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Everything posted by sburke

  1. no greedier than I, any chance those are in the works? Looking for the 45thID (US) and 305th ID (German)
  2. Broadsword has experimented with modding CMFI and doing a Crete campaign, it is pretty good and still running. It is limited however to just infantry. For BF to consider Crete, I believe you are correct, they would have to consider a NA game. This could then address unit organizations and equipment. Maybe around the time they also consider Poland 1939 and France 1940. The German units would likely be close to complete when they do Eastern Front 1941. Besides, what is BF going to do after they finish the EF?
  3. I read it and didn't believe someone would actually post that under their own sig.
  4. tested, confirmed and reported, thanks warrenpeace
  5. No problem I can rerun mine tonight without walls
  6. loaded save and watched the behavior. I then took a shot to see if I can re create it. I took 16 sets of buildings. 4 sets each facing N, E, S and W, Each set is a row of 3 and I split them up in order of the first 4 selections with 5, 4, 4 and 3 story. I put a low wall across each door facing. I purchased scout teams and gave them a quick move to the center building. Only the first two buildings exhibited the odd behavior - both the east and west facing. All the rest the teams went through the low wall into the building. I'll include my save with yours and submit it. I suspect the rubble in your save is acting as a low wall for pathing.
  7. Thanks, just back home last night. I'll take a look this evening
  8. is that a bazooka you got there or are you just glad to see me?
  9. I once saw the AI launch a shreck at well over 250 m....and gasped as it arced very nicely right into my Sherman...then gasped again as the Sherman exploded taking out the halftrack next to it. Have never seen one hit from that far since, but the experience scarred me. Typically I use them in the 70-150 meter range. Beyond that they become very unreliable. Bazooka range is considerably less and there may be some input from BF that keeps them from launching too far past their range capability. That had been an issue previously with PIATs.
  10. LOL what's that one sig? "Fight with conscript tanks"? Mine should be "fight with stupid troops!" Correction - that is "Play with conscript tanks" and belongs to Vanir.
  11. Oh sure make fun of my reading glass prescription. Off my lawn hippy!
  12. IDF troops? Cool! Too bad we can't get actual IDF vehicles like Merkava.
  13. LOL I gotta compliment your perseverance and humor Vanir. For your sanity's sake I actually hope you do find something that results in a correction.
  14. I didn't spell it out quite so well, but did mention smoke earlier. I am still smarting from vKleist smoking me out and blowing away my woods defense in Bois de Baugin. Very traumatic... I need to go take a moment...
  15. Battlefront- you need to raise your prices to increase sales. http://www.businessinsider.com/this-is-brilliant-marketing-cards-against-humanity-offers-5-more-black-friday-deal-and-sales-spike-2013-12
  16. Outstanding LOS, will be following your progress. Broadsword and I fought a vicious engagement on this map. While I was mostly on defense, at one point I launched my pioneers at a farm complex on my left front hoping to unhinge the allied attack. The position was held by several Churchills and some infantry. My Panzers had created some chaos amongst the enemy armor and then my pioneers moved on the buildings. I was held right after using demo charges to blow my way into the complex. This was the one and only battle we fought using that game for the campaign layer, MG was where we really wanted to go using Where Eagles Dare. It was a blast though, enjoy the map, we certainly did. We've just started the first battle of that game in Son.
  17. CM is trying to decide if the players are worthy of being allowed to continue. In effect it is simply saying "oh no you don't soldier! You are gonna take that objective or else!"
  18. Thanks ken John I did not suggest that you or anyone else had provided a slew of bug reports. In fact as I stated, though perhaps not clearly enough is I had not heard of a "slew" of bug reports against MG at all. However considering a "slew" is an ill defined subjective term, perhaps I am wrong. My issue is simply you started your DAR reporting an issue with info on the map as a bug. I don't believe there is another soul on this forum who would consider a problem a designer has created on a scenario to be a "bug". An error, yes. I am sure I have more than a few. My suggestion to use another scenario is to allow you to be able to discuss with the designer your questions and suggestions if you really want a DAR. I am not up for doing so. You have a singular perspective on how you approach the game and personal interaction that I do not share. Let's just leave it at that. Costard how can you be sure I am not a wuss? I think JonS has already suggested otherwise. No offense taken Jon, I know you are simply trying to help me grow. Besides I blame all issue with my scenarios on you. If it weren't for your encouragement I wouldn't be in this pickle.
  19. yeah you did lose me, I didn't know there was a slew of bug reports at all. Then again you reported an issue with how you felt the scenario was giving you information as a bug. See this is why I would prefer you don't use a scenario I have had anything to do with. It's like fingernails on a chalk board. The battle selection screen can sort by size, please just choose anything else that you feel approximates the size of this one.
  20. Well first off, if you are suggesting that you have supplied a slew of bug reports- the only thing specific you have mentioned regarding Out on a Limb is you don't like the information supplied on the map (or lack of info). That isn't a bug, simply that you don't understand the point of the scenario and assume what you think you should know. I can't help that. The scenario was designed to create a specific dilemma. You have to balance the need for information versus the risk of potentially running into forces your lone platoon can't handle (hence the title). The general area where both AA guns should be isn't all that difficult to figure out from the map itself. The couple other things you cited are not going to be specific to a scenario. They could be issues with your PC or issues with MG, but either way you'll run into them in any scenario including those specific elements. As to another scenario maybe try Sheriff of Oosterbeek. It has a very well detailed briefing and I think you'll find as much information evident on the map. It may be larger than you want to bite off however. Perhaps some others can suggest another similar size scenario.
  21. don't let it get to you the community is only talkative when it is arguing over some infinitely ridiculous minor detail item that only a grog could care about. And then we'll run on in a 300 post thread.
  22. Can you please pick another scenario for your DAR? There are plenty to choose from.
  23. Don'tcha just hate when ya get a brand new tank and . . . I can hear Andy doing a 60 minutes skit on it.
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