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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. If you think something is wrong, run some tests and submit the results here for review.
  2. Engineers will spot minefields faster than ordinary infantrymen.
  3. This thread really needs to be in the Black Sea forum.
  4. Indeed. Starting the countdown for the next one...
  5. Some do, some don't. IIRC, one those without Constellation is the BRM-1K, on the assumption that Russia wouldn't upgrade such an old vehicle with modern equipment.
  6. Oh dear, there's that ridiculous artist's-concept image again...
  7. Eh, sounds more like a bug. If you guys see this happen again, post a save file here showing the incident.
  8. The Obzor is the one being seen most often with Russian troops (lots more photos of it in use here: http://russianoptics.net/Obzor.html )
  9. Night vision sights only, no thermals.
  10. panzer, you have a way with words that I've rarely seen from anyone else in all the forums I read. It's good to have you around.
  11. That was one of the best eviscerations of a John Kettler post I've seen in a long time. Good job, sir.
  12. Oh look, another new Armata thread! The second one today!
  13. Sounds all too familiar. I am good friends with the guy who develops & publishes the Rise of Flight and IL-2 titles. He likes to talk about how people tell him he doesn't know how to run his business, how [insert title name] will be abandonware this time next year, how the guys working for him are incompetent, etc., etc. Yet, as he likes to say, here they still are, going strong and working on new content. That doesn't happen without a rational business plan.
  14. You probably know this but if not: savegame files deleted from within the game are deleted permanently.
  15. ...which makes me wonder why BFC continues to insist on making a Mac version of every one of their titles. Seriously, what other game developer out there today puts out both a Mac and a PC version of their software?
  16. Though obviously an old example, the revised strategy of the 8th Air Force in 1944 to set the P-51 escorts loose is a good illustration of this. By hunting down the Luftwaffe wherever and whenever they could be found (such as struggling to climb to altitude full laden with fuel and ammo), they ensured the threat to the B-17s was minimal.
  17. And/or they would have done earlier what they ended up doing in 1945: providing an even stronger escort force for the B-17s.
  18. http://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/wwii-myths-the-me262-jet-fighter.html And... -Manfred Boehme, JG 7 60 Me 262s and a 2-week difference would not have made one iota of a difference in the prosecution of the air war.
  19. A long-ago debunked myth. The requirement to make the Me 262 a fighter-bomber delayed its combat introduction by mere weeks, not months or years. It was always the engines that were the weak point in the design.
  20. Guys, please don't quote all of these images in your replies. It just hogs up bandwidth and makes for huge scroll-fest.
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