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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. So, what does this have to do with the game?
  2. You also have a strong tendency to say 'murica every time you don't like the way something Russian is modeled in the game.
  3. For those that are newer to the site, the reason Kettler gets such a hard time is stuff like this, which he's also posted in the past here as well: I certainly don't hate the guy, but I also can't take him seriously.
  4. Steve has clearly stated they don't close or delete threads unless it's a very, very specific reason, which is almost always when the thread is spam.
  5. There's this great subforum here called "General Discussion" if you want to discuss the merits of law enforcement. Please stop dragging this thread off-topic.
  6. So, a T-90 is stopped by a traffic officer and...
  7. Ah, you're always a good source of (absurd) humor, Jonnie.
  8. I've seen it all now from Johnny - a thousand-word essay on why emoticons are evil.
  9. It's the animations of the trees blowing in the wind that are disabled with the low tree detail option.
  10. I think I've seen it all now WRT nonsense Kettler posts.
  11. This thread is too serious. It needs a joke about TOW gunners: (NSFW stuff edited out)
  12. Oh, and this, which came out just a few days ago. Gotta love that chili mac!
  13. I see the Germans are keeping up their tradition of serving totally uninspired food.
  14. ​Fewer things are/were more obscene that that abominable omelet.
  15. Afghani and Iraqi? ROFL, thanks for the joke of the day.
  16. Word of advice: be very, very, very skeptical of anything John Kettler writes.
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