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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Huh, I thought it was Stuka's bartending girlfriend. I am still wondering WHY she felt the need to inform him she had to fart, probably some expectation on her part that he liked that sort of thing...
  2. My Tardis is in the shop, no idea. Nope, that is correct.
  3. no, you have to have 101, there is a brz file included in 101 you need.
  4. Same here, been running on it since summer and have been unable to contribute to testing of that particular bug because I don't have it. And yes it runs very nice.
  5. Oh gawd, what is that awful banshee wailing noise??!!! Oh it is just Stuka again Now just exactly what was the point of that story, something about you thinking women should have this dainty little cute "melodic" fart. Geez you were young and stupid. At least you are no longer young. Probably have a whole anime collection don't you?
  6. Kettler will disclose all previously classified info.
  7. I think I can answer that easily, any sales of anything based on CM would violate your agreement at purchase and violate copyright.
  8. won't let it go will you, no most of the world does not agree with the Russian propaganda line. Most of the world knows exactly what is going on and it isn't "humanitarian aid" that is coming in those convoys. Didn't help that one overturned and it seems it was filled with weapons. Yeah you keep believing it is a civil war and I'll keep believing it is Santa that puts the CM Discs under my Christmas tree. 90% of Donetsk locals come from Chechnya, Serbia, Russia proper etc yeah uh huh.
  9. <--- Joke. Just in case. Are you suggesting jerome2142 would flunk out? That is cold.
  10. That right there sums it up quite nicely. The game functionality completely breaks down if you institute this kind of rigorous C2. Just because the Looie isn't around the squad doesn't become stupid. Odds are it might even improve C2 right now works pretty darn good, isolated units are more fragile, without communications gear they can't spot for arty etc. You can already enact this behavior in game if you want, no need to break the game to try and create it. Peregine had a great thread on this. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1475843&postcount=1
  11. Not sure- the wording is vague. You are not a distributor of the game so I don't know if it qualifies as an advertisement, only BF can say- if you get a PM and a warning you'll know for sure. 5. Blatant advertisements - including commercial links - for non-Battlefront products, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also prohibited from these Forums. Personally I don't mind it all that much, but more likely it belongs in the general discussion forum if allowed and not here. In regards to the OP - looks like an interesting concept, but I think I'd really hate the scrolling 2D world- too 1980s arcade style for me.
  12. These guys not only have manuals, they'll even let you play with all the cool new real stuff. http://www.goarmy.com/
  13. I can't vouch for what he might have said, but regardless it beats getting birthed by a veterinarian. I'm betting yours shouted something like Yeehaw, more moonshine!!
  14. Yep, I think that about sums it up. oh yeah, almost forgot, how'd you like that 75mm round from my taxi slicing through that dinky armored car like butter.
  15. One item that is different is Infantry pack a much bigger punch. More than once I have had an MG team in good position with a demoralized battered enemy in front and WHAM out of nowhere one guy gets the nerve up to hit me with an rpg and there goes my MG. Infantry on Infantry fighting is a lot more lethal. Parked in a building with good LOF down that street thinking you got it covered.... Bam there goes the front of the building.. Gonna be interesting to fight an urban battle in this game. Also just had an experience with friendly fire that was quite interesting. Enemy aircraft twice hit their own force and once at a critical moment in the battle. My forces were hunkered down trying to not become targets...it worked.
  16. You think I'd waste time watching your blind as a bat baz guy wasting rounds if it was up ?
  17. Classic House Rune, claiming victories that well, aren't quite real. That StuG is very much alive and functional. The crew hopped out to grab some take out at Cafe Grammont and are now back on their way. Just exactly how many AT rounds did you expend on it? Oh well, your guys can at least claim to have fired their ammo.....sorta like that guy in front of the tree. I'll be demonstrating shortly what an armored Taxi with a 75 mm gun looks like to your poor misguided pixeltruppen. Surely you can count enough to know that birth certificate comment is just dead wrong .. oh wait yeah, two is about your limit isn't it? ng cavscout, is this how you train your serfs? Making up victories in lieu of not having any real ones.
  18. skates close to the edge, but not sure if it crosses - you'll know if you get your wrist slapped in a PM. Been there I googled it and found a view videos on steam. I loved WSIM from Avalon Hill. My first impression was this looked really cool, then I watched the video for a bit longer and I am suspecting this is gonna be more like World of Tanks with ships.
  19. Was wondering about the overall performance of House Rune when I came upon their units in training. Apparently on this course they are given 20 rounds and if they manage to hit the tree they are immediately promoted. It explains a lot.
  20. no Sgt Joch is correct, this thread is better off staying on topic. Sorry
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