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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. and I am inching closer day by day of taking the same stance as some beta testers of just not participating in the outer boards. It seems unless you immediately agree with whatever anyone suggests someone inevitably brings up the "aggressive" response knee jerk slam. It gets really old.
  2. Only problem is the one qualification (his being here) he gave also happens to be the one thing we didn't want.
  3. Balancing by point value is kind of a rock, paper, scissors game. With so many weapons systems and variable capability based on terrain that is a tough nut to crack. Add to that visibility options and night scenarios and suddenly you find that the adjusted QB values are now out of whack. CM has never really struck me as a game about balance per se so much as a game that teaches you to do the best you can with what you have. Sometimes that best is just survival or simply gutting your opponent before you are eventually crushed. It isn't chess. Not that there is anything wrong with chess. The U.S. does have a drone invulnerable to even the TG, don't know it's point value off hand. If you are really looking for a "balanced" game just for a player challenge I'd suggest going red vs red or blue vs blue. Then you have an equal point value and capability. Would simplify the whole discussion and challenge of equalizing forces.
  4. inadvertent issue discovered after the fact. I suspect a correction at some point or you could simply go into the editor and replace the bailey bridge You can do that without seeing any info on enemy dispositions.
  5. I am offended sir that you did not credit my ancestors for the revelation that "fresh" bodies are worth more. Why the very name has become a verb for their keen observation of said fact. Definition of BURKE transitive verb to suppress quietly or indirectly <burke an inquiry> from burke to suffocate, from William Burke †1829 Irish criminal executed for smothering victims to sell their bodies for dissection http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burke_and_Hare_murders
  6. I might feel threatened if it weren't for the url link in your profile that goes nowhere. That kind of laziness precludes any type of aggressive action. Now would you like a booster seat for that barstool so you can appear all grown up?
  7. Yeah! I'd say I'd even like less info about the status of a vehicle, but then the TAC AI would waste all it's ammo on hulks.
  8. Open a ticket with the helpdesk, best place to start for something like this. http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/- top right hand corner - blue button to create a ticket
  9. Whoa! Mr Repository Admin- what's up with that? Curiouser and curiouser.
  10. Bil is so old that he was born in the time rationing was so bad his parents could only afford one "L".
  11. The fuel dump thing I see as being outside the scope of a battle, but not outside the scope of a campaign. I just don't see guys jumping out, grabbing fuel cans and fueling up their vehicles in the midst of a fight. For example battle 3 could be a critical moment for the Axis to capture a fuel dump. Failure would mean the next battle takes place with a smaller armor contingent or even a defensive fight with some immobilized vehicles. I suspect the Bulge game will result in an up tic in interest in op layer driven campaigns simply because that supply issue becomes such a critical factor more so than in the other family driven campaigns so far.
  12. It is fricken Pat Buchanan for crying out loud. Since when did any of his prognostications earn an exclamation point?
  13. I'd sign up for almost anything BF puts out, but IIRC the last announcement regarding CMFI is they expect another module. We may or may not ever get a pack depending on the content of the module and if there is enough left afterwards to warrant one. A lot of the allied and German vehicles should be fleshed out between CMBN and the bulge family. The additional content for Italy is more likely as others noted nationality stuff. In a way that is a good thing as it could mean the biggest baddest module yet. Oh and Ian, you are a fanboi. Wear it proud. I won't apologize for loving this game and respecting the company.
  14. You silly man, LongLeftFlank did an Iraq based scenario and this guy was in Iraq. Sheesh do we have to explain everything.
  15. It is the only mode that gives you the full perspective on your unit's awareness relative to friendly units. If you aren't particulary concerned about this then yeah it is probably not your cup of tea.
  16. There was a pic with a Starbucks van unloading. With the side door open the name was partly obscured so it end up spelling "S ucks"
  17. Don't, you'll just find your own thread and then get caught in a CM topic time differential space loop! We may even have to do something with the dilithium crystals to bring you back!
  18. I think that actually was a positive response. At least I choose to take it that way in lieu of anything telling me different.
  19. well yeah, after you started your online television career, of course you don't have any time! By the way, when is the twitchtv red carpet event?
  20. Yeah fire is one of those items that is a long time coming. You can simulate a blasted forest in the editor, broadsword has done an excellent job of that in our campaign, but you can't create that look from a bombardment. Would be cool if blasted trees could leave stumps instead of just disappearing. I'd really like to see fire with dynamic lighting effects. Oh man I think I just drooled on my keyboard. Damn you fry! Btw, what is your favorite show to listen to these days? I was hooked on the fox theatre 77 for a while, but I think I played it a bit too much. Trying to find a good copy of a show I went to a long way back at the Scope in Norfolk VA. Slight derailment, but you picked your icon.
  21. I was trying to be nice and not get into an inflammatory mode
  22. Think about it this way from BFs perspective of priorities. 1. While it might be cool to see for those that are interested in creating a video AAR (which can already be done), for the average user how often would you go back and watch an entire battle? 2. Those saves would probably become useless as you upgrade so they have a limited shelf life even if you had one you really liked. For example I really enjoyed the CM campaign broadsword and I did from the St Lo game, but those turns are unplayable anymore So you have something that probably doesn't have the usage demand that you might expect and a limited usefulness that adds absolutely nothing to the game play itself..... Kind of bound to not make BFs short list, so comments like "should have been integrated already" reflect nothing more than an individual bias are are very divorced from the guidelines that BF is going to follow. Don't mean to piss on the parade, but think about it - the only difference between what you have now and this feature is you would not have to load individual turns. What does BF gain from putting in the effort to somehow link all those turns as they are created? Then think of the sheer file size you are looking at. It might be interesting occasionally, but is that what folks want BF focused on, the occasionally interesting item that adds nothing to game play?
  23. Well where are you supposed to put the Guess Who stuff?
  24. Heh heh actually yes, you'd be correct. It is not only straying into major political stuff but this is the Black Sea forum so on multiple counts it should be somewhere else if at all. Forecast for the thread- Request in modern forum for a WW2 pacific game Comparison of Japanese to modern Islamic fundamentalists Call to eradicate modern Islamic fundamentalists Thread locked by Steve
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