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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Aim for the fuel trucks lumbering along behind it. oh you mean in game... never mind
  2. if you experience a massive artillery piece for more than 4 hours...... have you removed your mods to check if you have a possible cause? If so and it is still there PM me if you have a save you can send.
  3. Thanks ASL Vet, I had another user send me a file and have been playing around with it and a self created scenario to try and understand what I was seeing and what it might be. I hadn't gotten far enough yet to draw any conclusions other than I was seeing something odd. to SMbecket- just for edification- I went through every CW and CMBN stock scenario trying to find another example. I finally found one in carbide carbide, but only one of the two bridges exhibited a problem. So it isn't as if EVERY single bridge related scenario was broken. It also wasn't helping me to isolate a cause. Please note that odds are very high that any issue raised out here is spotted and probably looked at by someone, however the process of verifying what a user says, finding good examples to check, isolate a possible cause and then provide for other folks to look at etc takes more than 4 days and no it isn't likely you are going to get a day by day report from a person not paid to do this who is looking at it. Have a little faith though that we all care enough to want to fix anything that comes up.
  4. Broadsword has experimented with Crete and Tunisia and I think successfully within the limitations of equipment availability.
  5. I suspect Vanir is closer to the truth and it is a simple answer that would explain the behavior. Possibly because they wanted to add mount and dismount capability?
  6. hehe maybe, Broadsword and I are just starting on a MG Campaign using Where Eagles Dare for the OP layer. It will look nothing like the historical version- seems like we are headed for a great urban fight in Eindhoven pitting the 59th ID versus whatever the Allies can through against them.
  7. The helmet issue is known, will check out the bunker, thx!
  8. interesting assessment and given the changes in MG a good one. I had an AI unit close assault a tank and survive to tell the tale so any decisions regarding urban combat have to be made with that in mind. Urban fighting has gotten a lot more dangerous for armor and you are facing guys with the morale and weaponry to carry that out.
  9. That would be JonS who is also the designer for the German Campaign in MG, the Bois de Baugin scenario in CMBN and quite a few others. He did the scenario designer AAR in the lead up to MG as well, great resource.
  10. I wouldn't quite call that a trend yet. However creating a campaign in certain periods gets a bit difficult if players want to play a side that is primarily on defense. MG certainly can have some of those issues and I think they do try to have a campaign for each side if possible. Personally I thought the German campaign in MG was interesting and creative concept that also managed to side step the issue of how to do a German campaign when the Germans other than assaulting the Oosterbeek perimeter rarely had a unit in an extended attacking posture. I would have to agree though that creating a good AI attack is very difficult in CM. The AI just can not use the tools at hand on attack or coordination that a human player can and as such is handicapped in performance.
  11. another use for demo charges is "mouse holing" create your own covered routes along a street.
  12. you may want to check the battlefront page. I suspect you'll be a little happier.
  13. you don't need the notification to DL- if you pre ordered, just go to your account page.
  14. I will second that as long as the fake code is also 3-4 times larger than the real so they sit there a nice long time.
  15. Wrong, the world is only 6000 years old. Those dinosaur bones are fakes to test your faith - and because God loves messin with ya. What else is left for a supreme being who already has everything?
  16. would you rather they work on getting it released or stop to tell you they are working to get it released? .. you'd know no more than you do now and you've possibly slowed the release. Really that is about the sum of it. - patience it will come when it is ready.
  17. Damn!! I wasted all this time when I could have been using this info for pick up lines??!!!
  18. That is because you don't have any halftracks to assign them to be gunners for.
  19. Well he had done his job, time to rest on his "laurels". Nice shootin!
  20. LOL was wondering when you would get tired of the sniping from the "I don't play against humans" peanut gallery. C'mon Emerys, take the challenge!!
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