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Everything posted by z1812

  1. Try this if you haven't already. This solution requires the most up to date Catalyst Control Center. 1. Go to the 'Gaming' tab in Catalyst Control Center and choose the '3D Application Settings' sub-tab. 2. Check 'Use application settings' for the Anisotropic filtering. This might fix your issue and make the games graphics appear as they are supposed to.
  2. Thank you for such a quick reply. Much appreciated.
  3. Thanks for posting the link. I am also interested in learning more about the scenario editor. The following is a link to the basic triggers tutorial. http://youtu.be/f02X2cygzFY
  4. As I read that CMSF will be updated, I was wondering if there was any news about it.
  5. Hi All, Here is my Gaz 67 Mod. It is quite beat up and has a cross on the hood for Air recognition. available at http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?game_type=7&show_all=true You may like to see my others T-34 1942 late http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114759 T-34-85 1943 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114949
  6. Hi All, Sorry posted here by mistake. Hopefully a Moderator will come along to delete or move it. I have re-posted it in the mod section. Here is my Gaz 67 Mod. It is quite beat up and has a cross on the hood for Air recognition. available at http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?game_type=7&show_all=true You may like to see my others T-34 1942 late http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114759 T-34-85 1943 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114949
  7. It does not accept market garden 1 as a room. It does accept Market Garden but rejects your password.
  8. I have all the CM games and modules and if I didn't buy another title there are still scenarios, campaigns and all of the other features to enjoy. The only one I did not like out of the box was CMSF. I put it away being quite confident that Battlefront would fix it and they did. I always have at least 1 CMSF PBEM on the go. Battlefront have the mix right for success. Quick Battles, a full featured scenario editor, accessible modding, campaigns, scenarios, RT or turn based, PBEM or online play, active forums and players. I can't think of any other game engine that is so flexible. Their move to a module system was a wise one that ensures cash flow for them and games for us. So, in short, buy it you will most likely like it.
  9. We can all benefit by being more patient, myself included.
  10. According to you. By most forum standards the fellow posted his concerns in a reasonable manner accompanied by video which is more than most people provide. A proper answer to such a post would be to advise that without saved turns it is difficult to really know the situation. It might help to mention that at times LOS issues are frustrating. Try getting off your high horse and being a bit more tolerant.
  11. And you would be the only one to know the difference between reasonable Criticism and Bull**** posts?
  12. I find very small battles work very well in QB's. I usually choose a small map and use a mixed force. Generally an attack or probe. I choose the forces myself. Usually a few Squads. Sometimes with a vehicle or 2. The tactical situations that arise are quite interesting and challenging. For instance 2 German Straggler squads, with a light mortar, a HMG, 1 Puma and a half track will defend against 3 Soviet squads, a HMG, an ATR unit, a Tank Hunter unit and a 82 mm mortar. That particular combination resulted in a tie the first game and a Soviet Minor during the second. Lots of tense moments. Great if you like micromanagement.
  13. Those battles identified as medium generally fall into the company or reinforced company size and there are 9 included with the game. There are a few user made as well.
  14. There is 1 tiny and 3 small scenarios that come with the game. There are 2 more small scenarios that can be downloaded from the repository. Very small Quick Battles can be easily made. But I choose the map and the units for both sides to make the very small tactical encounters I like.
  15. I just finished my first try at this scenario and managed a draw by the skin of my teeth. Quite challenging with many tactical vignettes along the way. A great scenario that I would recommend to everyone.
  16. I usually give my Bazooka team an armoured cover arc so it does not waste fire on infantry.
  17. I spend a lot of time planning and checking the map. What most concerns me if I am attacking are the effects terrain may have on movement, covered approaches, proper areas to conduct observation, and areas where I can gather my forces to organize them in advance of an attack. If I am defending then I look for choke points, covered areas with good lines of sight, terrain that will impede the attackers advance, a central area to hold a reserve, and good spotting for fire missions if they are available. I always want to know what the conditions are as well. Is the ground damp? Is there haze? Etc. Fallback positions are also something I consider. I try to divide my battles into small segments. I will identify which areas I want to hold or take and then set about doing it according to what the map shows to be expedient.
  18. Thanks a lot for your interest. I hope to eventually do them all along with others. At the Moment the Gaz jeep, the T-70, Russian Uniforms, splash screens, and force specific screens are in progress. The T-34 85 can be downloaded at CM Mods.
  19. Hi All, Here is my latest Mod. A T-34-85-1943. I hope if you use it, that you enjoy it. If you would like to look at my previous mod it is here. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114759
  20. @ ScoutPL. Your response is very interesting to read.
  21. I too would prefer everything under 2 main titles. 1 for East Front and the other for West Front. I suppose BF's concern is that after a while, with all unit and weapons types available, they would be back to the CMx1 model where any scenario could be made without further purchases. What I do like very much is the backward compatibility of engine improvements. I value that much more than I would the ability to gather titles under one Theatre heading.
  22. Excellent as always. It is hard to imagine playing CM now without this MOD
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