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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Pshaw on the computer. If it wants a fair fight it should get smarter. Damn thing is always talking about how superior it is and flaunting it's calculating ability and it can't even split a team. I am betting half the bugs I have run across that crash the game are simply the computer flipping the board when it is losing. It is a poor behaving opponent that cheats and I won't adjust my behavior to reward it's gamey behavior.
  2. When we humans stop being such wankers. Seriously look around the globe. For being the species on the planet that is supposedly self aware and at the apex of the intelligence ladder we are amazingly stupid.
  3. The amount of work it will take to make CMSF current is more than likely going to mean it is essentially a brand new game. That being said BF has not made any definitive statements on how they intend to do this so it may still be true you want to prove you have a licensed copy. Keys are a discussion you would need to speak directly to BF for. Open a ticket with the helpdesk, this is an unofficial self help user forum.
  4. Broadsword and I haven't quite gone that far, but have tried to create scenarios from an op layer so previous events are represented. I don't think this is significantly different and yeah I like the idea. It is interesting in different threads to see how folks feel they can or can't immerse themselves into a scenario based on the briefing. In other words if they have not fought the previous battle they can't really appreciate the set up the designer has created. Granted the designers set up does need to conform to the briefing to work, but I do appreciate that effort and enjoy trying to take on the role. Sheriff of Oosterbeek being a great example.
  5. Not just by EU and US. Sweden, Finland and even Belarus are voicing concerns about Russia's behavior. If it were just EU and US I could understand it to be more just regular rivalry. Western planes are not flying in civilian airspace with transponders off for example.
  6. Looking at a map, the real issue is what role would Belarus play. The Baltic States are a lot of ground for a small narrow push into Poland (though it does allow Russia unfettered access to Kaliningrad Basically a push to the Dvina then a hard left down along the border of Belarus. I really don't know what Belarus would say to that and if Russia would respect the border. However at this point we are far afield of the CMBS storyline and into a much broader war between NATO and Russia. I think perhaps too broad for trying to contribute much to the game concept. Kind of like the whole Black Sea discussion. The premise of the storyline is both sides maintain a limited (which in itself is an interesting concept, once one side feels it is losing, what reason is there to keep it limited). Upon seeing the original storyline, I have always wondered more about the role Belarus would play, but that was based on my own perception of Belarus as a solid ally to Russia. I don't think that is an assumption I would make anymore.
  7. I think they didn't have too, the guys in the bmp just went in their pants.
  8. I actually don't have any of those. I went with Hell's Gate by Nash on the Korsun-Chekassy pocket The book you noted comes on kindle and is a lot cheaper, but I really like Hell's Gate. Only problem with kindle is if there are maps, you pretty much can't see details.
  9. Assault command is the lazy way to control your squads rather than actually splitting them. The price you may pay is they will perform based on timing etc controlled by the TAC AI. If you are just wanting to blast through a scenario and have limited time it makes perfect sense, but for my two cents I'd prefer to just save the turn and take it slow knowing I may not complete the scenario in a sitting. I like seeing all the action as opposed to worrying about when I finish The other oddity about buildings is adjacent modular buildings have a gap. I assume it is a set issue in just how the game deals with building outlines etc, but frequently I will find lines of sight that in an actual building would not exist. Be wary. You may find fire coming sometimes from non adjacent floors. If possible it is always nice to have an over watch team with eyes on the facing of the complex you are entering so if you take fire, they can immediately open up on the enemy. In those cases it is worth doing a bit of recon by fire before you even send a team into the building. This can cause the enemy to reveal themselves before you are vulnerable.
  10. Maybe, but it does contribute to perception. We do not know who killed him, but the state's labeling of it's opposition as "fifth columnists" was inflammatory at best, at worst an open statement it was okay to eliminate him. The way this plays out in the west and particularly the Baltic states is there is less and less room to consider diplomatic negotiations with Moscow. The Baltic states,Poland Ukraine and even Belarus are looking to Moscow and perceiving a level of ruthlessness that is changing the geopolitical landscape. Moscow should be less concerned about NATO and more concerned that those nations could form their own defensive treaty bloc. And it isn't even just the Baltic states. Russian aircraft flying without transponders on etc are causing many countries to view Russia now as functioning outside the norms of state relationships. To borrow a much over used expression, Russia is behaving like a rogue state endangering the lives of civilians throughout the area. So whether this was an FSB hit or not, it adds to the mounting pile of events that has the area looking at Russia as not just bad for business, but as a generally dangerous neighbor that is incapable of conduct befitting a member of a peaceful community. That in turn does make it on topic regarding the reactions of the Baltic states.
  11. True, what I do not know is if the backstory might evolve before the module. But I agree. The larger issue of whether the U.S. Navy could, would or should enter the Black Sea is less important than having scenarios of Marines vs VDV
  12. Oh I thought you said did you watch Firefly. Sorry (puts hand down)
  13. I hear all that, but no one has ever really felt the muscle that the US Navy can put into play either. Cruise missiles both submarine and surface ship launched, and a massive air arm. Black Sea "fleet" really? Those hulks wouldn't leave port. Think Falklands war. The missile threat is the maion one, but given the timeline in the story, there would be plenty of time to hammer those defenses with the combined airpower of several carrier groups that needn't necessarily even enter the Black Sea. But it is all a mute point. Would they? Probably not. Why bother if you have a wide open land frontier to fight from. However it has to be questioned just how much of Russia's defenses would be used in Crimea. Beyond the Imperial glory trappings that Putin has donned for it's seizure, it has been a huge sinkhole for Russian resources. I do really wonder sometimes why either side is not trying to just foist it on the other. "no you take it, no you take it, really I insist, No I couldn't, you are far too gracious, you keep it..."
  14. Objectives and set up are painted by AS. Period. You could paint the whole map in a checkerboard pattern if you want. The "Zone" is not a zone. It is simply whatever AS are painted. If you do a hollow rectangle, it is just the edges that you could set up in. The game does not see it as a whole, only as individual AS. There is no "edge". The hollow objective zones are misleading in the sense that the "objective" is only the highlighted area. The interior of the rectangle is now irrelevant. That might not matter for an objective, but it most certainly going to f**k with your set up.
  15. What the hell??!! What hole did all these miscreants crawl out of? Seems Boo hasn't yet figured out that most cesspools are below ground. So where else would we locate the bar? Speaking of which, where is the friggin bartender? Sir Speedbump2, seems I am meant to take on that role as well, what will you have... to drink. Let's toast your impending victories in the firelight of your enemies burning armor.
  16. Mine is working. It does not auto find it, but it can still be used.
  17. Somehow I think that F-ton of missile launchers wouldn't survive long enough from the air campaign to be much of a threat. Then what is left has to penetrate the Aegis network. Is this the smartest strategy if the US didn't really have to do it. Maybe not. Is it possible, yeah I think so* *note- I know exactly s**t in real terms.
  18. Immobilized the Abrams though. I am betting DMS would have loved one of those.
  19. They were scouts, and they uncovered the hidden HMG, good job boys!
  20. In the Wenman city building code section 12 subsection b paragraph 4 it specifically states all house foundations should be built within sections of ground 8 meters square consisting of sand to aid runoff.
  21. June 6th excellent idea! LOL Assume it isn't about bragging rights but restoring Ukrainian sovereignty. Honestly I don't have any idea if BF plans to alter the existing storyline based on current events. I guess we will know whenever the first module comes out.
  22. LOL I wouldn't count on that relationship with China. China sees the world in one way, what makes sense for China. Russia has some resources China needs and badly needs revenue. China gets oil on the cheap, China wins. Russia gets some revenue, but in a bad deal. China is not going to back Russia beyond that because frankly Russia is bad for business. As to Russia's friends, I wouldn't include Belarus anymore either. That relationship is fraying. From a long term strategic perspective, Putin is totally destroying Russia's ability to be a world class power. The most important aspect is not your military, it is your economy. You need to be relevant as a part of the global economy. Russia's only relevance is as an oil producer. They have about the same relevance as Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have made no progress in long term sustainability. The only thing they export other than oil is Islamic fundamentalists. They are tolerated for the oil. Russia needed to do something to diversify it's economy, introduce transparency and make themselves a place folks wanted to invest. Instead they have gone the opposite direction. Great if you want to be a dictator. Bad if you want your country to stay in the G8. Russia was ranked among the world's main powers, primarily to keep them as part of the community. This helped to reduce conflict and keep everyone is a semi cordial business relationship. Russia's behavior has gotten so bad however they have been kicked out of the club. Can't play nice, get out of the sandbox. That isolation is exactly what Russia does not need, but Putin keeps putting his hold on power against the long term interests of his people. Think about this - compare China's trade relationship with the US and then look at it's relationship to Russia. Who do you think China is going to pay more attention to when the doors are closed. Russia ranks 8th or 9th in GDP depending on whose numbers you follow. Above them are the US, UK, France, Germany and Japan. Really think China cares that much about Russia compared to the economies of 5 countries it has more important trade relationships with?
  23. bookmarked and I love the intro with the title on the side of the track, beautiful work LOL There are a limited number of maps I mess with over and over again. One is LLF's Ramadi map. This one has become another.
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