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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. not immediately no. I have seen it last quite a while in a hth fight as the unit was on that thin line of trying to surrender and being urged back into the fight. I finally area fired on them and resolved their... umm dilemma. Bastards were sitting their saying we surrender to me while yelling back to their buddies where my boys position was. Not acceptable.
  2. Before folks get an impression that Infantry are toothless, not so. You just have to adjust your tactics, this isn't WW2 by a long shot. Hiding behind a wall does not provide the same safety, hell hiding behind a hill doesn't. But Infantry AT weapons have a much longer reach and accuracy and they have access to capabilities that are truly game altering. And every now and then you still get into an infantry on infantry old fashioned firefight.
  3. New York is in the N Atlantic area. By the way I live on the West Coast, I object to being left out of that treaty! Hister good post, I can't say I disagree with any of it. There are times I do wish I lived somewhere that didn't have all thes global ties, responsibilities and yes a sense of "ownership" or being boss however you want to term it. But I agree at the moment someone has to do it. I do not trust China's intent nor Russia's. I do wish the US was more consistent, Saudi and Pakistan as some of our big allies in the war on terror is a bitter joke too hard to swallow. And yes there are times when US policy unfairly drags our allies into a mess not of their making and frankly not part of the issue they joined us in the fight against terror (Iraq). Politics is messy and I think the Bush administration callously destroyed some very important trust between the US and it's allies. Anyway back to Ukraine and Russia. Seems the US congress is pushing the president to provide military aid. On the one hand I really am glad, I want to see Ukraine in a position to defend itself and it's territorial integrity. On the other I think it is short sighted, the sanctions are working I am not sure military aid at this point does too much for Ukraine's capability rather than changing the focus of the conflict. I hope it simply ends up making clear to Putin the West's resolve and that maybe it be the thing to make him work for a way out. Not sure if it simply isn't too late for him, but one can hope.
  4. I think the Pentagon underling in charge of the paint selection was Vladam, Vlad, Vladimir Putin or something like that.
  5. I dunno I suspect 3000 dead civilians in NY gives us a better idea than Holland does. And it isn't about being emotional or being under a magnifying glass. I opposed and still view the invasion of Iraq as illegitimate and stupid. Afghanistan however was a distinctive case of a nation harboring an avowedly terrorist organization. There was no way the Taliban was ever going to consider an international court or a request for extradition of Osama. Anyone who suggests they would have probably thinks Chamberlain was right in Munich or that Putin is honestly trying to implement the Minsk agreement. The US would not, could not and should not have sat on it's a** trying to find some international court or legal mechanism to attack Al Qaeda. It was an act of war by a terrorist organization launched from Afghani soil by an organization known to and allied with the Taliban gov't. Sorry, that is grounds in any legal argument for a military response. And in fact Al Qaeda eventually did claim credit so it isn't like we didn't know and it was wrong. We attacked the force that was responsible and I don't believe for a moment that Mullah Omar was not aware of Al Qaeda involvement probably even prior to the attack. Keep in mind Al Qaeda had been launching terror attacks on the US for years and claiming them. It wasn't like 9/11 was some kind of bolt out of the blue by a new organization. Or are folks forgetting the history that preceded 9/11? Here go read up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Qaeda#Refuge_in_Afghanistan As to the Netherlands, you are a member of NATO and are obligated by treaty to defend against an attack on any member state. NATO wasn't created just so we would protect you, you are also expected to help us against those who would attack us or is that not convenient? Article 5 was invoked. If the Dutch are not prepared to live up to their treaty obligations perhaps they should quit NATO.
  6. yes 3.0 is worth getting, but for sheer bang for the buck I am partial to Italy as long as you also get the GL module. I am horrible on making choices though. I'd likely consider selling off stuff in the house, going to blood/sperm bank or whatever in order to just buy it all.
  7. yeah it's all our fault. c'mon man you really think the issue with the Taliban is the US needed to supply Mullah Omar and his band of fanatics legal proof that the terrorist he was protecting was involved and he was gonna hand over Osama? Really? Mullah Omar? Really? I wonder how the Dutch would have received that show if that aircraft had hit The Hague. Sorry I know this is way off topic.
  8. Proof of what? The Taliban knew exactly who and what Osama/Al Qaeda was. They are not very different after all. Soothe our population? The guy had just had driven civilian airliners into a major urban center, wtf?!
  9. That sounds like your definition of NPR. Now we know what news you listen to.
  10. I believe you are correct and this was a major breaking point in his relations to the Bush administration.
  11. Whew. I was worried I would not be able to live up to expectations.
  12. Aaaoooohhhhhhhh!! Honestly for all the remarks about us old guys etc etc I actually work in IT on some very cool edge communications stuff. I still don't buy into the steam argument just as I don't buy into the social media hype to share intimate details of my life every 5 minutes with 50 million people. This generation needs to stop watching the Kardashians thinking that is something worthy of emulating. Now where did I leave my walker?
  13. Cool, yours are one of my few "I have to have this" mods.
  14. Marx was wrong, reality TV is the opiate of the masses
  15. It seems to a certain degree we view our media the same, just funny to hear it put the same way I think of mine.
  16. wait, are we talking Russian or American media here? I am getting confused. :confused:
  17. Sorry to hear that an, my stepfather suffers from MS. As to Steam, without knowing the sales/revenue figures we can't judge if sales on Steam are effective for Slitherine or not. *shrug* I wish them the best though, more options is good.
  18. That is how the world has worked, however when you have a guy at the helm with no good checks and balances and his playbook has run so bad he is now working without one and left himself with no plan B..... Mistakes happen. He keeps pushing everyone with air and sea space violations and making it difficult to figure his intent sooner or later someone is going to f**k up. Then whoever is left can talk about how if only ........ Case in point was a civilian airliner almost struck by a Russian fighter. One amongst dozens of incidents lately of Russia routinely pushing the limits of everyone's patience. Brinksmanship is never a good thing. As the economic situation in Russia continues to decline and Putin is left with fewer and fewer options who is to say he won't gamble on something we would currently consider totally reckless. Isn't like he hasn't already done that. http://www.businessinsider.com/a-russian-fighter-plane-nearly-collided-with-a-swedish-passenger-jet-last-march-2014-11
  19. Yeah fact checking is a helluva lot easier too. bank accounts versus the hereafter hmmmmm
  20. I am not sure how that would be a bad thing. Maybe I'd have to check it out.
  21. And all your employees have valid immigrant status.
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