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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to LongLeftFlank in MOUT and urban counterinsurgency (and CM)   
    Here again, I think folks are getting jumpy and starting to stomp all over criticisms and "demands" that just ain't there. I personally am just spitballing. And it seems like S2 is just in the space of "woulden it be nice?" too (I'll let him speak for hisself).
    Those dam' Kraut infiltrators are everywhere! Quick, get that baseball trivia going to flush 'em out!
    Or to paraphrase the great Walt Kelly: We haz met the CMSF2 New Belligerents and they iz us!
  2. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in IED Mechanics?   
    VBIED detonation.  CMSF1 scenario Hornets Nest. 

  3. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to LongLeftFlank in Mad 'Merican MOUT   
    Just saw this, and it is Most Excellent!!! 
    1. But this is a One Percenter playground!  Mass transit in America is strictly for the unwashed. While the property manager provides employee minibus transport for 2 hours each way to Mopetown, the pickup point is on a back road out of sight, by the dumpsters. Look for all the cigarette butts and opioid foil packets.
    2. The "hospital" is actually the corporate  offices of a health insurance provider (although largely vacant since most back office functions were outsourced to  Hyderabad).
  4. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from The_MonkeyKing in Mad 'Merican MOUT   
    I suppose I should probably post a pic or two of Chigley too:

    I've never mapped a golf course before.....It's harder than I thought! 
  5. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in Oleksandr's Modding Space for CMSF2   
    I'm working on Sadr city, but it will be a while, it is freakin huge.
  6. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to SelfLoadingRifle in PLEEEASE RELEASE ME, LET ME GO...   
    Herewith a song for that nice Mr Steve, in the hope that it will soften his heart and put us all out of our misery!!!
  7. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 – Syrian Probe (Quick Battle)   
    MINUTE 9
    2nd Platoon
    Well, I left the RPG gunner to his own devices with regards to firing at the Leo or not... my final words to him were, "if you decide to shoot, DON"T F***ing miss!!"  
    Guess what he does?
    He fires... RPG round is within the red circle.

    ...he misses, and pays the ultimate price.  Just can't get an advantage here.

    MINUTE 10
    In the next turn, the Leo pulled off its forward position and back towards its brother.  This image shows start position, the movement path and the position it ended up on.

    A Company
    The T-62M was ordered to move as quickly as possible across the field go over the lip into the ravine, and see what he could see...

    Best laid plans and all that... what happened was the T-62 bogged on its way with the following result... 

    ...what took him out?  An ATGM from, I think the buildings in the second objective.  I have a very steep hill to climb in this one.. and am not sure I have the force to do him much damage.  Ian is using the terrain very well and I have only clearly spotted the one HQ Team on the Farm Objective and the two Leos on the far left.  

  8. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Artkin in Mad 'Merican MOUT   
    As folk seem to be taking this with the good humour with which it was intended, here's a few more things you will (eventually) get to blow to pieces:
    A Typical street-scene in the downtown area:

    & some more post-cards of specific named locations:

    City Hall (with the colonial era St. Agnes' Church in the background)
    Trumpton's an easy place to get to with great links by road & rail:

    Bus Terminal (Should I use the name Greyhound or are there other flavours these days?)

    Subway Station
    Trumpton still has many legacy buildings from it's industrial heyday:

    The Old Brewery
    But some of them have fallen into disrepair:

    As you can see it's still very much a WIP (about a bazillion flavour objects to add). 
    I've tweaked the interiors of the buildings too, so everything connects up as it should, it's quite time consuming but it makes a huge difference in the game.....Progress is slow (it's very much a secondary projects) but I'm getting there gradually, it's definitely a bit different from making a mess out of Mosul! 
  9. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Artkin in Mad 'Merican MOUT   
    Welcome to Trumpton:

    A view of 'Trumpton Mega-Mall' (Twice the mall, twice the value!  ) with the 'Golden Towers' luxury casino/hotel in the background. 
    Couple of local landmarks:

    McGrew Memorial Fire Station

    Cobbit Museum (Don't forget to visit our great gift-shops!).
    Still very much a WIP. 
  10. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Lethaface in Turkish Leopard 2A4 mod preview   
    If you can do matching YPRs I've already largely written a scenario (one AI scripted, no briefings) and it doesn't use crew-swapping so it should be portable.   
    BTW - The picture you chose doesn't make it obvious, but that example and many other Turkish Leos actually have three colour camo.....Four black corners and four green stripes (these may be the legacy of over-painted NATO camo):

    Don't worry though, plain is fine too:

    I believe the camoed examples are replacements/reinforcements after the first lot got trashed.....What's that saying about repeating a plan and expecting a different outcome? 
  11. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to A Canadian Cat in CMSF2 New Belligerent ?   
    I am so glad Steve let that out. Testers are not allowed to comment on stuff that has not been released so I have had to bite my tongue when telling people about this would have made them happy (OK less worried :-). So, yay now we can point this out...
  12. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Vanir Ausf B in Russian army under equipped?   
    I think the Abrams in CMBS is somewhat more godly than in reality. I also think the technical aspects of armored vehicles matters less in real wars than in war games. In an actual war between NATO and Russia it would matter very little. The main effect of having an inferior tank is wounded national pride and maybe a hit in the export market.
  13. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to JulianJ in Vehicle smoke   
    That's  one of the big open days at Bovington tank museum.  They are brilliant if you are a tank fiend.  Just seeing and hearing them in RL is great.
  14. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Asst. leader doesn't take over after platoon leader dies?   
    In RL, my experience has been that Lt Jones would be the -1, while Sgt Baker would be the +2 😉
  15. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to LongLeftFlank in [WIP] modding CMSF into HD   
    EDIT:  Post deleted. BFC gonna do what they gonna do and at the end I will support them. They iz us. 
  16. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in Next Korean war is coming close...   
    only 2 this time so it is the axle of evil.  They've been downgraded
  17. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from sburke in Next Korean war is coming close...   
    Run for the hills.....The 'Axis of Evil' is back! 
  18. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in CMSF2 Editor   
    Sorry man... ha kidding!  For once I can say yes. That is in. 
    I’d forgotten that CMSF was so limited for that
  19. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in CMSF2 New Belligerent ?   
    Customer (singular) has expectations is more like it.  And that little minions message was uncalled for. 
  20. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to LongLeftFlank in CMSF2 New Belligerent ?   
    No worries, BG. Every participant in this discussion has made great contributions and is worthy of respect. And we know nobody is working harder right now than the beta testers.
    "I have a lot of faults, Brad, but ingratitude isn't one of them."
  21. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to LongLeftFlank in CMSF2 New Belligerent ?   
    A lot of people strawmanning and talking past each other here, and then the usual dismissive hand waving pile-on. And as a special bonus,  longstanding community contributors become dogs pooping on the carpet.  Nice. [Slow clap]  OK, I think this has run its course.
    Best of luck with the release, BFC.
  22. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from c3k in CMSF2 New Belligerent ?   
    I've been quietly hoping for MORE UNCONS GODDAMMIT for some time now. 
    A full price module that covered all the games would be a pack full of awesomeness in my opinion.....
    FFI and various resistance organisations etc. for CM:BN & CM:FB
    Assorted Partisans for CM:FI & CM:RT
    Militants & Militias for CB:BS & CM:SF 2
    The unique capabilities of these units would vastly expand the scope of the game. 
    You could always do this.....In the editor go into preview mode and CTRL+Click on the face of the building you want to modify, with cunning use of ALT+CTRL+Click you can make some pretty cool looking modular buildings, even in the older games (& even if I do say it myself): 

    PS - These pictures don't have any 'Flavour Objects' yet.....These can add a lot of, well, flavour to a map, and they offer the scenario designer the chance to script his scenarios in a slightly more involved fashion.
    See @MOS:96B2P's epic CM:BS Tactical Operations Centre for a fine example of this technique:
    Make sure you read the briefing very, very carefully. 
    Please god.....No! 
    The Uncons in CM:SF don't have a unit structure beyond the 'Group' (Platoon) and we've learnt in the intervening years that these groups are a lot better organised than that.....The CM:A 'Islamic Battalion' or 'Tribal Militia Command' would make an infinitely better starting point.
    There is actually a valid reason for my still liking CM:A you know.....Barring a few odd quirks it's massively better than CM:SF, especially if you like Uncons.
    I just hope that BF have given the Uncons a better command structure in CM:SF 2, otherwise CM:A will still be the best game in the series for Uncon warfare (especially HTH).
  23. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in CMSF2 New Belligerent ?   
    @MOS:96B2P  That's a good point.....I guess it's just a matter of scaling, attach enough teams etc. to a Group/Command and the CO is suddenly Abu Bakhr Al Baghdadi! 
  24. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Rokossovski in CMSF2 New Belligerent ?   
    I've been quietly hoping for MORE UNCONS GODDAMMIT for some time now. 
    A full price module that covered all the games would be a pack full of awesomeness in my opinion.....
    FFI and various resistance organisations etc. for CM:BN & CM:FB
    Assorted Partisans for CM:FI & CM:RT
    Militants & Militias for CB:BS & CM:SF 2
    The unique capabilities of these units would vastly expand the scope of the game. 
    You could always do this.....In the editor go into preview mode and CTRL+Click on the face of the building you want to modify, with cunning use of ALT+CTRL+Click you can make some pretty cool looking modular buildings, even in the older games (& even if I do say it myself): 

    PS - These pictures don't have any 'Flavour Objects' yet.....These can add a lot of, well, flavour to a map, and they offer the scenario designer the chance to script his scenarios in a slightly more involved fashion.
    See @MOS:96B2P's epic CM:BS Tactical Operations Centre for a fine example of this technique:
    Make sure you read the briefing very, very carefully. 
    Please god.....No! 
    The Uncons in CM:SF don't have a unit structure beyond the 'Group' (Platoon) and we've learnt in the intervening years that these groups are a lot better organised than that.....The CM:A 'Islamic Battalion' or 'Tribal Militia Command' would make an infinitely better starting point.
    There is actually a valid reason for my still liking CM:A you know.....Barring a few odd quirks it's massively better than CM:SF, especially if you like Uncons.
    I just hope that BF have given the Uncons a better command structure in CM:SF 2, otherwise CM:A will still be the best game in the series for Uncon warfare (especially HTH).
  25. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to HUSKER2142 in Russian army under equipped?   
    @Sgt.Squarehead , @sburke
    No, this is not a permanent practice, sometimes such a method of landing is practiced. This method was created for wartime during the Cold War.
    Honestly, mass airborne assaults are parachute out of date. The last more or less successful parachute landing was in Iraq in 1991. But in the airborne troops in different countries this is preserved as a tribute to traditions. In Russia, the airborne troops are the role of rapid reaction troops, as in other countries.The airborne force in fact became just an light infantry. Several years ago, even in motorized rifle troops began to practice tactical assaults on helicopters, company-battalion.
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