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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Yep, just hold down the Shift key while setting the arc. Also note: the willingness of your troops to hold their fire depends on their level of experience.
  2. John, seriously, we don't need a magnus opus about your gaming habits or your personal life.
  3. That guy has a lot of good videos on his channel.
  4. So, with some sort of tortured logic, that makes it alright for Russia to violate Ukraine's sovereignty?
  5. ...and don't forget about the underslung Panther turrets!
  6. Yeah, I don't like that idea, either, as it would disallow the player from carrying out very valid tactics like covering fire on terrain where the enemy hasn't shown their presence yet but there's very good reason to believe they are occupying said terrain.
  7. Correct, any weapons listed in the equipment panel are anti-tank weapons. Anything listed to the left of that equipment panel is not, by definition, an anti-tank weapon.
  8. 3-69 AR is the unit featured in the American campaign.
  9. http://rt.com/news/256437-armata-stuck-moscow-parade/
  10. Apologies if it's already been posted: http://www.janes.com/article/50821/laad-2015-russian-bazalt-allowed-to-export-aps-defeating-rpg-30
  11. The game is set at a time when pretty much any tank can engage and destroy any other tank on the battlefield. It has nothing to do with BF modeling things according to "war movies or spectacular explosions."
  12. The way I look at experience levels in the context of WWII is pretty much the same as above: -Conscript: very little or no training and no experience whatsoever, e.g., Volkssturm. -Green: trained units, but no combat experience. Or, alternatively, units being used outside of their intended role (Luftwaffe & KM infantry (yes, at the least they did go through basic infantry training at least once in their military service), army support & maintenance personnel being pressed into the front lines (many examples of this during Bulge), etc. -Regular: trained to a higher standard than regular line infantry, or line infantry that has seen a good amount of combat. Airborne formations are a good example of this. Alternatively, veteran units that have been brought back to full strength with green replacements. -Veteran: very reliable units that have been there and done that. -Crack & Elite: the very absolute best of the best. The Wittmans, Cariuses, Audie Murphy types, etc.
  13. It would help if you actually knew how the American legislative process works before jumping to the conclusion that Ukraine should now have Javelins.
  14. A similar argument could / was made for the player knowing detailed formation information about enemy units, but BFC found it fit to tweak that. This is the same sort of request for being made for the hit text.
  15. That's a third-party campaign, so filing a support ticket won't be of any help.
  16. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119249-on-the-horizon/
  17. Ok, there's a strong argument. The only thing trees do that isn't 1:1 is the blocking of vehicle and gun turret movement, but that's only to keep the game from being bogged down in pathfinding calculations.
  18. Funny enough, I had some Romanian 8mm years ago that worked fine for me, but that may be because I was shooting it in a Kar98k. My own "awful ammo" story comes from when I purchased my Savage No.4 Mk.I* a few years back, as it came with about 300 rounds of Pakistani ammo. I read a lot of stories about how bad this ammo was, but I really didn't think it could be that bad. Well, one range session later, I found out what a hangfire sounds like. I could literally hear the hammer fall and then finally the projectile would decide to fire! Yep, that stuff was that bad. As fellow gun owners will also say, that particular ammo is rightfully called Crapistani.
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