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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Yeah, I'll be looking at that area closely too.....When I tried to utilise Withdraw orders in CM:BS I wound up with tanks with their hulls facing the wrong way (immediately prior to the Withdraw Order, they then turned back around and reversed IIRC).
  2. Cheers for the definitive answer. It seems that in addition to this, these Occupy Objectives cannot be set to Known To Enemy (or, to be more precise, they can, but they are still visible to the player).
  3. Funny you say that.....I just had two fails on the trot! First time my team were all shot to bits (this I can live with) but in the next run my 'suicide bomber' clearly had second thoughts, took off his vest, and chucked it through the door (The 'Suicide Assault Team' ALL survived.....Which is a bit of a problem, given the nomenclature! )
  4. It's stupidly simple stuff, just for effects, getting an AI equivalent to be sufficiently reliable may prove rather more challenging.....Attaching a couple of triggermen to a fighter/combatant assault group would probably be the best bet on that front. PS - If I can get it working reliably it'll make keeping bad guys off touch objectives a much higher priority!
  5. Not so much (I only used 2xlarge).....It's in the shared place (play as Blue, just run your dudes into the Mosque....The faster the better, 90% of the time you should get a result).
  6. Tricky to tell the AI to look for things you've told it that it can't see.....Never know what might happen:
  7. Make it a scenario.....I'd be happy to test it with you, I like that sort of thing! PS - @MOS:96B2P I now have a fairly reliable player controlled 'Suicide Bomber Assault' SFX option.....It's very target specific (you know how I do these things), but it actually looks pretty convincing 'in game' (the more so if you have two or more AI plans, for better bomb placement).
  8. As I said earlier, I've just been placing these objectives all over a whopping map and having just tested I'm relieved to say that everything (KTP, KTB, KTE) works exactly as it should in a scenario.....Why it should be different in a QB is beyond me. My apologies for not being able to help more.
  9. I'm wondering if there isn't something fundamental about QB maps that we're both missing here? I'm beginning to wonder if the 'KTE' type objective is actually functional in QB mode.....I can see good reasons for disabling it (it's not like you would get a briefing warning you to seek hidden things after all).
  10. I made a completely new test map, along the same lines as yours, giving each side three occupy objectives (KTP, KTB, KTE).....In this test as Blue I can see all of 'my' (Blue Terrain) objectives, including the one I shouldn't see, but they're all yellow not green! I can't see ANY of the enemy objectives, regardless of whether I should or not.....WTF? https://www.dropbox.com/s/1u9a4hhhis1lol3/NewTest.btt?dl=0
  11. OK, having sussed the intricacies of finding the right map in QB mode (I'm a Scenarios man TBH), I'm now getting the same results as yourself on the test map.....The enemy KTB Objectives are visible, but the friendly objectives are all missing! Tried repainting all your zones and re-running the test.....Same result, no friendly objectives visible. Just occurred to me that shared names for objectives might be an issue.....Going to rename and repaint them. That didn't work either.
  12. Checking now.....Will edit post shortly. At present the game refuses to see either of your maps as a viable QB map on my system.....I'm very, very confused? Kudos on a lovely looking map.....Gonna go have a closer look at your buildings (for reasons of my own). @MikeyD, @Combatintman, @MOS:96B2P, @George MC.....Could anyone shed further light on this mystery? There's clearly something about QB maps that I'm missing too.
  13. Here's what I see as the Blue Player (in Iron mode): & as Red: Based on what I'm seeing in the 'Terrain Objectives' section of the AI, what I see above is exactly as I'd expect it to be. It seems you are not seeing the friendly objectives.....I have no idea why this would be, they work fine for me. PS - Alt J turns objectives on and off, AFAIK this should turn ALL objectives on and off, but maybe try it, see if anything changes when you turn them back on?
  14. Sorry Gaz, I'm not sure I follow the problem you are having (I've recently setup a map with several destroy and preserve objectives)? Could you clarify, maybe with some images?
  15. Can I have one that's a bit faster than Slow, but not as fast as Move.....Maybe called 'Amble'?
  16. Bangalore Torpedoes or simple demolition charges are other options, regardless those guns were spiked and not victims of "a dead on muzzle strike".
  17. Look forward to seeing the finished item. I'm enjoying a couple of the articles on that page.....Just wish we had some early war forces and some better fortifications (More complex modular bunkers maybe?) to model them with. PS - The Brandenburger SMS Company is particularly appealing.....German Uncons on the Ostfront, what's not to like!
  18. I tend to use AI group #1 for my static units, things like HMGs and antitank guns that the AI doesn't always place as well as it might (especially when part of a mixed AI group).
  19. Classy mapping as ever @George MC.....Might we be seeing this soon? PS - One of the latter accounts in the linked article makes a great case for the return of real fire in CM:
  20. RT would get my vote, it's the most dissimilar from what you already have.....Plus it has the IS-2!
  21. While VOA doesn't seem terribly positive about future prospects: https://www.voanews.com/a/us-official-afghan-peace-deal-could-trigger-internal-woes/4890152.html SIGAR itself seems to be borderline suicidal: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2019/04/24/sigar-drug-lab-bombing-was-a-dead-end-and-most-metrics-for-success-or-failure-in-afghanistan-are-classified-or-nonexistent/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Navy DNR 04-24-19&utm_term=Editorial - Navy - Daily News Roundup Still, I guess it's an improvement on just making stuff up.
  22. Cheers for the further clarification. Hope we will see them, just because, well.....I just test fired a full CM:A Vasilek battery against a regular, high morale, Mujahideen Company in reasonably typical Afghan terrain (2xlinear, heavy, maximum strikes) , the salvo lasted just about sixty seconds. By the time it was over the (only surviving) Afghan commander had eight men left (sort of) under his command, half of them walking wounded, all of them brittle beyond imagination!
  23. If you have a fully updated version of CM:BN, you already have it.
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