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Everything posted by Flanker15

  1. I wasn't meaning aircraft but aircraft weapons, right now bombs, rockets and missiles are yellow lines. I only ment that we could make models for anything that is missing a 3d model but is already fully coded into the game.
  2. I could of sworne I've seen it in some of the missions? If not, yeah it would be good for ambush missions.
  3. What would BFC say too people making models and textures for the small accessory things that are missing 3d models at the moment? Things like aircraft weapons and certain AT rockets.
  4. There already in, heavy AT squad for Marines uses tripod TOWs. It is inpractacle to have movable TOWs in the short match times (battle would be over before you get it setup), they are much larger and heavier than the Syian ATGMs. So they are considered set up before the battle and remain there until the end.
  5. I've been having some problems with the Marines campaign, by level 6 my load time is now quite lengthy (the load music will play several times and I can go away and do something else, come back and it's still loading). This is obviously because of the even increasing ammount of data being created for all my units as the campaign progresses. I have a very fast HDD and RAM but that doesn't seem to matter, it is slowest at the "read data" part. Anyone have any news or info on this? I have a multi core processor if that's important.
  6. I still reckon my "Target Weapon" additional command idea where you get a pop up box and choose the weapon you want to use would fix that right up. Maybe one day.
  7. Yes most missiles are wire guided by human eye, the sagger is manualy guided with a joystick as well so it's even harder. The zigzaging would also deplete the missiles kinetic energy by making it constantly change course (unless the guider is skilled enough to still hit the target with out constantly tracking it), so it might fall out of the air before it reaches the target.
  8. The little green dots appear to be the units tubes. As they fire they turn red until they reload and turn green. Although some of the smaller arty will only fire the first few tubes and the rest will stay green (probably because they don't exist).
  9. CM:SF and Marines is everything you can buy now, more later. Yes to your other questions.
  10. I guess an idea would be for every high wall/ tree action spot you have a second target point slightly higher so you aim at the wall/tree instead of the ground. Like aiming at a buildings roof.
  11. Yeah it can be a pain somtimes since you have to area fire at the action spot not the wall itself. The same can be said about hitting trees which is even harder.
  12. Yeah it would be good to have a intermission screen that shows the status of all your units and if they've been re-enforced or not.
  13. If you look closely you'll see that all the enemy posistions on the hill have a slightly different colour ground under them. So it was a simple task of finding and calling a few shells on each. Once you get the 2 planes it's a cake walk to mop up anything left. Also I lost ALL of my vehicles in preceeding missions (tanks got caught in close combat with enemy armor) so I had no tanks left and only a few squads and AAVs. I still won this mission but not the next. The dynamic AI arty is real nasty now so you got it keep moving your guys around which is cool. Also saw something new on that level, I hit an enemy tank with some AT rockets and 1 guy jumped out but the remaining 2 crew were still alive and continued operating the tank. I didn't know that the crew could panic and bail indivdualy. :spoiler: Bug The large tank and BMP3 group that arrives did something stupid in my game, they all ocupied one posistion so they were all meshed together in a single buggy mass. I called a harrier strike when I found them (they were behind one of the buildings at the top of the hill out of sight) and the cannon fire caused a massive brew up that took out all the vehicles (atleats 3 BMPs and 3 tanks stuck together) and made a huge crater.
  14. Is the center of the building you're trying to target in Los? If when you area target buildings the aim point is snapped to the center of it, so you run into problems when only parts of the building is exposed.
  15. Yeah sound contacts like CMx1 would be nice, with the little models for different types of sound contacts. Be good if you could target the contacts aswell instead of area firing.
  16. I've already used the .50 cal sniper against BRDMs and BTR80s a couple of times and it can be effective if it hits the right spot on the vehicle. All the shots went through the armor but then they have to hit the right spot to do any real damage, otherwise you just get damage to things like the sights and weapons or no damage at all. You can penertrate BMP1/2 armor with the .50 cal sniper too.
  17. Why not just open it and rebalance the senario to your liking, it's what I do.
  18. After sucky snipers are fixed can we look at sucky MGs?
  19. US ARMY (not marines) using a TOW-2 deployed launcher is new. Maybe they're Marines though but they have M4s.
  20. I was thinking about that too, I'm not sure whether the bullets are actual 1:1 or not.
  21. I've been having trouble getting hits using machine gun bursts against infantry due to the way they fire their guns. They always shoot their burst in a straight line away from the gunner with a aim point somewhere around the target (you mainly hit when the aim point is on the target). This works fine if the enemy is moving in a single file straight towards you but spread them out or move perpendicular and you can't hit them much. If you aim at a building the shots will all hit the same general point aswell. Can more dispersion by added to the machine guns in the game (coax's and mounted guns too) so they have a nice spread? This could be done to auto-nade launchers and autocannons too. Let the shots spread out more, it looks more realistic and it is more effective.
  22. Yes Huntarr does them, just search for his posts.
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