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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Not sure entirely what you mean by that, but US forces acquitted themselves very well under even the worst conditions of these close quarter fights. What usually prevailed wasn't a willingness to die, but well drilled tactical fighting and discipline. Conventional Iraqis and Syrian army forces do not have that discipline and essentially don't fight any better than the uncons. ISIS actually does use the same stand off weaponry when the situation leaves them with the advantage with those types of weapons. Could you explain what you mean by "mercenary" army? I don't understand the use of the term in this context.
  2. Technically it is not, there are no links and it isn't an advertisement. It however probably belongs in the general discussion area.
  3. No one can tell you whether you will like it or not, but at $7 which I can drop at a coffee joint in a morning I am still not interested. If it were free I still wouldn't bother giving it space on the hard drive. It has more eye candy, but that is where it ends. Just not my cup o joe.
  4. really? That's the best you two could come up with? My my the MBT has fallen on hard times. I have earned a well deserved solid boot, now would you please put some effort into it.
  5. yeah I am getting that distinct impression.
  6. so why the heck is the $5 mall copy relevant and the free demo isn't? And I never said anything about models.
  7. Well for christ's sake we aren't the ones who tried to come up with comparison's to start. We are fine with the price as is regardless of anything else. It seems you guys only like comparisons that aren't favorable to your point of view. I found the CMBO demo as a free disk and CMBN, CMFI and CMRT all have free demos..what the heck does that have to do with anything?
  8. we have flamethrowers now, cover may not help.
  9. Well said. I want more content and am willing to pay for it. If you aren't well that's cool, but don't create a situation that potentially results in those of us that do want it to be deprived of it. $165 for CMBN 3.10 with all the modules and pack? Priceless.
  10. My sincerest apologies to Patch. I would plead ignorance, but amongst the residents here ignorance is the norm. Now would someone send her a book on html to fix said sig? I will now prostrate myself for firm application of the deserved boot.
  11. That would be that rust bucket Watcher was chasing after? You didn't run him over accidentally did you? Considering you are both of House Rune that is highly likely... not that we at The Shavian House care. I like that, I come back with a pair of StuGs hunted by infantry armed with grenades and a Bazooka which I pursued mind you (one into enemy held territory) and you brag of your prowess hunting a handful of light scout vehicles likely with a tank or AT gun sitting in your little hiding hole as they came to you. Kind of like me coming back with a 12 point buck hunted with a bow and you sauntering back with a brace of rabbits you hit with a .308 scoped rifle at 20 yards. Nice. We are proud of you. Would you like your crayons now? Lord the standards in that "House" are so woefully low they never cease to amaze. And would someone please send Patch a book on html so he can fix his sig?
  12. nice maybe, but as extensively debated here not necessarily more realistic. There is some contention that acquiring additional ammo is something 60 seconds may actually be considered short for.
  13. My father used to tell a joke A drunken man walks up to a woman with a stroller, looks at the baby and says "sheesh woman, dat ish one ugly baby". The woman replies, "sir you are drunk!" He replies, "maybe so, but tomorrow I'll be sober and that baby will still be ugly".
  14. Watch your tongue blasphemer!! Religion, pah! Politics psshaw!!! CM IS all that matters! Someone smite this foul demon with the Holy Hand Grenade or some such item! For what it is worth I am afraid to say how much I spent on ASL over the years and CM far surpasses that in my ability to actually find gaming partners and my sheer enjoyment. It is hard to get into map editing when all it consists of is thinking of different ways to match up geomorphic 2 dimensional maps. So is it worth all you listed? - for me absolutely, it is a steal at that price. Note the MMP board game pair that depicts JUST Market Garden retails for $350.
  15. My Liege, quick note for the admin staff. There will be a delivery arriving today. A slightly damaged StuG as a matching item for the driveway with the previously noted StuG. We may have a 3rd shortly as the last of the trio seems intent on impaling itself as well. It may disrupt the symmetry of the drive so perhaps we can just leave it with the rest of the rusting hulks on the the weed infested rat breeding ground that passes for a lawn at House Rune.
  16. it is called a loss leader and tends to be more useful in a brick and mortar business. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_leader
  17. For what it is worth, Doug I believe meant to be funny quoting the movie, but it just doesn't really come off well.
  18. I may understand the frustration, but I won't condone the behavior. As one of the people who feels the same frustration, I think it is incumbent to set a distinction. Whatever else I think, Togi nor anyone else deserves that and the language itself is offensive. We have another thread open on the issue of involvement in the game and making folks feel welcome. This is exactly not that.
  19. Regardless of what I think of price complaints that tone is likely to get you banned off the forum.
  20. Don't you think that is a bit over dramatic to compare whether you purchase a pack for the game to Marie Antoinette disregarding the starving population of Paris? This is simply a consumer discussion, of a game/hobby. In all consumer discussions the question is simply value and whether or not to purchase. You can try to make it into something else, but it ends up proving a slightly different point.
  21. This discussion would be funnier and more interesting if it wasn't so damned stupid. If you don't think there is enough value in the pack, don't buy it. It really is that simple. The price is the price period. If it doesn't sell enough at $20 there won't be another and you'll never have to complain again. Ken, I'll send ya a penny. No tester should be working for free. I'd send more but this bunch of scrooge like couch potato tight wads would complain you are overpaid. Now excuse me, gonna go play with the editor myself and make me some more content to play with because, yes that is right, I CAN MAKE MY OWN!
  22. No I don't think a "lot" of people are thinking this. I think a snarky few who refuse to believe a reasonable answer because frankly all they care about is their particular issue is about the sum you can attach to that. That isn't particularly abnormal, actually very common but that particular bug is not broad based to accumulate the "lot" to fulfill the above statement. Doesn't take away from the fact that BF is working on it and have said so repeatedly. Adding the mysterious silent majority or non participants into your total as a completely unverifiable factor does not at all add weight to this. I personally believe the people who are a. not signed onto the forums or b. part of the silent majority lurker type take BF at their word because BF has yet to be shown to lie and between peaks in work loads actually shares quite a bit for a small team. That they apparently don't live up to your and togi's standards of daily reporting on what they spent their time on today doesn't change that.
  23. BF after careful consideration of the various points presented by those who think the value represented in the pack is not equal to the value represented in the base games and modules, I have found their arguments to be cogent, well thought out and absolutely on the mark. As a result I have to ask you to raise the price of future base games and modules to make them more consistent. Back on the subject of food..... Had an awful day with a company wide network outage that took most of the day to clean up. Missed lunch etc etc and wife was arriving at SFO airport at 9:30 pm. Finished up last conf call at 8:30, hopped in car, get to airport and I have a little time to spare. Dinner- Airport food - a Cheeseburger and fries (both very mediocre) and a beer. $17 This time I did not ask about the speed or price. They invited me to come back again sometime. So for close to the price of the pack I got a burger and a beer...... the only thing I can say about the burger is it will probably come up again later tonight so it will have outlasted my sandwich experience for $8.
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