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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Perfect timing, with the patch out it should really enhance the experience. This looks to be turning into one of your best yet. The Wehrmacht is gearing up, let's see if you can take this bridge. You better, I am really looking forward to the Battle for Eindhoven.
  2. Geez man, have a bad day? BF always said they would only keep the current and the immediately preceding version up to date. Why look at the glass as half full when you are likely at 2.x already instead of taking that as a hopeful sign that 3.0 development is moving ahead?
  3. It does? Umm what scenarios would that be?
  4. GAJ is really the person to ask however one thing I noticed this morning is I got a windows update. I wouldn't be surprised to find that did something.
  5. Incidentally I found out about the movie while reading an article about how they offended the locals in England while filming on remembrance day. Sounds like a winner...
  6. Apparently uber tank crews are a noted element and Hollywood has just discovered it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2713180/ Set in the waning days of World War II's European theater, a battle-hardened U.S. Army tank commander Sergeant who goes by the nickname Wardaddy leads a unit of five soldiers on his final mission behind enemy lines in April 1945 as Nazi Germany collapses. The M4 Sherman tank unit consists of Norman Ellison, an Army typist and the youngest and most inexperienced member of the crew who is thrust into being a tank gunner; the cunning, vicious, world-wise Arkansas native Grady Travis; a brave young military officer; and an always "tanked" driver.
  7. c)scream unintelligibly at the top of my lungs sounding frighteningly similar to a 5 year old girl and then proceed to run blindly out of the tank directly into a wall knocking myself unconscious to the great relief of my fellow crew as well as the enemy, both of whom will now congregate around me discussing just how shrilly I was screaming and taking odds on who would have shot me first. Yeah definitely c
  8. Game of Thrones is good. Pretty bloodthirsty though. The downside of that book is that the following volumes get worse and worse as they progress. Read it. hopefully you will enjoy it, but know that continuing to follow the story will inevitably start to disappoint.
  9. actually add CW and then patch it. The 1.11 patch is applied to CW as well. It may be okay patching CMBN then adding CW as the 1.11 brz will still be there as long as you are upgrading, but I'd do the 1.11 patch after loading CW just to be sure.
  10. There have enough examples pointed out of this here, and yes I'd agree in those examples they do appear too aggressive and capable considering what they have just been through. I don't think this is necessarily limited to tank crews either. It is simply those incidents are glaring as they happen in close proximity and aren't a player decided option. You have units that should be hors de combat that we as players continue to feed into the fight. What I don't know is overall, how often does it proportionally happen? (Also note that with the changes in vehicle and infantry behavior introduced in MG, I'd expect it is going to start happening more often as infantry close assault capability is getting major enhancements.) I have been sandboxing an urban environment trying out some things, but it isn't quite the same as getting data from actual player experience. As a last question- what was the crew of the tank rated as?
  11. Ha my wife is Japanese. What makes me like Tolkien also has led me to follow Japanese history particularly the Sengoku period. There are many similarities in term of tragedy, rivalries that span generations etc. So she doesn't mind. Lucky me that she didn't just look at me askance and politely decline my invitation for a date.
  12. Well at heart Tolkien's world is dark. The Hobbit was a very brief moment in time from the LoTR, The LoTR warranted all of maybe 5 pages in the Silmarillion. The Silmarillion is a story of greed, arrogance and betrayal that spans thousands of years and is mostly a story of tragedy. Tolkien began work on the stories that would make up the Silmarillion as early as 1914, 23 years before publication of the Hobbit. Trying to make an adult movie version of the Hobbit is hard to do with out accounting for the fact that it is essentially part of the closing act of the demise of the Elves in Middle Earth. There is only so much they can include without thoroughly confusing the reader however. Even in LoTR, Elrond can only discuss the cost of choosing to be mortal with Arwen. What is not said is Elrond himself is the grandchild of a union between Human and Elf (Beren and Luthien) and that Elrond himself had to make the choice between Elven immortality or a human life. His brother Elros chose to be Human and is an ancestor of Aragorn. Yeah there is a bit on incest here as well, this was far from the only example.
  13. I like the idea, but to temper it a bit, you are in building 1, they are in building 3...there may actually be several rooms between you and them. CM unfortunately doesn't really model interiors. Still I think the idea has a lot of merit considering the interaction with building interiors is limited to start with. It would contribute to a bit more finesse in urban combat than we can currently achieve.
  14. The Silmarillion is the real deal. Lord of the Rings was an appetizer (though that divergence on Tom Bombadil makes you wonder what substances Tolkien may have experimented with). The Hobbit was a sale coupon hanging on the local supermarket bulletin board.
  15. Forget it Steve, the National Enquirer just broke the story. You are the hush hush love child of a union between Warren Buffet and some un-named exotic dancer from Thailand. BF is just tax write off for you, profitability was never a goal. How long did you really think you would be able to keep this secret?
  16. Isn't that what started you down this road, one user stating what their experience has been? Did you stop to ask what other players experience has been before you headed down this path of implying that BF has missed the boat on CAS effectiveness? To get this back on track beyond simply a funny though frustrated player's experience (which is all it was to begin with before your latest unsupported critique) we would need a couple pieces of info. 1. In CM what is the overall experience with friendly fire and aircraft? - in the recent CMFI AAR I seem to recall that CAS was actually pretty damn effective - did you see that platoon get wiped out? Okay yeah that is just another single incident but suddenly the percentage has swung a long way from where it was eh? 2.What was the overall experience with CAS support in RL in WW 2 - good luck on getting that data. One observation- perhaps you should play the game more, you might actually have some relevant experience to refer back to before wandering down these paths.
  17. There's the pitch and...... it's out of the park!!!!!! Who didn't see that coming.
  18. okay then I think we know where this is going. Facts. Such a funny word when you seem to be able to create them out of whatever political axe it is you have to grind. Polish Chauvinists? I think someone has decided what comfortably fits their world view and has adjusted the "facts" to fit. IBTL! or more appropriately maybe IBTB!
  19. Hmm my spidey sense is tingling.... whenever I hear a diatribe about why the Germans lost the war and a large part of it focuses on "traitors" undermining the German defense....... Yeah I think I am hearing that same old tired tune again. Jeez you'd think after all these years and the oh so blatant self immolation of a nation following that political philosophy that it would just die out. Guess not.
  20. umm yeah so my dyslexia is now common knowledge...damn that is such a career problem in the phone business....
  21. Just like a crack dealer, eager to get me hooked eh? Let me give it some thought and I'll try to give some detailed requests.
  22. It isn't from lack of interest, but rather I have no plans immediately for any Bulge oriented fighting. Too tied up in CMFI and a MG campaign battle. Nice work though. I might however be interested in some signage for Lorraine... Arracourt, Lunéville, Metz, Nancy, Thionville
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