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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. An example of why this won't work (and a kind of gamey item) when a team is separated the icon floats above a mid point. So now by the proposal the AI would fire at a suspected location in game terms that is the one point you can almost be assured no unit is located. Personally I see this becoming a huge ammo dump for the AI as it unloads on every location spotted that has been "painted" as a suspect enemy location or where a unit has been spotted before or just a sound contact. Once again a binary thinking service is given a broad paint brush to respond to that requires more thought as to whether that location should be fired upon anymore. Just my two cents.
  2. Dunno, but I think they were pretty much all destroyed by May. As in eliminated, kaput, no remnants.
  3. Yeah it has been discussed about getting CMFI to end of war. One plan was a module. I am not sure but I believe that is still the plan.
  4. Patience. I think it is simply a matter that BF feels can wait until their next CMFI project so they kill two birds with one stone. Why tackle the creation of the master loader for CMFI when you know eventually there is a module coming? Resource management is one thing BF is good at.
  5. All CM vehicles are inherently electric and thereby green This message approved by Al Gore.
  6. Honestly not sure. It sounds full of potential issues. For example deliberately creating FOW situations to cause the AI to waste ammo and give away positions. You can do that now with recon by fire, but at least you are exposing a unit to do so.
  7. And I am creating the hot new rumor that the new game will include Russian forces to allow for the war to continue with the western allies versus Russia. Yes you heard it first here even if it is totally incorrect!
  8. You have no idea how funny that first line is. I may have to PM you with that story. Second the line is from Blue Oyster Cult's "Godzilla" circa 1977. Bro either you are a youngster, or you are already senile. Either way get the f@@k off my lawn.
  9. Wait, we are celebrating? The defeat of the French Empire? I mean think about it, do you prefer Beef Wellington over Corsican wild boar. (Hint I had wild boar at a Corsican restaurant in Paris and it was one of the all time best meals I ever ate). No sir I say we commemorate in memory the end of our beloved empire. Piss on the English, German etc counter revolutionary clique. Viva la France!
  10. Oh gawd, I actually knew the reference point for that. Is that a reflection of age or just poor taste.
  11. Great getting there, sorry to hear they lost. Some day I might actually figure that game out.
  12. did you release that map? if so where, if not can I get a copy?
  13. I give a hoot about RT, but I also don't feel it is time well spent trying to figure out spotting in a scenario that is preset with awful spotting conditions. The scenario is set with mist at midnight June 25th 1944. That is as much as I can determine from the briefing.
  14. try the demos, it will give you the best opportunity to see what you like and for free.
  15. In a word, no. And I count the life expectancy of anyone referring to the "Swiss Zionist Mafia" as having maybe just a few posts before banning from this forum. You are at 12. Anyone want to start a pool on how long we go?
  16. Well that would resolve the whole spotting issue in game. You'd just sit there watching an empty landscape wondering what it was you were supposed to shoot at and finally say "screw it" and fire a nuke.
  17. Sarcasm can be funny, actually is for me most of the time. It becomes not so funny when folks seem to mis interpret to make the joke. So again 40m is the absolute most you can do anything. If I were to area fire at a point 10 m in front of your position and was 40 m from that spot you could not return fire, that is how dark your scenario is. If you want to set parameters so extreme as that and play a scenario, have at it. Just please don't start a spotting debate as you are already setting up an extreme condition. No you can not see out to 40 meters, that is not what I said. I said, under the BEST of conditions in your scenario you can see to 40 m. Those best conditions include the unit you are trying to spot firing. You want to see that T34. Go move one of your panthers within 40 m and area fire. You'll find him. Heh heh. At least maybe your second Panther will.
  18. That is 5 AS that is the max a unit can be spotted at. In CM standards basically if you aren't firing it is near impossible to see you.
  19. One other option is to open a scenario in the editor and look at your units. In that case they will be in the more formal layout. You can not export that but you can take a screen shot.
  20. Got scenario (thanks Marc) The Max effective LOS is 40 meters. In other words it is pitch dark, pitch pitch dark, like moonless horror movie evil monster dark. Now that max effective distance is once you know something is there at all. So you have an extremely poor visibility scenario to begin with. Am I surprised at the results. No not really. I can't even submit this to BF as they'd probably take away my super secret beta tester decoder ring. It isn't even a question of armor spotting, infantry can't see crap either.
  21. I hit the link and your file is apparently set as part of an executable by your site. I am perfectly willing to download a RAR file and unpack it. I am not so willing to trust an executable by a site I don't normally use. I'll PM you, can you email me the file?
  22. yeah it made the news. Account info exposed but they weren't clear how bad. Update: GamesBeat got a copy of the email Twitch sent to accounts it believes were compromised by the attack. The email warns that the user's email address, password, "limited credit card information," the most recent IP address used to access Twitch, and certain biographical details, if provided, were exposed. "While we store passwords in a cryptographically protected form, we believe it's possible that your password could have been captured in clear text by malicious code when you logged into our site on March 3," Twitch told the users.
  23. Thanks Marc. Will download and take a look later tonight.
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