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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. well I can't tell that with a couple screens shots. As Vanir said, save would help quite a bit.
  2. oh c'mon now, of course you don't. Just select the QB option.
  3. Yeah the full map is 4 x 4.5. This was also the earlier version before all the flavor items were added. There is a lot more detail work on it now. I am betting this version is missing the horse farm.
  4. Damn your intern is good. You are going to give her credit aren't you?
  5. rarely do the "bug" report threads in the forum have enough info to warrant them responding. If you really want to contribute for bug reporting, the proper place is not the forum but the helpdesk and be prepared to provide enough info to be useful otherwise they will simply not proceed. Don't be offended, the beta testers are held to the same standard. Anecdotal observations are not accepted for bug reporting.
  6. The issue isn't that it can't see it. The issue is that your CPU can generally handle only so much processing in the spotting cycles. This leads to occasional issues where a unit should absolutely see another, but is is simply between cycles. It does not happen all the time, but it is inevitable that it is going to happen once in a while. The fix would bring your PC to it's knees and you wouldn't be able to play at all. The alternative might be to limit the total number of units and map size down so they could up the spotting cycle, but I expect almost no one would want that even if it did eliminate the issue. It just doesn't happen that often to pay such a draconian price all the time. Maybe in 10 years we will all have the processing power that BF could do CMx4 without having to do spotting cycles at all. Then we will probably complain that the battlefield doesn't have the correct smell for cordite and blood and someone needs to mod that.
  7. not sure what his asking about opengl has to do with steam other than you taking just one more opportunity to beat a dead horse. The "wrath of the admins" is usually reserved for those who just don't want to accept BF's right to decide how they want to market and support THEIR game.
  8. Over the last two days I tore up 26 feet of sidewalk concrete and a driveway by myself while also digging down to an 8 inch depth to expose the tree roots that started this exercise and create a bed that meets city code.. I submit that your typical soldier given direction and the right tools (mentioned above by Ken) could create field fortifications. Yes I have blisters. I think a soldier would happily submit to having blisters to afford themselves of a good fighting position. I will gladly come along as Ken's sidekick to prove this theory. Please book my flight from San Francisco. Edit - Ken you do plan to bring along the intern right?
  9. ROTFLMAO Well I am staying away from that one. Those uniform grogs are just downright mean.
  10. hey I recognize that map!! So parts of it did make it in.
  11. I don't see that much of an outcry, perhaps partly because so few players actually participate much on the forum. I do see a bunch of folks repeating themselves.and completely ignoring all of Steve's previous replies on the matter. I wouldn't say I find it upsetting, but I do find it odd that a group of people who analyze down to the stitching in the uniforms for detail can't seem to follow a repeated statement from the owners of the game.
  12. Emrys problems with counting long predate his getting old.
  13. I didn't say you didn't, what I said was essentially that doesn't mean anyone has to agree with you. Some, maybe many do. Maybe quite a few long time "fanboy" types even. However most of us who have been around here a while have gotten used to some of the same topics popping up quite frequently. They consume many pages of posts, Steve eventually chimes in, the discussion gets ugly because folks don't like Steve's answer. They seem to feel they have somehow earned a right to tell BF what they have to do and they are irked that BF says, "no, no you don't". And then the thread gets locked. That is pretty much the cycle. I also have a pretty good idea what makes a good game. In fact I have a pretty good idea what makes a great game. I am playing it quite frequently. What I don't know is what is the cost benefit relationship to BF to do what folks keep suggesting they do as if there is no risk. Steve says, nope not gonna go there. I have to trust his judgement as he and Charles are the guys who created the game. Not you, Not Oakheart etc etc.
  14. Umm, I have never heard that comment actually spoken. I have however heard it attributed to folks who don't immediately fall down and grovel before the feet of those folks who feel BF has to somehow change or die to fit (insert whatever the going issue of those who seem to feel they have the pulse on the whole computer gaming industry, yet have never produced one) what they see in some other game that is completely unlike CM. Word of wisdom. Fanboy is one of those terms that BF is pretty fed up, it is the jump to a personal attack when you hear something you don't like. You want the moderators in, that is a sure fire way to draw attention.
  15. Really? You spelled fundamentals wrong? Did you get the ladder back as you really need your intern to get back to spell checking your work.
  16. Anybody want to volunteer to make sure that doesn't happen? I'd do it, but my name is already a verb and I'd be an automatic suspect.
  17. Well his statement reflects that he isn't a "newbie", just not a frequent poster. The post itself is pretty inflammatory and really nothing new. Some folks just aren't ever gonna be happy. So be it.
  18. He didn't miss it. He is totally opposed to it. Look into his time in St Petersburg and the purchase of 60 tons of meat that suddenly vanished. Page 105 of Man without a face. Putin is an old hand at corruption and his time in St Petersburg was rife with it.
  19. When you let worries of how a bully might escalate determine your actions you will always be a victim of that bully. The only way to stop a bully whether it be in domestic violence or national aggression is to make it clear to the bully that violence will be met in kind. Negotiations that allow them to continue their behavior only prolong the problem.
  20. unfortunately no. The positive side is the assisted living facility he was in (Lodge Lane in DE) is wonderful. Most of the staff was in tears today as they were told. it was pretty touching. He had been there over a year and a half and was their first resident. In the group picture he is standing 3rd from right in the black fleece. http://www.lodgelane.org/ His service is fittingly on St Patrick's Day. Lift a toast to him. http://www.stranofeeley.com/obituaries/Edward-Burke-4/#!/Obituary
  21. I lost my father today to this same disease. Absolutely agree with Terry about the right to decide how you want to go, I was forced to have to watch my father succumb to a disease that was a worst case for him. He'd have preferred to choose his time.
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