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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Sorry I think it may have been garbled in transmission. Is that what you meant to say? Anyway back to the lawn, yeah most folks on my street are doing this. We have two holdouts that are still wasting water on their lawns. Funny thing is the native plants add so much more color than just green. Nobody really even sits on their lawns anyway.with the exception of a few backyards.
  2. yeah I expect the release of the new module when it comes will be the point at which CMFI gets the new treatment.
  3. We call them vacationers because that is what Putin calls them. And before we get too far into claims there are no Russian regular troops there - that is what Putin said about Crimea until one day he said actually there had been. You see there is a bit of a credibility gap there. And I don't put too much stock in what you buddies in DPR/LNR said. There is far too much evidence to the contrary.
  4. Yes but the equipment and Internet access is a shared cost so we need a graph of Internet usage and computer costs showing a proportion of time for CM versus other activity. Also to include electrical costs and factor in savings on other activities you forego in order to finish "just one more" turn. The killer is going to be the moments you say "sure honey" to your wife to whatever she said on the way out the door that you didn't hear as your artillery rounds were just landing. Unfortunately she probably said, "I am going to look at shoes". For our female players, your husband may have been heading to check out that new car.
  5. I spent part of this weekend scraping the remains of my lawn to begin planting native stuff that is drought tolerant. I will likely just get it in before the El Niño hits and drowns it all. I blame Boo
  6. Yeah it will get active enough with the next release. The BF folks post on this forum so they are very much alive. I'd say well, but they are all bonkers. . . In a good way.
  7. Fair enough. And for me $10 doesn't deserve to be called a charge. It is a "suggested donation".
  8. Yep, and the descent into the rabbit hole begins.
  9. You were the MAN for the Grateful Dead archive- sorry man, that I do have to object to. Been a Dead head long before there was an internet to even search for stuff on and I know there are a few more here. I am pretty certain they'd all object.
  10. The computer is a quitter. It does however at least know when it has lost.
  11. Maybe, maybe not. I think part of it was their own egos allowed them to be fawned on by him. Rommel may have been a brilliant military mind, but he also had an ego a mile wide and his morality was questionable at best. He knew what the Reich was doing. As to the generals leaving mollified, I don't put much credence in that, too many got sacked even as early as 1941. I do think Hitler was able to verbalize the grievances Germans felt and was able to allow them to express their darkest side feeling that they somehow were legitimate expressions. My personal feeling is Hitler was more an outlet for the German people rather than someone who somehow led them along with his "vision". They wanted to believe before he opened his mouth. Humanity does have that propensity still. It is easier to blame someone else for your problems and then steal everything they have claiming they "owe" you. It has been done to the Jews for a couple thousand years now and to most indigenous populations around the globe. Britain's opium drug trade fueled one empire and impoverished another. American manifest destiny committed genocide on a scale we can only guess at now it was so complete. Nothing new about Hitler or the Reich. The thing about the Hitler's and Stalin's and Mao's etc etc is they uniformly express and promote our worst inclinations- so it absolves our conscience to say they had some hypnotic power. It was their fault....
  12. There are force multiples though that can affect the troop ratio (minefields, terrain, artillery etc). Even the QB point system can't really take that all into account. This is where play testing your scenario becomes so important. Enjoy though Lee, nice to see another person taking a shot at this. Are you messing at all with triggers?
  13. Nice, that second battle is a tough one. In testing it every play through was grueling, but a lot of fun.
  14. What might be interesting is to see how it compares to other NATO tanks when we get to see those. Right now I think the quandary is the M1 is fairly well known, many of the folks on this forum have direct experience. The T90 however is more an unknown and how to rate it takes a bit more guesswork. When we get the Leopards on here and can test and compare performance I'll be curious as to what folks with experience on the Leopard have to say.
  15. My pixeltruppen have begun grumbling. Seems the leg checks instituted have caused some concern and feelings of harassment. I have a meeting scheduled with HR tomorrow to discuss "inappropriate behavior". Man you guys suck for getting me in trouble.
  16. I always wonder how they come up with lines like that. It isn't like the dead guy is talking "damn didn't see that one coming". LOL I check with my pixeltruppen, but they never answer me.
  17. Yeah really. He may have a had a good memory, but he was still a whack job. Almost all his major decisions were bone headed. So what that he knew where a room was in a building he had never been to. Didn't help much for a bigoted crazy megalomaniac. If only they'd bricked that room back up with him in it.
  18. probably a good time to wrap this one up. Either a rational explanation has changed Daz's perspective or it hasn't. Either way there is no place for this to go but down. The longer these threads go on, the greater the chance of it devolving into negative stuff.
  19. kohlenklau- good responses and to the point. It from what I can see already has better potential as you noted. If we get it tied into CM, great. If not it will still be something more useful than any out here now. I know a few already chomping at the bit for KS to begin.
  20. Yeah t is somewhat of a differ model than some games. BF has committed to bringing features included in new releases and back porting them to older game releases. CMBN has the same feature set as CMRT despite being released several years later, though it does take work to do that and hence a cost. As an example when CMFI was released, it include for the first time normal maps. Instead of leaving those who had CMBN with a lesser game, BF then brought all the new stuff in CMFI over to CMBN, and it wasn't just a little bit. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2047&Itemid=517 The interesting thing was v2.0 was followed up relatively quickly by the free patch 2.01 The alternative is BF could have just left CMBN at 1.0, fixed bugs but added none of the new stuff. 2.0 Upgrade list Game User Interface Improvements: - Waypoint dragging. A waypoint can be clicked on and moved by dragging it to a new location. - Hotkey Unit Groups. Select units and assign them to number keys for quick navigation during gameplay. To change the camera's location press Alt and the number of the group you want to navigate to. The camera relocates and the highest level unit of that group is automatically selected. In Iron Mode, only HQs can be assigned to hotkey unit groups. - Grouped Spacebar Command system. Instead of getting all of the commands in a big list when the Spacebar is used, instead you get four groups of commands: Movement, Combat, Special, and Administrative. Selecting one of these presents the Commands specific to that Commands Group. The existing graphical Commands Panel now mimics this same behavior. This new feature not only makes it easier to find the Command you're looking for, and keep straight which ones are can be co-assigned to a Waypoint, but it also allows for more than 9 Commands per Command Group (a v1.0 limitation). General User Interface improvements: - New Load New Game dialog screen. The list of scenarios can now be sorted by size, length, or alphabetically. Details are presented in text form instead of icons. - New Saved Game dialog screen. The list of scenarios can now be sorted by newest file, oldest file, or alphabetically. You can also filter between single player saves and PBEM saves. Save games can be deleted from this screen instead of having to flip back and forth between the game and your desktop. - Visual Hotkey binding. A new dialog allows you to specify and view key assignments. Players can still manually edit and exchange Hotkey.txt files as before. - Special Equipment icons enlarged for better readability. The enlargement reduces the number of icons from 12 to 6. Multiple items of a single type of equipment are now represented by a single icon with a number specifying how many of that item the unit has. Editor Improvements: - Auto-Assemble linear terrain tool. Roads, walls, fences, and hedges can now be automagically drawn across the map instead of placing them one tile at a time. The old manual selection interface still exists to allow tweaking specific Action Spots. - BMP map overlay. Instead of having to create game maps by freehand you can now trace over a real world map within the Editor. Four different levels of transparency make the process easier by adjusting for different needs as work progresses. - More AI Groups. The number of AI Groups available has been increased from 8 to 16. This allows for greater fidelity of AI Plans and their assigned units. - Copy and paste AI Plans. Create a solid AI Plan, copy it, and paste it into an unused AI Plan slot. Once done the copied Plan can be modified to make a unique variant without having to build the Plan up from scratch. - improved terrain elevation/contours, smoother and more intuitive. - Ability to assign special uniform types for select units types on a unit by unit basis. Gameplay improvements: - Target Armor Arc Command. Instructs units to engage only armored units within the specified arc. As with nearly every Command, outcome varies greatly depending on unit quality and battlefield conditions. - Target Briefly Command. Tells a unit to fire all it's guns on a designated spot for 15 seconds, then cease fire. Conserves ammo and reduces the need for player management when short suppressive fire is the desired outcome. - Expanded floating icon categories. New unique icons have been added for Ammo Bearer, Recon, Engineer, Air Controller, LMG, Light Truck (Antitank), Light Truck (Heavy Weapon), Light Tank, Tankette, Infantry Gun, Shelter Bunker, AT mines. - FoW floating icons. FoW floating icons. Instead of getting a general area "?" icon and then immediately progressing to an accurate 3D representation, now there is an inbetween stage where you get a icon that represents the general category of enemy unit and no 3D representation. This tells the player "you know roughly what the unit is, but nothing more specific than that." - Canister rounds. New game code properly simulates these special anti-infantry munitions. Although not very commonly seen, they are extremely effective when used properly. Multiplayer Improvements: - Pausable RealTime option. A player can request a Pause and, if the other player agrees, the game is Paused until both players request an end to it. Pauses can be "Playable" (Commands can be issued/modified), "Viewable" (navigation is allowed, but no Commands issued/modified), or "Locked" (no navigation, no Commands issued/modified). The different pause types reflect the different reasons for requesting a pause. Graphics improvements: - Improved rendering. Normal and Bump mapping allows for more texture detail while using less system resources and improving the pressure on framerates. - Expanded Soldier details. A completely new way of assigning models and textures allows greater flexibility and variety of how Soldiers look in the game. It also allows for more flexible Modding possibilities.
  21. Yeah that is kind of the point, they want to make sure every knows the Kremlin will not tolerate a critical eye looking into it's deceptions particularly when it comes to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Doesn't make as much impact if you enact a set of rules and don't tell anyone. The problem Russia is having is public media keeps pulling the curtain back on it's activities. As to the article cited by John above, my understanding is that has been thoroughly debunked as false anyway. Apparently the original source was a bunch of BS and the western media hadn't thoroughly vetted it. https://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http://ruslanleviev.livejournal.com/37565.html Credit to Steve for finding this one.
  22. LOL yeah don't hold your breath. For what it is worth I work for a very prestigious firm which does it's own version of pushing the company line of uniqueness and how special we are. I don't buy it here either.
  23. For what it is worth, I think most folks would complain about paying for a patch. In this case I think it is mostly a matter of information and a misunderstanding about what 3.0 is..
  24. As others have noted daz, 3.0 is not a patch. It is an upgrade, an important distinction. You did not patch from 1.0 to 2.0, you upgraded. 2.11 was a patch. The fact that you didn't have to pay had more to do with BF adapting. As to the difference between 1.0 to 2.0 etc. BF had long ago stated how they would handle versions. They would not support older ones so 1.0 would never get another patch. In the process they are trying to figure out how best to handle this for their customers. You may notice that there is now a new configuration. When you buy 3.0 it has ALL the modules. If you buy just CMBN, they are all still there. When you buy MG afterwards, you are just buying a license and do not have to now download the game. It is a process that again is adapting. BF has always been clear about the difference between patches and upgrades and costs. It is on you the buyer to inform yourself about what to expect on your purchase. The 3.0 upgrade was a lot of work and added a lot of new stuff. if it were just fixing bugs, it would have been free. Your complaints are a bit mis directed. Below are just some of the new features that 3.0 includes Graphics Hit impacts to vehicles and bunkers now shown graphically ("hit decals") Water animates for fording units Improved shaders Gameplay Ground units are now able to fire at attacking aircraft Ammo Dumps allow platoons to have reserve ammo stored separately on map (automatically distributed for certain Skill Levels) WeGo TCP/IP with the ability to save but not the ability to replay combat action Spotters restricted to directing only one Mission at a time. Assets can now be group fired. More realistic/varied RoF of automatic weapons. Improved load time for scenarios, especially larger ones with complex terrain User Interface Three different sets of camera controls; Standard (traditional), First Person Shooter, and Real Time Strategy Optional graphical Command and Control link tracing KIAs are shown in the Soldier/Crew Panels to track soldiers lost during the game Option to disable music separate from other game sounds Editor Ability to create AI Triggers that execute actions based on other units or interaction with Objectives (existing battles do not have this, but it can be added by authors if they wish) Maximum map size increased Improved responsiveness of 2D editing, especially for large maps Improved load time for 3D Preview, especially large maps Customized "Mod Tags" for most graphics. This allows for multiple mods for the same item without the need to move items in/out of Data folder Ability to specify specific mods be used for a specific Scenario. If CM fails to find the specified mod it will use the default
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