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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Evening August 31st 1944. Units of the 23rd Hussars approach a RR underpass in a driving rainstorm as the 11th Armoured Division rushes towards Amiens. I am trying to avoid any screenshots that provide any real intel on enemy positions. The maps themselves are really nicely done. More wreckage from the headlong retreat of the German Army.
  2. Ha, yeah Venafro is mine and I do spend a lot of time on LLF's Ramadi map. You probably wouldn't recognize Venafro now The gutted downtown section would be about center just to the left of the Cathedral. The map extends a little to the right as well. But enough of that, this is the battle pack thread. I need to dig out more pics.
  3. Okay the last of my Linnet II assault shots. I promise to go dig around for other stuff after this. My revenge for the loss of my Paras earlier. Surprise, we are behind you!!! Ahh sharing foxholes. It was a nice keyhole position until the back door was added.
  4. Did you have an issue? I upgraded without bothering to unlicense just to see. Went without a hitch.
  5. I updated last weekend from 8.1. No issues with CM, update took about 20 minutes total.
  6. I credit the speech in motivating them to forge ahead despite the carnage inflicted by an alert and active enemy. The few men remaining shared a greater portion of the glory right? Next up - revenge
  7. Well nothing works all the time, just another option in the toolkit though.
  8. Try obscuring the position you want them to fire from, smoke the area in front to allow them time to get into position and setup. Smoke clears and suddenly the enemy is facing a significantly different firepower ratio.
  9. well that is partly because in CMx1 a squad fired at one target with a set nominal firepower. In CMx2 each soldier fires individually at whatever target. The nominal fire power is simply not as relevant. CMx1 engine worked one way and in that case, that data was readily available and useful. CMx2 works completely differently and that data is largely just a ballpark figure subject to a ton of variables. I also wouldn't entirely count out that Russian unit. Those RPGs can be hell. Granted they will go through them pretty quick, but you don't want to just run up against a prepared fully equipped Russian platoon.
  10. So this is what happens when you don't plan right. The idea was breach the wall, stun the guys inside and mow em down. I have done this enough and it almost always works..almost. So two things I did wrong here, there was no other fire to distract the occupants. The second was, I didn't really factor in what might happen if the side of the house was reinforced with a wall - I found out. So my guys have just listened to a speech I stole from c3k, they are properly motivated and anxious to engage and destroy my enemies with their bare hands if need be. The wall explodes...and curiously there is no dust in the room, just around my guys...uh oh. My guys have just started to rush forward and the unexpected gift stalls the attack. Yeah this didn't end well. I took the room, but the cost was way too high.
  11. Manners, Manners, right here getcha manners red hot manners 2 bucks!! If they didn't cost anything more people would have them right? Hmmm........ So yeah just for reference sun glare, shadows, lighting in general (beyond LOS in terms of distance), skylining etc have no effect in game. Unfortunate but BF has confirmed. Would really be cool if/when it is in but I expect that will be another engine not CMx2 at all.
  12. Honestly I think a good portion of it isn't even sales. I don't think you could convince Steve even if there was money in it because simply put, BF is beholden to no one and they are surviving pretty well. I am not sure I'd be willing to give up my independence either just for money. When it becomes a job he doesn't really like..... I have a nice gig, I am compensated very well and I can not wait to retire simply cause, it is work. I don't do it because I like it, I do it because I have to go fill ASL Vet's gas tank.. oh wait, no that is my tank. Point is it isn't all just a matter of sales figures.
  13. perhaps, but that doesn't necessarily translate to profit. Marketing has costs, your increase in sales has to cover not just those costs, but all the resource cost in time from individuals at BF that directly translates to slower game development. Is it possible for BF to increase their return all the way around with another distribution method, maybe. I honestly don't know, but the simplistic equations presented on the forum have not been particularly convincing especially to the folks at BF who actually have all their sales and revenue figures.
  14. Ahh here we go again. . . . Countdown to lock in 4, 3
  15. Well BF is who you need to convince and unverifiable statements about the number of sales potentially gained isn't really going to budge them much.
  16. It seems kind of unfair that you find it easy to suggest Steve part with two bucks so you can use your Amazon points. How come it is "easy" to suggest that Steve and BF suffer a loss for your convenience? Where has any business model succeeded long term that puts convenience of a few over profitability? Anyway this is a thread doomed to being locked. BF has over and over and over stated their unwillingness to change their distribution model. Whether one likes it or not, it is their business and unless we can come up with a verifiable proof that an alternative is really better at no risk, this is not going to change. It is what it is.
  17. It was an admittedly abrupt response tdogg, but the intended point is that Amazon would take a cut, so from BF's position unless there is some increase in sales expected, it becomes a net loss in profit. As it stands BF seems quite comfortable with their current model from the perspective of being able to maximize what they get to keep and from forecasting sales. Combined it allows BF to comfortably build their business. Any models that assume a different sales risk paradigm are going to have little appeal to them. So in short it is a win win for you and Amazon, and a percentage profit loss for BF.
  18. christ John, the size of AS changed in the game from CMx1 to CMx2. It has only been bantered about for how many years now?
  19. actually no. I was testing out a scenario that happened to have a conscript team that was taking casualties. I kept pushing them till they broke, then put all the opposing units with short cover arcs and just waited for the team to recover. As soon as they did the indicator popped up. The hardest part was pushing them to break before they all died. For what it is worth though, I haven't ever paid much attention to that indicator. I keep a pretty good eye on my troops and it is somewhat redundant for me. I also never play in RT mode though either.
  20. Yeah I usually end up with a previously undiscovered team armed with a couple smgs making a shamble of my attack... like a million monkeys banging away on a keyboard I can eventually pull something off. Fortunately in this instance my intel was complete and the enemy units were kept occupied enough. Next installment later this week will sample what happens when things don't go quite right. Linnet II gave me plenty of opportunity to practice assaults like this. edit- Between this and some of the MG scenarios, I found Brit Paras to be some of my favorite units.
  21. Yeah as both previous posts noted, somewhere you have a water tile at a different elevation. A bit frustrating, but you should be able to find it easy enough in the 2d map view. Hint - you can press "E" in the map mode while looking at tiles and it will display elevations. It can be helpful sometimes looking for stuff like this.
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