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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. The assault goes in - The Germans on the ground floor are stunned while those on the second floor are still distracted by the Paras to their front. The second team joins them and helps eliminate the second floor defenders before they can react. While that is going on the third team is hitting the next house And finally the last team rolls up the remaining Germans. About a dozen enemy killed or captured, 3 buildings cleared, no casualties - 60 seconds.
  2. Another sequence to wrap up the weekend. One of my best CM moments ever. Situation. Linnet II, British Paras are tasked with securing the Meuse and Albert Canal crossings. The Germans are holed up in several buildings and have taken some Paras out to their front under fire. Meanwhile a number of teams have been making their way forward on the German flank. They have just eliminated the German team in the first house on the right. The Germans have units in 3 of the next 4 houses. The plan is to breach the wall to the adjoining house while simultaneously assaulting it from the rear. While those two forces go in two other teams will then roll up the remaining two positions from the rear.
  3. I could show you - I have done it recently in a test and their indicator did come on. I am not proud of that, my pixeltruppen are still pretty pissed.
  4. Just upgraded from Windows 8.1 - no issues with CM, upgrade took about 20 minutes. Pretty straightforward.
  5. to LukeFF's point, the only way for BF has to give you an alternative to save money is for them to lose a little money. That hardly sounds like a good business strategy.
  6. In bitter fighting units of A Squadron 23rd Hussars force a crossing of the Somme.
  7. reasonable range is kind of a wide open item. Does that mean the tank that has you in it's sights 2km away is not noticed? In every CM battle I assume the enemy is more than able to spot and hit me, so no I don't think it is really exploiting the game. Hard to exploit something that is so vague.
  8. When you say it next to a fish bowl it sounds better. Maybe.
  9. There is I think one scenario in the CMBS campaign with a situation similar to this. One technique I have found to be useful against the AI at least is a recon by fire. Basically you sucker it into revealing it's positions. To do successfully you'll want a decent amount of supporting firepower. Take the unit that is going to do the recon and give them a target light on the center mass of a building and let er rip. Hopefully the enemy units will now expose themselves in response and your supporting units can put them down. Also a decent unit in observation like a sniper should gradually spot anything in a facing building given time. A designer in this case has to allow some madness to the time to do one of two things, force you to take risks to clear the area or simply give you enough time to slog through it and base points on casualties.
  10. You say that like it is a bad thing. I am not ex military so I do qualify in this context as below a village idiot, however I have grabbed almost anything I can lay my hands on regarding Mout in Iraq. Everything I have read backs up what panzeraurkrautwerfer has already said. Between being able to spot sniper positions and eliminate them, provide protective cover for troopers who needed evac (both in firepower and physically screening), sealing off enemy avenues of movement by simply sitting at the end of an avenue etc, the M1s were indispensable in Fallujah. During the Thunder Run they created absolute mayhem holding positions that would have cost the lives of many ground troops. They are not absolutely invulnerable, but the amount of effort and exposure the enemy has to accept to take them on typically only increases their own vulnerability to it's weapons systems. I am not sure the Thunder Run would have succeeded with a lesser vehicle.
  11. I think I may have already grabbed that, but I wouldn't mind at all if you forward your copy.
  12. It was introduced in CMRT - from the manuals If the unit's morale state is enclosed by a red box then the unit is so demoralized that it will not respond to your commands at all. The unit may even run away or surrender to the enemy! If a unit's morale becomes seriously degraded, it may become "brittle", incurring a significant morale penalty for the rest of the battle. If a unit becomes brittle, the light next to the suppression meter will light up. When units are pinned (i.e. they can shoot but do not respond to movement orders), or panicked, routed or broken, that status is shown in the suppression indicator display as well. A small dot to the right of the suppression indicator will light up if the unit is Brittle. Broken Troops who have suffered heavy casualties and have become shaken or panicked, but have not recently been under fire, may partly recover to a “broken” state where they return to player control, but are so “brittle” that any significant further incoming fire or further casualties will cause them to become shaken or panic again very quickly.
  13. So that is why that bullfighter was gored in the groin. http://news.yahoo.com/spanish-bullfighter-hospital-being-gored-groin-140122783.html;_ylt=AwrTcccMas1VM9oAKvMnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE0aHI3aGdzBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZYVUkyOF8xBHNlYwNzcg-- I think they photoshopped out his briefs.
  14. in what sense? Typically "master maps" are a very large map that is cut down for a campaign if the campaign actually uses the terrain for it's battles. There is a very large map of Oosterbeek that Pete did which may qualify as the first official master map (either that or maybe the shadow of the hill series). Campaigns done prior to that I don't think were generated from a single map in the same way as the axis campaign in MG is a series of disconnected maps so I don't see any release of master maps for pre existing campaigns. Now on the other hand if you are just asking if there will be any really big maps released for CMBN - I am still working (slowly) on detailing Broadword's XIX Corp map. What anyone else has in the works I have no idea. CMFI with a a planned module still to come is a whole other story. Way too early to have any idea yet.
  15. John this is just another example of what people continue to critique in your ability to parse information. Newsweek is owned by IBT. It is the SAME source. Newsweek's reputation is also just above that of the weekly world news. Actually a fairly sad story of what used to be a decent publication. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsweek
  16. Your opponent made the same mistake I made the first time I played this - he didn't pay attention to the briefing. If it is any consolation to him, the slaughter I endured was worse.
  17. IB Times is notoriously bad about just printing whatever rumor makes a good headline. Might as well go to the Weekly World News. They are at least more amusing.
  18. Cmon guys, we don't need a spitting match over this one. Thing is BF has been pretty adamant about not adding gore. Whether that is good or bad is all opinion, but that is probably not going to change. Going back to the suggestion for Vietnam, there are some obstacles around LOS issues etc, but those could possibly be remedied by allowing units to shoot in a direction with limited LOS using area fire. I for one would love to see. CM Vietnam game, but I am not expecting it. BF has not expressed any real interest
  19. when you say run, what exactly do you mean? My perspective on run (admittedly based on ASL game movement options) is a full out dash - an attempt to get across a street without getting shot. I run a few times a week for around 4 miles each time. I am betting at a full out dash, I'd be lucky to last halfway around the block- without carrying anything.
  20. Actually a pretty cool idea mikeyd, I like it.
  21. Uh no, because they don't exist. It really doesn't help to spread bogus info. Or he could simply go to the knowledgebase and read this. How can I buy a game as a gift? If you would like to purchase a game or book for someone else as a gift, you do not need to do anything special. Simply pick the product(s) you would like to purchase and proceed through the Checkout process as usual. All the relevant information is stored in your customer account. You do not need to give the person who you bought the gift for access to your customer account! All you need to do is give the other person the License key that you have been issued after the purchase was completed. The other person than has to register a new customer account ("Register New Account" link on the left of the main store page) if he/she hasn't one already, and will be able to download and license/activate the game with the license key received from you, by logging in and clicking on the link to the "Download Area" (left side) or "Downloads->Customer Downloads" (top menu tab). By the way, even if you would give the other person your customer account information, they would not have access to your complete credit card/payment information. Your credit card/payment information is stored only partially (last four digits) in our database, and has to be entered in full anew each time an order is placed. But even incomplete credit card info can be harmful, so you should never give your customer account info and login details to anyone else.
  22. Nice memory to hang onto Vinnart, priceless.
  23. Ah how I wish I could be a TWIT. To stand before those of our elders who have worn such a mantle and say unto them "yea I have shown the worthiness of my TWITTERNESS! My profound TWITTERHOOD, why even show off a bit my TWITEPTITUDE, but alas I am simply a recently raised knight with an awesome cap. Perhaps my liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House would find it in his heart to grant such title on one perhaps worthy, like Boo
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