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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Hey, why not Alaska? CM:AW (Arctic Warfare) anyone?
  2. I was going to say the same.....Dead vehicles definitely appear to (and certainly sound like) they provide cover in CM:SF2.
  3. It's fake.....The gator's rear right leg clips through the girl's foot.
  4. IMHO the single biggest factor that must be considered is that Iraq did not have the benefit of a truly comprehensive integrated A2AD network, thus it just wasn't a peer opponent.
  5. I can confirm that tentative icons update in CMSF2, I'm watching some do it right now.....Group #13, your nemesis awaits!
  6. They don't call it 'The God of War' for nothing. A number of friends who served during the cold war had a very healthy respect for what they expected to face, that in the days before massed precision fires.....I fear the overwhelming success of Desert Storm (& OIF et al) may have badly skewed perceptions in the west.
  7. I've got all the CM games (all but CM:BO are still installed and in use too), in my experience CM:SF2 is the least effected by Engine 4 Issues (men scattering under indirect or direct fire). Yes your men will still sometimes do dumb things, but hey.....Guess what?
  8. That it's done and they don't have to do it again.....Ever! That's my guess and my hope TBH.
  9. WTF? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/apr/19/church-group-to-hold-washington-event-despite-fda-warnings-against-miracle-cure
  10. Cool to see some table-top gaming going on.....It's where a lot of us started out, I suspect. Get yourself a free picture hosting account.....I use Imgur & Flickr
  11. Could be worse.....They could have 'Tank-Riders'!
  12. I'm just not feeling this disdain.....They're a tiny outfit, trying to do a fairly major job and, by & large, when they do release something, it's very, very good. You should try dealing with some small model companies, then you'd know what disdain really felt like.
  13. Based the composition on what I'm seeing in the news, but TBH I just made the rest up based on my impressions of the force.....Both 'Bishr' and my 'LNA 5th Motorised Brigade' are utterly fictional, but hopefully they should feel sufficiently Libyan to provide some immersion to the scenario. Basically you get half a Militia Company and two thirds of a Reserve Mech Company (minus their vehicles) and a number of Combatant Groups of various sizes. I've tried to co-locate HQs at several levels to ensure there is at least some information sharing between the various groups in the overall formation. Other than that I just went mad with all the new Technicals that are available to Red in CM:SF2 (BIG thank you to @Battlefront.com for those!). Bishr is an awesome map, for which I can claim absolutely no credit, I'm just tweaking it to my own tastes for the new engine.....It's pretty big (2.35Kmx3.8Km) with a lot of open desert, so detailing it convincingly (especially the coastline & inland rocky bits) is quite a laborious process. PS - Just discovered that there really is a Bishr in Libya, but it doesn't bear much resemblance to the map at all: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Bishr,+Libya/@30.2576672,19.1951072,1202m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x139aa1e60ef15bf9:0x59393ea8928306e3!8m2!3d30.2572561!4d19.1984106
  14. I'm messing around with a LNA core file at the moment; 50+ Toyotas & Technicals, 5 T-62 tanks and about a couple of companies worth of men: Their C3 structure is rather complex (borderline tribal even)! These are the guys who will be trying to take Bishr: Don't worry, that's an old picture, it looks a bit sexier these days!
  15. Will definitely give this a look now I've completed my Coup related tasks.
  16. Maybe, one day? (it was at least twice as common as the Super Pershing)
  17. Could be worse, could be Syrians calling in an airstrike (takes over twice as long, even with veteran spotters/aircrew).
  18. Oh dear me. No John, that's a British 2lber (probably abandoned at Dunkirk at a casual guess) the barrel was deliberately destroyed by its previous users in order to render it unserviceable, it's colloquially known as 'Spiking The Gun'. Here's some AA guns at Dunkirk that received the same treatment:
  19. I'm a bit confused, is this something you are trying to achieve through the editor? With a trigger?
  20. Mine's fairly comprehensive, my dad wrote a PhD on the construction of Medieval cathedrals.....Guess who was his lucky research assistant? TBH it was a bloody good deal (although there was no way I was admitting that at the time).....I got to see a lot of really beautiful stuff, Chartres is a particular favourite, for fairly obvious reasons (& for some slightly less well known ones):
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