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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Please, spare me. It would have been far easier to just tell the OP, "yeah, it's a longstanding issue. Not sure if/when it'll be fixed or changed." Sarcastic barbs do nothing but increase animosity.
  2. Indeed. With basic iron sights the AK is a reasonably accurate platform in semi-auto mode, and with the AK-74 the accuracy is much more manageable. In fact, I got to shoot my 74 for the first time today (built from a Bulgarian parts kit), and the two things I took away from shooting it were (1) that increased accuracy and (2) the recoil is much more manageable than a 47 - it's practically like shooting an AR-15.
  3. I can only roll my eyes when I read statements like that, as people said the same thing back when CMSF was first released.
  4. In case you didn't notice, he's not been here that long, so lighten up on the sarcasm.
  5. Breaching kits are for walls & wire only, as opposed to demo charges.
  6. If you must ask that sort of question, it shows you just want to have an argument, rather than to somehow be convinced to buy CMRT. The evidence is plenty and right before your eyes about the advantages CMRT offers over CMBB.
  7. Working as intended. It's an area-denial tactic.
  8. Yeah, I got that part down, but when I try to start a new PBEM match I cannot select CMBS from the dropdown box. Am I missing something here, or is it that way for everyone?
  9. How'd you do it? I can get it to work - it just shows up as grayed-out.
  10. There are no ranks above Lt. Colonel in any of the CM titles.
  11. Huh, what? No, it's not correct, and wee was right for reporting it.
  12. I'll put in a report about it to see if it can get changed to a more appropriate name.
  13. Rank in the game is purely cosmetic. Who gets assigned as a scout is exactly as Vanir has described it, and it's why, for example, you'll see the RPK-74 gunner in UKR squads assigned to scout duty.
  14. They work just like the standard movement commands (Quick, Move, Hunt, etc.) in Turn-Based mode.
  15. ^The lighting in those screenshots is practically flawless.
  16. The "red-base" casualties represent guys who are so badly wounded they are going to be out of the fight for an extended period of time, if not permanently. As in, they are gonna be shipped out to a field hospital and not a battalion aid station for a quick bandaging before returning to their unit.
  17. Per one of Chris's Twitch broadcasts, radar is modeled, but they do not operate at full power, on the assumption that operating at full power would invite the wrath of enemy air attacks.
  18. Roll tape, please: If that's not trying to stir things up, then I don't know what is. The people who assassinated her father are the ones to blame and them alone.
  19. Nice try but no, I'm not buying that one bit. I've seen these arguments time and time again to know you just wanted to get in a potshot against American foreign policy.
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