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Everything posted by Flanker15

  1. It's quite real, I didn't see anything that I haven't seen before in reality. Will oddballs mod work with marines or is it a new version?
  2. I get angry when something obviously frustrating happens, vehicle pathfinding goes wonky (v1.10 common) unit can't spot something it ought to and get's killed etc....
  3. The QB overhaul is comming in the first WW2 game.
  4. Yep running over AT guns and other squashable things with a tank was apparently common. Also that plane modual idea was pretty good, would BFC consider making 3d planes for WW2 if we payed for it?
  5. Oh well I've used up my 6 attempts for today, I'll try tomorrow. All the other files are working though, this one just takes me to the loaction where the file should be but isn't (Index of ][).
  6. Can't download, the file's missing from the server.
  7. I call them militants or insurgents, terrorist is a different profession. For instance you have to only attack civilian targets to be a terrorist. But that's only my definition since the word is effectivly redundent now, everyone is a terrorist in some way.
  8. Ahhhhhh wall of text!!!!! Ohhhh and most of the guys here already know that stuff anyway. We know the Tiger isn't all that but it's still a special tank for people.
  9. I'd go for the shadow system from Cmx1 if 3d models were immpossible.
  10. Yeah it's a pain I know, "Drive there, no not there! No not around the building! No not over there! Now where are you going?! Oh now you're dead, serves you right!"
  11. Yeah I'd like to know what's going with nades too. I had a Stryker ambushed by a single soldier, he threw a nade at it which landed on the roof and killed almost the entire squad in it, the gunner and knocked out the Stryker. They can't be that good, no way. Also they are fantastic at disabling vehicles which seems odd, military wheels are supposed to be able to resist small explosions and shrapnel.
  12. With the timeline starting in June: will it start at the airborne drop, the amphibious landing or right after the amphibious landing? I though Battle of the Buldge was a good scenario for 2 players, the terrain layout ment that it wasn't a total slaughter for the Germans. Good ambush and LOS practice. Some important things I was wondering about WW2 CMx2 are: Will we have proper aircraft modling, planes swooping in, AA fire, crashes? Proper routing, retreating units? Bridges?
  13. I rented it for my 360 and thought the single player campaign was well worth a rental, didn't play multi. Did play some co-op split screen though, which was fun except for the way the screens are arranged (weird, not proper splitscreen). Flamethrower is great, after I got it I preceded to set everything on fire and player 2 never get's one in co-op so I kept setting stuff he was using on fire.
  14. The gun on a AFV is generaly higher than the hull? Your tank has no LOS to the target point because of a elevation, you give it a hull down command to a point. The tank drives up one side of the elevation and stops as soon as the gun has LOS, then the hull will still be behind the hill with the turret sticking out.
  15. Really, is that what that means?! Ok thanks! An order would be good for less micro-managment sake.
  16. 1/ Not being able to use a certain weapon/ammo, without using the other weapons in the unit/vehicle (shoot just a RPG at a building, fire a single HE shell etc...). 2/ The hunt command is actually "move to contact" not having a proper hunt command ties down units that need to be micromanaged. 3/ No seek hulldown command makes armor combat somewhat guess work.
  17. I'm not getting very bad framerates but below what you'd expect for a computer of my spec (a max out Crysis comp). I tried a little tweak and even though it shouldn't really do much I got some more FPS. I set the core affinity in the task manager for CM:SF so it was allowed to use all 4 of my cores instead of the default 1, it shouldn't do anything since you need to code the program to take advantage of multi cores. However there was an immidiate performance increase for me. You do it by alt-tabing to the task manager while playing the game and right clicking the CM:SF process, where there is an option for core affinitys. You have to redo it everytime you start the game since it doesn't remember it.
  18. I remember that stage, it's my 2nd favorite one. I remember that if you do it right you only need to fight the convoy and not the T-72, the ATGM is the obvious threat so I usually take him out first then the T-55. I've managed to escape before the T-55s reached me a couple of times aswell.
  19. Does the 30mm rocket have a warhead? You could set it up so you could fire only one of the projectiles, then you'd have a single shot HE and T-HEAT launcher in one package.
  20. I suggested this in another thread a while ago, my idea was: For all the action spots that have trees or high walls you are able to area target the ground and a second spot off the ground. So you are able to "aim" at the trees or wall directly, without needing to see the ground or shooting at it. Thoughts?
  21. Can someone remake the Battle of the Bulge (movie) senario from CM:BO?
  22. I ordered on the 4th and it still hasn't shipped for me
  23. You can't remove the unit, it must be in the scenario.
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