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Everything posted by sburke

  1. You have to have eyes on the AA units. I assume you know how spotting works, if your guys can't see them, you can't see them. When you get points for inflicting casualties on the enemy, do you get to always see all the enemy? So no, this is not a bug. As to the other bug you'd noted, that isn't specific to the scenario, what version are you running 2.11 or 2.12?
  2. I've tossed it up for someone to check out. I'll be back from the road around tuesday if no one gets to it before then. Leave the save file in place so they can check it out.
  3. oh yeah, I have definitely felt that pain. I can't say I have found a solution per se, depends on terrain, depth of woods, what tools do you have (arty) etc. Smoke can sometimes help even the playing field as well.
  4. regarding posting http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97288 As to the building issue, do you have a save that someone could look at? I am on the road and unable to check this, but should be back in front of my PC next week.
  5. I won't pretend to be able to contribute anything regarding what the hit probability should be. I do have one question. The answer may be somewhere in this thread, but I didn't notice it and considering the thread starts with links to other threads...too much to read. How is the angle of fire being determined? As far as I can see it simply states with two tanks on level ground. What is the relative height difference of the barrel of the tank firing and the expected location to cause the shot trap? Is that angle conducive to testing to produce the expected result? (in other words is it a level shot or is the angle such that it is affecting the test results?) Just a thought, perhaps already accounted for but I figured worth asking at least.
  6. Lol. It isn't like they have been idle the whole year.
  7. We can't do the War of 1812 till we have fire.
  8. You were in to turkeys? I really didn't want to know that. And mord, I fortunately ate before seeing that gif. Still I am likely to be scarred for years. Between that gif and wondering about Emrys and those poor turkeys, I am likely to run into serious therapy bills.
  9. The new ditchlock feature may help as well.
  10. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97288 everything you would want to know
  11. Interesting, I am running the same. What do you use for virus protection? I am using MSE.
  12. HPS Middle East '67 has a map for the 82 war and a scenario Peace for Galilee as well as another updating the Oob for 2004 and a US intervention in Lebanon. The map includes a lot of stuff in Lebanon and the SW portion Syria. You can alter the OoB any way you want and it would give you at least something to work with. Unfortunately you can't expand the map. If you are looking for something more European based you can use the Danube Front game and again alter the OoB how you see fit. The map itself is huge covering all of Germany and portions of Austria, Netherlands, Denmark etc. Noob has taken the lead on trying to set some basis for converting HPS games. At a minimum it is a good place to start for looking at the campaign process.
  13. woot!!!! very cool Mord, thanks. You too DC
  14. Vassal has a module for Firepower. Personally would love to see CM do a game on Vietnam, but then I loved the Afghanistan game too. As to financial viability, eventually BF will have to branch out. There is only so much WW 2 material especially high demand material. Many of us would love to see a France 1940 game however it won't have the same commercial appeal as Normandy, The Bulge or the Eastern front. Hopefully as the engine develops BF won't have as much overhead cost producing a game.
  15. Regarding the beaming in- Seems I overlooked reviewing the scenario focusing so much on AI plans and didn't focus as much on what a human player might do. Beaming in is simply the effect of having reinforcements appear for the AI attacker. The default location unfortunately is in a position where an Allied player can set up an ATG based on the one of the Allied AI option plans and requirement to have a set up zone position there. Sorry guys. Item to put in my notebook for future reference. Hopefully there is enough meat in the scenario that this particular issue isn't too much of a downer.
  16. Exactly. Same reason we don't have tank riders and fire yet. Patience, if it can be done and it has risen high enough in the to do list it may yet happen.
  17. Personally I don't think it is an issue of the bocage properties, but rather the map designer is not allowing any variance in the field. This has been discussed extensively before including altering the tile at openings to reflect traffic (mud tiles or some such). The Bocage itself doesn't need to be permeable, but there should be periodic openings to some extent. Bocage isn't something you go down to home depot and buy. It is a product of years and years of field clearing etc. It isn't necessarily planned, but I doubt any farmer was going to allow himself to be boxed in so he always had to walk all the way around to cross his fields. From what I can see in period pictures however, Bocage should not be a semi permeable surface that can be crossed anywhere given a little effort.
  18. I just used it for the first time since the update- no issues on my end.
  19. Actually the confusion about objectives lent a rather interesting level of FOW for the game. It was pretty entertaining from our seats to watch the two of you plot moves based on perception of goal. It also highlights the fun to be had with setting up VLs for a scenario where they are dissimilar. Good show both of you, I think we were all entertained every bit as much as we'd hoped.
  20. LOL I believe I made that mistake at one point too, though it has been a while. Happy gaming...
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