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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Play Devils descent and mod the hell out of it for just the units involved. and then watch the darn thing at eyeball level, take screenies and post em. Here is the description. This narrative campaign is designed to immerse you as completely as possible in the role of Captain Evans, commander of C Company, 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment. Your company is destined to play a pivotal role in the 82nd Airborne's seizure of Sainte-Mére-Èglise on D-Day. This fictional but historically plausible campaign infludes: -Four possible branches, depending on the player's choices -A complete campaign narrative with memorable characters and real command choices -Six combat missions (no pun intended) that run the gamut of the 82nd's operations on the morning of D-Day
  2. As others have noted, scenario and campaign designers are I think far less likely to get a decent quantity of feedback just because of the nature of when the player actually gets to try it. Modders I think get it immediately from at least some just because the impact is immediate. Good example is Umlaut's factory mod set and scenario. Despite it being EXACTLY what I'd hoped to see in CM, while I did give a response on the mod I am far slower responding on the scenario.
  3. Many years ago while doing an install in Düsseldorf my buddy was out and about during a street festival when he ran across this really drunken Scotsman. Trying to understand the guy was so hard he recorded and we attempted to decipher it later. We'd have sworn he'd said something about a squirrel down his pants which we interpreted in a not so literal sense. Looks like we were wrong. I just forwarded it to my buddy, mystery solved!! Thank you!
  4. See here is a classic example of the weakness of using technology as a crutch. I just imported some cheap ass labor and have them reading it for me. Now I just wish I could understand what they are saying.
  5. The explanation I had heard previously is that the role of recon is such that it would normally make an absolutely boring scenario. 4 hours of watching to see if you see anything and then you would just report it. In other words a game of mostly sitting still with spotting objectives.
  6. A soccer field? Where the hell is the dust off??? Nice shots and story. CMSF the game that keeps on giving.
  7. I expect that is a universal problem.
  8. You contact the helpdesk. I think the activation limit is a protective measure not one that is based around generating revenue.
  9. What you gonna offer candy next? Sheesh the more you talk the more I am convinced my Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House has an ulterior motive for the creation of this PowerPoint on oddstrayliuns. It is probably meant to be developed as a detailed travel warning on the hazards of being confused by Aussie antics into thinking they are just stupidly cute and not the outright danger to decent morals that they are.
  10. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=117884 there you go
  11. I couldn't handle bifocals, messed with my peripheral vision too much. I have a pair of regular glasses and then some for close reading...... and then a magnifying glass to figure out wtf they are sticking in my food these days. Those labels are written by tiny elves or something.
  12. This sounds oddly enough like the Great and powerful Wizard of Oz who also turned out to be a fake. Are you a funny looking snake oil salesman with thinning hair as well? I mean beyond the norm of what is expected for an Oddstrayliun. I'm gonna have to ask my Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House if we can obtain a report of sex offenders living in the area. I have my suspicions about a couple of you folk.
  13. didn't KG Engel have that same decision moment. I'm a little rusty as I haven't touched any campaigns in a while. Pretty nifty way of involving the player.
  14. Open a ticket if you haven't already, you'll likely be up and running a lot faster than just asking here. I think they actually are working on that. While updating may be a pain for some of us individually, it is much more frustrating for their end supporting the collective mess. It is really in their interest to come up with a simpler more streamlined process and BF is far some stupid when it comes to figuring out how to keep their resources focused. Patience and trust - they will sort it out.
  15. yeah open a ticket to the helpdesk. Not being sarcastic, that is just the best path for you with the least pain and a guaranteed success rate. This is the public forum and while I get that folks are frustrated you will notice one thing if you follow these. Everyone who actually opens a ticket seems to get their issue resolved and pretty quickly. For all those reading these frustrated posts and sitting on the fence or all those writing these frustrated posts, there really is a straight forward answer to getting 3.11 and getting it running. Load it, if you screw it up, talk to the help desk. Next thing you know you will be playing CMBN with all it's 3.11 goodness. There really isn't a good reason not to.
  16. You really are a little warped aren't you? Now put the pliers down and go do something productive, like trying to develop a translation dictionary for Donkey's gibberish.
  17. Ha, I went through the same angst as CMBN came close to release and I have upgraded again since. The problem with ignoring that group is CMBS forces have a way of punishing you severely for any mistakes. I think Bil needs to batter that force fast while he can. If not he faces having to fight two battles at once and that will not end well. He'll have a force buried in his rear with potential LOS/LOF on his units defending from the other force. You know Scott will work those force in coordination so his recon will be spotting for opportunities for his surrounded force to strike.
  18. No worries, it is a complicated subject. As I understand it 1.0 will never be patched again. BF had stated they would support the current version and one previous. They are at the 3.0 version on CMBN so that implies they might have a patch down the road for 2.0 versions, but I wouldn't count on it for the simple reason they are likely to hit 4.0 first. I think it is important to remember that BF is forging a new path for themselves and the path isn't known in advance. Most of us remember when CMBB came out wishing CMBO had it's features. Eventually they came out with CMAK and someone modded it for the NWE theater. The commitment from BF to keep all game families current is an awfully big undertaking and we have already seen the time it can take to make that a reality. CMRT's release then meant a lag while CMBN and CMFI were brought up to speed and then all needed additional patches as issues with 3.0 became apparent. As there are more and more game families this becomes even more prohibitive for the team regarding time and resources. I appreciate their commitment to us as consumers but honestly I expect they will end up only being able to support the current version. Trying to maintain two versions of a family over 10 - 15 families is I think overly optimistic. Just my opinion. They also have the additional and connected issue of trying to simplify the consumers confusion as to what patches they need, updating a game or adding a module and re-patching etc. It looks like they have come upon a solution to that, but I suspect that solution means there is only one version supported. Again just my opinion, I really have no clue.
  19. It is a game- I feel absolutely no guilt playing. No more than anyone else feels paying to go see Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, or Fury or reading Tom Clancy novels all of which pale in pure entertainment per dollar than what I get from this hobby. Hell watch people line up for Fleet week in SF for air shows and ship parades. Nah I feel no guilt. The day I start feeling guilty about it is the day I ask one of you all to slap me upside my head and tell me to snap put of it. Honor the man. Put his history into the scenario, make sure some people continue to remember him. I think that would actually be a really good thing to do. If he were my father and you did that I'd be deeply grateful. Part of why we are drawn to this is the history. One of my favorite scenarios is the one LLF did for CMSF on Joker Platoon in Ramadi. His scenario got me to read the book and know more about the author and the experiences of the men he fought with which in turn led me to other books. As a result I have a slightly better appreciation for what all those men and women had to go through in Iraq and as a voter it makes me much more aware of decisions my gov't makes and how we need to understand the cost before we put these people in harm's way. We may still need to do that, but we damn well better be giving them everything they need to get the job done right and stop making them pay the price in blood for stupid political wrangling at home. CM has helped make me a more thoughtful citizen and conscious of the cost of war to our young men and women in uniform. That can't be a bad thing.
  20. Stop to breath.... on second thought, no don't stop to breath. After you pass out we will roll you over to the drain with the rest of the effluvient.
  21. Potential is one of those words that is dependent on context... as in a young person has potential to do great things in their life. Unfortunately at Watcher's distinguished years potential usually means something like potential to die and leave all his kin folk saddled with his online porn debt, or potential to have an accidental bowel movement in his lazy boy recliner because he'd forgotten where the bathroom is. Add to that he is a squire to House Rune and it is more likely he has the potential to be seen on the new reality series Pigeon Toed Dynasty. He'll be the one whose mother is also his sister.
  22. Stop making me feel guilty about feeling guilty.
  23. yep one can always find a way to excuse the behavior and somehow that may make you feel it is okay. It isn't. Folks did go to jail and were fined for the foreclosure problems in US, probably nowhere near as many as should have but too be brutally honest, the foreclosure boom wasn't just the banks fault. Everybody was getting in on it thinking they could get rich quick flipping houses. Just because somebody rips you off with a ponzi scheme doesn't mean you shouldn't have known better to begin with. Compare that to Crimea where it is Putin's buddies only who are benefiting from the chaos and none of those guys will go to jail. I think your comparison actually goes to show the opposite of what you'd intended. Either way it doesn't matter we clearly have 180 degree views of what Russia is doing, whether Putin is good for Russia etc. I don't think this discussion is particularly fruitful to be honest. Feel free to reply, but I think I am going to avoid this thread here on out. Talking about the game is one thing, this is another. Besides I am overdue for posting some screenshots.
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