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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. There is only one other individual I know who makes a claim like that and he thinks the lizard people are trying to take over the world.
  2. BF has discussed and they don't feel it falls within the framework of what the game is intended to cover. Also it's usefulness is so limited they'd rather invest their resources on other stuff. As noted adding it is more than even just adding in the tow vehicle. There are animations, AI actions etc etc. You will find this a lot in BF's veto of different ideas that get tossed out there. There is a certain amount of work that anything requires. BF weighs the value add to the game and the work required (not just to do it, but to support it from then on) and makes their own judgement call.
  3. Beta games are not going to give you a perspective on the FPS you will be able to expect. The good news is it should be better assuming same configuration.
  4. One note on the gamers system is, TCS is platoon scale however the use of op orders is something that does not need to be tied to that. All that TCS requires is a map, a ToE and some standards as to the efficency of the command element of the unit in other words how flexible and responsive the unit is. Write your op orders on a company or battalion level and off you go. One of the advantages of the TCS series is the battle scale and time frame largely eliminates some of the record keeping required of the larger scale op layer choices. Honestly I think the hope for a computerized version for single player combat and AI is going to be a wish item for a very long time if not forever. Even something so simple as taking a save game file and importing it back into the scenario editor is still out of reach and that would be a huge game changer if we could get it.
  5. J Feckin christ - you guys were playing CMx1 so stop whining about how hard you had it. Cmx2 is the REAL game. Next you'll be crying about how when you started you had special checkers rule. Gawd the nonsense you get when old timers start trying to recall what things were like in the "good old" days. Yeah we are dependent on your memory of events, fat chance that has any relation to reality. And just to be clear, did you have some difficulty figuring out how to get your troops down a mountain? Hell I think almost anyone here would be willing to just give you a push.
  6. Really? Then how the hell did you ever make kniggethood? You can't possibly believe that what you have been spewing all this time qualifies as "high level heavy duty taunting". Oh wait, yeah you are an Ozzie, to you that probably does seem high level. Just like the day you learned about cooked food and thought you had discovered haute cuisine. What can one say about a "country" where ancestry.com is considered a prime dating site.
  7. As with a few other comments, here and interest in history is what got me really interested. However there is more about CMx2 for me than just that. With the switch to the 1:1 modeling I now also have an emotional investment in my units, that isn't something I have been able to really get out of any other game. The FPS and RPG games tend to have you worry about your character as it is essentially you, but you die and simply respawn. Oh well. CM however has me worrying about pvt Joe who managed to take out that tank on his own and is now in an exposed position the enemy is now aware of. If he gets hit, that is it, he is down. Maybe he is wounded in which case I feel obligated to try and get someone over there to buddy aid him. Hell I have gone so far as to edit ToEs to include medics. Or that scout who i have creeping toward an enemy position that could at any moment get hit by an unknown assailant. CM kind of removes the anonymity of all those pixeltruppen doing your fighting. I don't think there is anything about this generation so different they couldn't be interested. They for sure have options we did not have in board wargaming. Those required more imagination to appreciate, but by the same token I think what is out there will eventually leave one dissatisfied if something like CM is what you really want.
  8. That ship sailed unless you want to include the new "dwarf planet" category. Discovered in 1930, Pluto was originally classified as the ninth planet from the Sun. Its status as a major planet fell into question following further study of it and the outer Solar System over the next 75 years. Starting in 1977 with the discovery of the minor planet Chiron, numerous icy objects similar to Pluto with eccentric orbits were found. The most notable of these is the scattered disc object Eris, discovered in 2005, which is 27% more massive than Pluto.[17] The understanding that Pluto is only one of several large icy bodies in the outer Solar System prompted the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to formally define “planet” in 2006. This definition excluded Pluto and reclassified it as a member of the new "dwarf planet" category (and specifically as a plutoid).
  9. Yes, though it looks similar to the current battle, it is actually from a match Bil had with Putin. The guy to his left is pointing out how poorly Putin positioned his forces. Last I heard he was now in prison.
  10. Modern tanks have better visual capability and are all round tougher than ww2 tanks or do you guys think that shouldn't be included in your perception?
  11. I don't take much pleasure in winning a game where my task is to run away. That being said I do like slapping around House Rune, so I guess I'll call it even. And just to correct a few misconceptions, I live in San Jose and I don't have a basement, though I do have a house. So if I were to retreat it would be to a crawlspace and that would make me a fitting supplicant to House Rune. However being of the Shavian House I plant my PC right in the living room conveniently placed to watch football tomorrow whilst also watching my pixeltruppen die as a result of my stupid tactical moves, oops I mean crushing my enemies through my tactical brilliance.. yeah that's it.
  12. The latest word is still intent, but where it fits into the schedule is anyone's guess. As a replacement for what it still a pretty good game I wouldn't even venture to guess whether sales would be similar to the original or if they would vary either above or below. I know I am anxiously looking forward to the title and hope they expand it's scope beyond the original.
  13. You are probably right. More than likely someone just figured your house must be the Lexington house of corrections.
  14. Potentially, but those rounds are better used eliminating that enemy so your guys don't have to hide in a shell hole.
  15. Actually the 3rd was no slouch either and it's commander Maurice Rose was very highly regarded. It had the same ToE as the 2nd.
  16. Because we made so damn many of them? The sentence seems self contradictory, maybe I am missing your point.
  17. I think he's talking trash about your house Boo, that is assuming we even know which house is yours.
  18. Hehe and with a UAV possibly hovering over your head it may just come down to luck.
  19. It will definitely not be a CMBN module. As to when we will see it, guessing from previous statements from BF that Ian referred to I'd say there is a high likelihood that it will be next year and possibly the next family release. Way too early to say though as BF is also prone to do surprises. As far as I know the only family releases they have discussed are CMSF 2, the eastern front series and Bulge. Of those Bulge seems to have more of the artwork done. Not much to go on, but I am really hoping to see that one. It is also not clear how they might do it. The classic form would be to start right with the Bulge battles but considering the title is to cover Oct 1944 to end of war, they could totally change how they do it and start with the late fall battles and focus on different units than we might expect. There are operations in the Lorraine, Scheldt estuary, taking of Aachen, the Huertegen. Lots of ground that could be covered in the base game of that family before we even get to the Bulge.
  20. Lol I got burned by that one bad. I took it at it's word and just hid all my guys the first turn. I tend to like less info in a scenario just because it makes me work to figure out the enemies force and intent. Well the end result was I had blown my initial opportunity to suppress the enemies defenses while I moved up. I forced myself to play it out despite having totally botched it. I lost an entire company in one field when my opponent got into position first and butchered me. I will never make the mistake of ignoring briefings again.
  21. That is pretty much what I am doing. . You'd be surprised once you start building the list how often they will list for example sergeants in a platoon, but not mention which squad. Also as the unit takes casualties they may mention so and so took over a platoon or company, but you don't know what the guy was doing before. I have seen that with the company xo taking over in MG so I at least knew where the guy came from. There are a lot of Lts floating around a battalion is one thing I have learned.
  22. Well perhaps Nidan1 who has been strangely silent could shed light on which house he was joining when Boo knighted him. Now I could understand he may want to distance himself from the Akronite, but I think it is time we all set aside our differences this holiday season to help Boo find a home. In fact I think we should consider a telethon, maybe even enlist Jerry Lewis.
  23. Except we can't go underground . . . . . yet
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