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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I expect if you go now your impressions may be quite different. Also Putin may have "inherited" the kleptocracy, but that doesn't mean he wasn't part of it from the get go. He is no stranger to the halls of power and didn't arrive on the scene out of nowhere. To say he is just trying to deal with something that already existed as if he wasn't part and parcel of that system is disingenuous at best.
  2. Let's put it this way. In CMBS you can never know for sure if you are about to get hit no matter where your tank is hiding. And the shot can come with absolutely no warning. Drones are changing everything. In terms of handheld AT capability, yeah infantry are totally lethal, but beware getting spotted. Life can be brutal and short on the modern battlefield.
  3. Well Putin certainly seems to get his planning from an astrologist as his understanding of economics is worse than mine unless he really doesn't give a damn about how the average person lives under his regime. Here he is trying to be funny while the average person in Crimea is watching their savings vanish into the nightmare he created. http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21633949-russias-seizure-ukrainian-banks-crimea-still-wreaking-havoc-locals-finances-laughing-all
  4. I love that book and it is the main reason I want BF to do Fulda Gap.
  5. The problem is Putin IS one of the incompetent oligarchs. You think he isn't gaining from his cronies taking over all these other aspects of the economy? Russia needs a leader who thinks of the welfare of the Russian people, not Ukraine, not past glories, not trying to live in comparison to the west. A leader who works for the long term health of the Russian people. That isn't Putin. I have no illusions that there is someone waiting in the wings like Cinderella, but I truly do wish there did exist such a person to allow the Russian people to live their lives with a future of prosperity and peace instead of fear, uncertainty and war.
  6. I don't think that is a valid assumption anymore. Russia's resources are not limitless. The balance of forces since the Cold War days is increasingly in the west's favor and growing by the day for the simple reason that Russia does not have the resources to compete and as time passes is even less capable everyday. The economy underpinning it's military was in decline even before sanctions. There is a point where you have to assess your inherent capabilities versus your desires, Russia passed the balance point for that a while ago and is now working on bluff. Ukraine is calling it.
  7. Your assumptions are based on the west invading Russia. The west does not need to do that, but rather only defend Ukraine. The sanctions shortages and internal unrest will be Russia's issue to resolve. Attacking with masses of poorly organized, trained and equipped units is simply a recipe for more death and destruction for the attacking units, not particularly a problem for the defense. There is no equation that has this being resolved in any remotely satisfactory way for Russia by military action.
  8. That isn't what I am hearing and it doesn't even make sense. Much of what is being blocked isn't replaceable from other sources. http://www.businessinsider.com/russian-inflation-hits-8-and-there-are-food-shortages-2014-10 http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/11/17/us-russia-inflation-forecast-idUSKCN0J123G20141117
  9. The only reason I came to that conclusion on this bridge was based on another scenario I was testing for someone a couple months ago who brought it to my attention in their map design.
  10. I thought the canal bridge was simply rated as being too light to support a tank. Good plan Myles. See this is how it starts, you open the editor and change a bridge. Next game you open to swap some vehicles or adjust a setup. Next thing you know you alter an AI plan and all of a sudden you find yourself designing. bwahahaha Pinky what will we do tomorrow?
  11. Not everything that has been asked for is in, but then again that will never be true. There is however quite a bit, map making is pretty cool.
  12. not meshing with other verifiable sources. So for example the Kremlin can say all it wants that there are no Russian forces or aid in Ukraine - there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Regarding the specific statement that you and Steve are discussing, that is another matter. However the guy admitting Russia is in Ukraine is not that big a deal, everyone but the Kremlin says that.
  13. The only part of the Russian side that denies involvement is the Kremlin. Between Russian soldier's social media posts, hospital cases, the court case in Russia that has attempted to force disclosure on where Russian troops are being injured/killed, the DPR/LPR statements, reports from the OSCE, AP reporters etc it is the biggest open secret going. That hasn't stopped the pro russian forces from making up a whole lot of other stuff.
  14. Rightly so? C'mon man the entire cloud was down for a couple hours - 1. it isn't the end of the world if you have to wait a couple hours and 2. just exactly how much influence do you think BF has? If they could do this they could also insure we don't get screwed by driver updates for graphics cards. Isn't there a point where we can pretend to be adults and say an entire portion of the network is hosed, so maybe I can read a book or even have a conversation with another human being and set the game down? Or is the only possible automatic response to rage against a game manufacturer? God forbid we have an electrical outage.
  15. That sentence hurts. I am gonna have to go have a drink to soothe my brain cells.
  16. She hated you touching her that bad eh, why am I not surprised.
  17. You can always click their handle and select Private message - send em a note.
  18. So Microsoft cloud goes down and it is BF's fault? Come on there has to be a something in this world that isn't their fault.
  19. This thread gets my vote for most pathetic whining yet on the forum. Yeah ladies and gentlemen we have a winner!! And a bonus set of box art for CMBN, woot!! I love the helicopter, wtf did he think he was buying? LOL doofus.
  20. The pic combined with your SIG is priceless.
  21. Eh? Letting them get away with what? And don't forget Sept 19th is talk like a pirate day! http://www.talklikeapirate.com/
  22. Very cool Mord. I'll be looking forward to this stuff for when CMBS and eventually CMSF 2 are out as well. It is your fault so don't look at me like that!
  23. there are game versions and engine versions. CMRT game version is 1.0, engine is 3.0. CMBN game version 2.20 is engine 3.0. If you look on the splash screens now, they show both.
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