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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Apparently spoiler tags spoiler /spoiler If you hit quote for this and hit the top left icon in your editing tool bar you can see the text for the spoiler tag.
  2. nope turned out to be just a mold abatement document. Oh wait no it really is a pdf for Breaking the Mold. Will peruse tonight, thanks a bunch!!
  3. Thank god I was a bike courier when I had to take a non skilled job. Worked hard but you earned more the harder you worked and you mostly worked solo. And no self respecting bike courier would ever be caught dead doing this kind of skit.
  4. No. Higher PERCENTAGE of casualties maybe. So starting with 400 men while losing 100 and starting with 100 while losing 100 are not equal I know you knew that, but had to point it out.
  5. Having eliminated that obstacle, Lt West's unit will split up to hit Objectives Fear and night. Obj Fear - the target of the XO, the FO, the sniper team and their 3 M1151's. Most of the destruction is from Mortar fire called in by the XO and FO. The rest of the force led by Lt West assaulted Obj Dark. The final tally. A good night's work. We own the night.
  6. Then apparently the sniper team decides to take matters into their own hands and mans the gun. Despite the continuing enemy fusillade, the brave grunt takes out the first enemy infantryman. Grenades continue to explode, but undeterred he continues to fire. The enemy has had enough and breaks. Eventually this same gunner/vehicle will eliminate the other 5 members of that patrol after they get caught against the stream bank.
  7. Having destroyed the convoy I was now faced with the dilemma of what to do next. The obvious choice was to hit OBJ Nightmare. I have my transport force coming and need to secure the zone. If I am going to tackle Objectives Night and fear, I need to move with some urgency. Hoofing it is not an option. Fortunately Obj Nightmare falls pretty easily. I suffer one wounded by getting lax and crossing a road that turns out not to be secured. The rest of the force mounts up though and it is off to hit the enemy while confusion reigns. Which brings us to one of those classic wego turns..... Gawd I love this game. The raiding force has mounted up, in the lead is the sniper team riding in an M1151 mounting an M240B. The turn starts and within moments the vehicle runs into an enemy foot patrol and all hell breaks loose. The gunner lets rip as the enemy opens fire with small arms and grenades. Initially he only spots a pair of soldiers, but it soon becomes clear he is facing a few more... and then he gets hit. You can just make out the first of probably a half dozen grenades that come flying at the vehicle. This is about the third to go off, they have all been short or wide of the mark, but this luck can't last. For some reason the driver froze up. The vehicle is sitting still.
  8. I still prefer "Powerpoint makes us stupid". The man became my personal hero for that one.
  9. we are we are low paid. We are we are low paid.
  10. Windows. Yeah I know, it is probably just about the very last thing you want to hear. Other folks are doing PBEMS with Macs, but generally the issues you hear about that seem to take a lot longer to resolve are on Macs. Steve is a Mac user so it isn't like there is no interest at BF in fixing Mac issues, they just seem to be particularly difficult/sensitive.
  11. You're doing it all wrong! Nice concise planning map. Out of curiosity, do you have an alternate plan based on limited visibility? I am guessing that light fog and rain will mean the OP will have to move and it is unclear how much your units can support one another. Always hard to tell those things until you actually get a first turn on the map.
  12. The second vehicle provides the only return fire, a brief ineffective burst before the vehicle is hit with an onslaught of fire. As the tail vehicles halt before the ambush my flanking teams closed off the road from either side hitting them from the rear. The slaughter is complete.
  13. I didn't get to test this scenario during development so was pretty excited to have a go at it as part of the official campaign. My first run through was disappointing. While I kept my men alive and eliminated 3 enemy patrols that hit my force- without loss, I reached the ambush point just as the last vehicles exited. I then went for round two. More nervous than even my first run through as I knew i had to move faster with a higher risk factor and there are multiple AI plans so I could not count on any intel I had learned. As it was I made the ambush point in 19 minutes with one slight brush with a patrol that resulted in no casualties for either side. I sent the sniper team on overwatch of the bridge to alert me of the approaching convoy and then distributed my teams. One squad and both MG teams were set to hit the main ambush area along with the HQ unit. One team was put on security detail if anything approached from the other way. Three teams crossed the road and moved into the woods to prevent anyone escaping and two teams were held back to cut off the road from any retreat. The sniper team reports the convoy crossing the stream. The first vehicle is ambushed. MG team firing Engineer team across road hits them in a crossfire.
  14. deleted just not comfortable with this Guy looks depressed enough without me laughing at him.
  15. Open a help desk ticket and they can sort you out. http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com
  16. Pshaw, admit it you have been brewing tea haven't you?! You'd think being from Boston you'd understand tea can be a sensitive issue.
  17. or maybe you should FINISH your other battle... not so subtle hint there. My Panzer Grenadiers are getting really bored hanging out in the hedgerows waiting for your boys to finish brewing tea or whatever the hell it is they have been doing. Seriously either send me a turn or resign the game.
  18. So do you often find yourself reading love poems to a head of lettuce? All that comes to mind is Roberto Benigni in A Night on Earth.... Proceed to the 11:30 mark https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N99Ps4nLBGU Trade in your lettuce for pumpkins
  19. He is just kicking you while you are down over that debacle yesterday- which I got to attend in a vendor's club suite in Levi's Stadium...nice.
  20. Assuming you don't have your bifocals on.... Old man.... I can't laugh too hard, I am already in that territory myself, but on my PC best is a world of difference better than fastest in terms of quality of image.
  21. I would say there is an audience for almost any type scenario. If it is interesting to you, it is bound to be interesting to someone else. That is about as much as you should worry about.
  22. Dammit who stole the chain?!! Wait, what's this? Every bike is missing it's chain... saboteurs!!!
  23. I expect China's message is more to NK than US. China has enough on their plate to stabilize their economy, they don't need the distraction of dealing with NK. I think you are correct in estimations of NK. Crazy Fat boy (CFB) seems to be politically a bit sensitive. Too much internal strife still going on and it appears he doesn't really feel secure. An open conflict with SK would introduce a level of disruption and potential opportunity for individuals that aren't loyal to him to take him out. Hope it calms down though, I have a few friends in Seoul I don't want to have to worry about. (on a side note damn Seoul has some good eating places!)
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