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  1. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in D'Day for Dummies !!   
    Dude.....Your kids are grown up! 
    You'll have to do better than that! 
    PS - BBI 'Elite Force' 1:18 101st Airborne looks like the way forward.
  2. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    If anyone out there feels like they have a score to settle with a certain 'Mg Pyay Ag'.....Firstly your previous help has been much appreciated, and secondly, your opportunity to catch up with him, is close at hand:

  3. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in Karl Marx: 200 Years On   
    I don't necessarily lay any of this at Marx's feet.  If one looks at the violence of the capitalist states and not through the lens we tend to see things, it was a different time.  The development of organized labor was excessively violent mostly perpetrated by the wealthy.  Look at the history of the Pinkertons for example.  The violence of the Soviet and communist China leadership or Cambodia etc to me is a completely different factor and has little to actually do with Marx's philosophy.  This is people and power.  This crosses the lines of political philosophy and is more a matter of governments that become a self interested owner of the wealth of society and enforce rules to maintain that control.  The supposed communist states are more prone I think to this because they don't allow for any political opposition. (The same can be said in my view of states formed on the basis of a state religion)  When you add to that issues with minority populations you then get to the level of genocidal behavior.  Movement of or attempts to eliminate what are considered almost an external threat.  The Uyghurs in China, Cossacks and other populations in Soviet Russia, Armenians in Turkey.  The US has it's own history as do most nations in one way or another.  The willingness of human's to commit violence on one another to mind boggling degrees doesn't seem to have changed.
    In terms of your specific comments regarding Lenin - the inner struggles of the Bolsheviks may never be fully known, but the infighting and eventual succession of Stalin is a pretty fascinating and tragic story.
  5. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in Fire and Rubble   
    Only the dead have seen the end of war.
    I read that somewhere..... 
  6. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in New Scenario: Coup D'etat   
    It absolutely is.....Possibly more so. 
  7. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Falaise in Walls topped with fences   
    There is in Normandy around the house a lot of walls topped with fences
    here in Foucarville (the most common shape)

    these walls topped with fences added to the game in addition to an aesthetic addition, could present a form of additional obstacle. They could have the same characteristics as the low walls: to allow shooting lines and sight as well as the same protection
    on the other hand to prevent the passage the high walls

    just an idea
  8. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in New Scenario: Coup D'etat   
    I had to take a bit of a break from it with other stuff going on.  I basically got a one hour scenario done but then decided I should make a campaign out of it. Of course a campaign will take awhile.   Below is the "Plan" part of the briefing of the mostly finished scenario.  Some screenshots from the scenario are also below.  When I get back into it I'll eventually give it its own thread.   
    It is 1500hrs in the city of Chiraq and you’re in charge of maintaining law and order in the warzone known as the Hill Street Precinct during afternoon shift.  Some things to consider:  The ability to prioritize police response to 911 calls and manage limited resources will be useful.  Wise deployment of patrol units will increase the chance of apprehending offenders before they are able to reach an exit zone.  The better your tactics when responding to incidents the more likely your officers will survive to handle the next call.  Through investigations and the use of street snitches detectives can identify, locate and arrest offenders with special emphasis on homicide offenders.  They can also arrange undercover deals leading to more arrests.  Air support can help locate and track vehicles.  The Emergency Action Team (EAT) is trained and equipped to assist with high risk situations.  If you need additional help Midtown Precinct and the National Guard can assist but the cost in victory points will be high.   
    If you are able to make good, timely decisions, under pressure, with limited resources, without triggering a riot and are lucky, the officers on your shift may survive the afternoon so they can return tomorrow and do it all over again.  Good luck.  


  9. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Attilaforfun in Mosul (Iraq) The small red-headed child of an epic MOUT map!   
    If there is a map of Mosul, or at least NW Mosul I would purchase SF2 today. I may have spent some time on those lovely streets. 
    A couple of notes from that vacation:
    I was (and remain) a huge fan of CMBB. When CMSF came out I purchased it immediately. I played one mission and never played again. Strykers were getting knocked out left and right by RPG-7s. Unless the ammo for those RPGs has changed significantly since 2004 the odds of destroying a Stryker with an RPG hit should be about 5%. That's a hit. Only about 20% fired actually hit especially once return fire begins (admittedly this probably had more to do with the experience level of the enemy). To be honest I've never seen a hit once suppression begins. 7 Strykers hit with RPGs (including one hit 4 times) led to one total loss (we used to store our POL on the outside...stopped that poor practice after a second platoon Stryker burned to the ground...no casualties and the only lost Stryker from combat) and one penetration leading to one casualty (that was ugly but he was evaced to Germany and survived). I believe RPGs are MASSIVELY overpowered in this simulation.
     My next complaint...mortars. In particular 60mm mortars. I must admit, whether gaming or RL I have never taken mortars seriously. I used to mock our mortars saying their only purpose was to lay smoke. (Ironic as my kid is now a mortarman in the 101st...he wouldn't follow me into the decisive branch...armor. Sad.) So...summer 2004 in Mosul. Bn is having a volleyball tourney. Hot summer day, no missions going on....most of the Bn is gathered round watching the companies compete. (It was dull....I was actually in my conex playing games). Insurgents fire of a string of 60mm rounds. 3 land right on the court where they are playing volleyball. The rest of the Bn gathered in tightly. This should have been a disaster of epic proportions. As it was a third of those there got purple hearts...for scratches. Not one single serious injury. One hundred guys in T Shirts and shorts (no armor) and 3 60mm rounds land right in their midst...doing nothing. Mortars are overpowered as well!
  10. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Obviously mate … I'm not a one-trick pony you know 😉
    The three or four that spring to mind are both of my scenarios for CMFB:
    To Verdenne and Victory. Probing Around Poteau. My CMBN scenario:
    Assault on Port Cros. CMSF:
    Op BARRAS (yes it has a river but it doesn't really have a bearing on the scenario). Op NEPTUNE SPEAR (yes there is a river/canal) but only one. If I can pull Kham Duc off for H&E, that will lack anything wetter than a stream.
    Otherwise - I can't help the fact that people tend to live near sources of water and armies have to fight over them … 😀
  11. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    A miserable damn performance indeed ...
    Man down … call Dustoff

    We gotta get outa this place ...

  12. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    During a draft scenario playtest (for the Urban campaign), a Patton had quite the close call...

  13. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to xacto in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    After reviewing the comments; here are the ones that are moving to the top. Colors seemed to be the main issue - with many asking for blue and white. I am also including patches to see how the designs can play out in the interface. 

  14. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Yes, all CM modular buildings (not just Shock Forces) are pretty tough & the building textures are irrelevant in determining their strength... although this is no major problem in the towns, cities & larger populated areas.
    However, in the 'boonies', it can be a bit of an unrealistic issue... one that is unfortunately exacerbated by the lack of (weaker) independent buildings.

    However, we have at least provided a [boonies] tag... which includes a change to the building impact sounds to better match the wooden textures.
    Additionally, I suspect clever map/scenario designers could come up with some workarounds. Here's two that I recently thought of...
    This 'broken wall' hamlet will provide much less cover, be far more vulnerable to HE... yet still provide troops excellent concealment.

    This Flavour Object* based hamlet will provide the right amount of cover... yet providing adequate concealment will be an issue.

    *(I only have the 'workshop' at the moment... there will be more Flavour Object small buildings come release)
  15. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Oleksandr in CMA Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Funnily enough I was messing with some of my CM:A stuff last night, the map is done, but I haven't done anything further with it:

    I got a bit side-tracked with 'Heaven & Earth'.....I'll have another look at it in the coming weeks. 
    I'm assuming it's the Blue campaign concept (Abdul Gul's War) that would be of the most interest?  @MOS:96B2P ran some tests for me and we've come to the conclusion that changes need to be made to the early scenarios to reduce the potential for frustration (this largely revolves around the removal of RPGs from the enemy TOE while Abdul Gul has only a handful of men under his command).
  16. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from zaratushtra123 in CMA Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    It seems somebody has upset the Soviets:

    From the forthcoming scenario 'Pacification'. 
    Some of you may recognize the map.....The aim of this scenario is to utterly lay waste to it, Soviet style!  
  17. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Aquila-SmartWargames in Possibly Interesting New Perspective For Scenario Designers   
    If you have CM:SF2 installed, give @MOS:96B2P a shout and see if he will let you test an early alpha of his current concept, you might be quite surprised at just how different it is.  Obviously things are massively abstracted, but the general concept works, arrests are possible, armed criminals can be made to surrender etc.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  18. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Possibly Interesting New Perspective For Scenario Designers   
    If you have CM:SF2 installed, give @MOS:96B2P a shout and see if he will let you test an early alpha of his current concept, you might be quite surprised at just how different it is.  Obviously things are massively abstracted, but the general concept works, arrests are possible, armed criminals can be made to surrender etc.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  19. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from RockinHarry in Possibly Interesting New Perspective For Scenario Designers   
    Given the countless comprehensive mods already circulating, this:
    May have a lot of potential as a source for scenarios. 
  20. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Falaise in A plea for the Biodiversity   
    it's been a long time since the weeds invaded your masterpiece

  21. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Falaise in A plea for the Biodiversity   
    No, I will not tell you about global warming!!

    But the possibility of increasing the variety of plants in the game to give a more realistic

    This is especially the doodad brush that is the subject of my remarks

    Those offered by the game do not please me because they are indefinable.

    The undergrowth but also the Norman fields and even the gardens (especially mine) are overgrown with nettle, ferns and brambles

    I modified the original of the game but the modification can not relate to only 2 type of bmp

    Unlike helmets for example it is not enough to add a number to the bmp to obtain a wider variety

    This possibility with the random will offer an improvement of the aspect of the game
    nettles and ferns


  22. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Macisle in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    The Enemy Takes Revenge!
    As 1st Company assumes overwatch and 3rd Company masses for crossing a main avenue, German heavy artillery comes out of nowhere to pound key Soviet positions. 3rd Company's inexperienced infantry break and run. It is as if the enemy howitzers can read the minds of the fleeing troops. Stray rounds land in exactly the right places. Men fall everywhere.

    It is hell on earth. Soviet forward observers hug the ground for dear life as their building shakes again and again. Throughout the structure, large numbers of soldiers do the same. If building sections begin to collapse, the battalion could lose many key units very quickly.

    From their hiding places, Germans can observe the loss of a Soviet assault gun that thought it was safe enough to turn and help mop up the last defenders in a desired overwatch and jumping off position across the street. The commander of 3rd Company is killed and even 2nd Company in reserve at a distance takes casualties from stray rounds. It is a dark stretch of minutes that may have decided the battle.

    Is this the end of the line?

  23. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Another conversion...

  24. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Heaven & Earth: The Delta   
    Include this beautiful trailer as optional intro.wmv goodie into the modpack. I want to watch this whenever I go on an H&E playthrough.
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