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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Well I have only one thing to say to all that.... Steve has a brother?!
  2. duh, I was referring to it's round shape versus a cube. Spheres of soup wouldn't exactly work too well.
  3. and no commercials. definitely kills the history channel!
  4. In CessPool terms that would translate to they used Emrys entrails and they clearly should have used Stuka entrails? I'd suggest we might as well use both.
  5. Scoff if you all will, lesser men, but today my Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House showed magnanimity beyond belief. I am sure he wanted to keep it secret, but I have word that he made a formal request to Jerry Jones to throw the Thanksgiving game as a gesture of appreciation for having to tolerate House Rune. My Liege there are no words to express my appreciation so let me try another method. There once was a slow thinking lout who's handle was ng cavscout try as he might to once get it right he could not get a turn out
  6. Which is why cans are round. One of my favorite moments in calculus was seeing the marketing logic for the strange volumes in a Campbell's soup can.
  7. I use smoke a fair amount and no there is no contextual banning of use, more likely it is an issue of combination of commands that is affecting it as mjkerner noted. I have seen incidents where I gave a pop smoke and face command at the end of a move turn. unfortunately my infantry got distracted and their facing at the end of the turn was different than I'd intended...and the resulting smoke off on a tangent to intended location. sh*t happens.
  8. Keep in mind you are looking at a screenshot from someone else's machine. Your mileage may vary. I have the good fortune to look at them on my machine. I like em. Regardless I am sure the modders will have a field day anyway. Variety of choices is a good thing.
  9. Cause fire on actual terrain is not in yet. As to decals and such, don't know. Would be kinda cool. Then again I'd love a whole revamp of buildings and damage for urban battlegrounds. Umlaut's mod helped a lot, but it'd be nice if there was more stock stuff and varying degrees of half demolished buildings.
  10. Well if I must say, and I must, House Rune has really discarded the whole concept of wit and panache. Stooping to the Dumb and Dumber roles that are more fitting their limited vocabulary and mental acuity. That means you don't know many words and you are stoopid. Toilet humor, butt jokes, what's next "your momma is so...(fill in joke)" lines? Well I guess it is to be expected when we have represented an Aussie and a trailer park denizen in the wastes of Vegas. They have a lot in common, one owes it's development to criminals and the other owes it's development to criminals with accents.
  11. or that you'd agree House Rune was too much a bunch of knuckledraggers to appreciate Haiku! whouda thunk? There is hope for you yet fellow pissbucket bearer.
  12. aye aye captain!, You heard that you scurvy dogs, stand down!
  13. I don't know who is the official score keeper, but I think once again House Rune overreached and failed miserably. Then again that is the House Motto isn't it?
  14. it is a user made scenario, it actually just popped up on another thread as a suggestion. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1569056&postcount=14
  15. My Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House isn't Haiku just a bit too high brow for these..well you know how much their brow juts out.... Nevertheless I will try at the risk of mortally offending my Japanese wife. All for the Shavian House! at the age old CessPool ng cavscout leaps into effluvia a deep resonance Now more in the vein of House Rune, perhaps we should do limericks? There once was a House called Rune From whence issued a horrible tune When asked of the source Watcher replied why of course My Knight is a veritable loon
  16. Wrong -there was never a point Russia was doing nothing. In fact Russia had been active for years. Dimitry Firtash is one of Putin's front men in Ukraine. This guy was a fireman 10 years ago and then suddenly he has a deal reselling gas from Gazprom buying it from Gazprom well under market, costing Gazprom billions. Later Gazprombank (Putin's buddies) gave him a line of credit for more billions. This guy was a major contributor to Yanukovich. This has been going on for four years and you can bet it isn't the Kremlin's only operation, though likely one of if not the largest in terms of cash flow. Tell me what possible reason could Russia have to grant this ex-fireman billions other than to use him to funnel that cash into Ukraine to finance other operations? http://news.yahoo.com/special-report-putins-allies-channeled-billions-ukraine-oligarch-131143198.html
  17. heh just DL'd your terrain and environment, I liked the church bells in there. Any idea who's sound mod that is?
  18. I don't watch any reality TV. Any guilt I might have considered about this hobby is washed away knowing I don't contribute to that garbage.
  19. Hey it's early, the guy IS an armor officer. I am sure we will get a very detailed action plan and overview even if it comes in narrative form.
  20. And occasionally succeeding brilliantly.
  21. Regularly? Source? The OSCE monitors are not reporting that and they have documented the rebel practice of firing from civilian areas which is a human rights violation. This particularly around the battle over the airport. Here is the OSCE website for those who wish to see what the monitors are saying. Note the DPR/LPR forces continue to prevent the OSCE from fulfilling their role in the occupied areas in violation of the Minsk agreement making reporting on activities in those areas problematic. http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/daily-updates
  22. Not so fast, that actually is not quite true particularly in the context. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide While the Ukrainian army may be guilty of certain violations in using artillery near populated areas that is not the same as an enforced program against the entire population. Most of the ukrainian artillery fire into populated areas is counter fire against well documented use by DPR of artillery positions deliberately set up in civilian areas. An actual program of genocide by internationally accepted standards of what genocide means has not been documented. When throwing around terms like genocide you do not get to define the term however you want and expect to maintain any credibility. Russian use of the term has not met those international standards and has frequently been proven to be based on photographic evidence of Russia's own atrocities in Chechnya.
  23. Hey at least he's an adult. Does it bother you I refer to my Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House with his title Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House as appropriate for one who tries to keep this place from totally falling apart? My Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House leads unlike that wannabe Justicar Boo. Too bad House Rune is such a decaying condemned wreck, but then it is not led by one like my Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House.
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