see, where the U.S. and Russia are concerned, International Law and fair elections only seem applicable when they further the aspirations and ambitions of the interested party. Aside from the possibility of military action, what bothers me the most is the sanctimonious posturing and omissions of fact from both Russia and the U.S.
  18. Thank you for your reply. It seems as if they have been setting up for quite a long time. Perhaps I have missed something.
  19. Does anyone know if this is a known bug? Meant for CMFI Forum.
  20. For your first map it looks fine. At the moment I am doing a small ASL map. I have added some variety in grass and other odds and ends to bring more life to the map. Good fun and interesting too. Now to design a rudimentary A.I. plan.
  21. Panzergrenadier Aces: Exciting stories of the infantrymen who supported Germany's tanks. How tanks and infantry cooperated at the small-unit level. The majority of the book is Eastern Front. There are a few stories toward the end that deal with France after Normandy. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8673994-panzergrenadier-aces
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