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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. They are there. What caliber of hit?
  2. Yes, Alt + I, my fault. Anyways, that command will toggle off all icons. You just have to press that key combo more than once. I use it all the time when making screenshots for my AARs.
  3. Yes, they will move. Stationary, moving (except for Fast) - it doesn't matter. If you're being lased it means something really potent somewhere has you in their crosshairs, so sitting idly by is not a wise thing to do.
  4. They will only keep moving with the Fast movement command.
  5. That's actually where I saw most of the (literal) bloody mess. We always knew when a casualty was going to be a difficult one when the medevac helo pilot was coming in low and fast and practically waving us out to the helipad before the helo's wheels were on the ground.
  6. The 3D models are the same, yes. IIRC only the BMP-3 visually shows its APS system.
  7. As White2Golf put it, I do find such a statement insulting. I saw my fair share of blood and gore during my time, and I'm still here, functioning normally. You just have to learn how to put in the background.
  8. LOL, you certainly weren't the only one. I absolutely loathed the days I had to do escort for the ones who would come in to do work for us.
  9. Na Vaske, the first rule about responding to anything Kettler writes is to view what he says with a huge grain of salt.
  10. The game was never promised to be released on the 15th.
  11. You can have a hard time believing it all you want, but the reality is that's the way it really happened. The Soviets did not utilize what came to be known as designated marksmen but rather ensured anyone issued a scoped Mosin or SVT was a person properly trained in how to use it. This was all part of a very strong culture of "snipersim" fostered by the Communist party leadership. http://www.shotgun.com.ua/class/sniping/snip_hist_12.html :
  12. No, that is not hardly the case. The Soviets had one of the best - if not the best - sniper programs even before the war even began. They didn't just hand out scoped rifles randomly during the war, even during the bad years of 41-42. If a Red Army soldier was issued a scoped rifle, it's because they went through a strict training program required of all snipers.
  13. The problem is that movies like Generation War are portraying the Germans of the war years as an innocent people who were forced by Hitler & his gang to go off and fight a war of aggression, and then when things turned bad the world was supposed to have pity on them for the actions they committed. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
  14. 4 years as a medic in the US Army (with a year of that spent in Germany), and then a further 2 in the California Army National Guard in 1-185 AR. Did one tour of duty in Iraq* (as my profile pic shows). Alas, I did not get to play with all the fun toys. *2004, OIF2. Aka, the days where "up-armored humvees" meant strapping some sandbags to the hood and stacking some more on the floorboards. (Not me in this photo).
  15. Well, by 1944 the German surface fleet and U-boat arm was a very faint shadow of what it once was. Yeah, using them as infantry wasn't exactly ideal, but they weren't doing much sailing on the high seas by this stage of the war.
  16. The number of G43s & MP44s per squad is dependent on the equipment quality setting, so you could potentially have a Conscript Ost Battalion with lots of the nice guns and Crack Waffen-SS units with the typical, common-as-dirt small arms.
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