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Everything posted by sburke

  1. heh well before the storm starts, that isn't going to happen anytime soon. BF position and they are not budging for reasons they have explained on these boards many times. Besides it is always available from their site as well.
  2. Yep! You know if Casey Jones was driving that tank...….. Casey Jones you better watch your speed!
  3. Errr it is wildly successful and they haven’t even met yet.... In the latest twist in the drama-filled nuclear talks with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump announced on the eve of their historic meeting that he will be leaving Singapore early because the nuclear negotiations have moved "more quickly than expected." That was before the two had even met, and it was not clear whether it was good news or not.
  4. I am totally blowing the NDA, but they have nukes.... okay not really.
  5. okay I am buzzed, comfortably so, but am still confused. From the above this is what I posted, Can you highlight what it is you are referring to? Regarding Marine exercises and landings. The exercises in Norway are using propositioned equipment. Hey maybe the next modern family. Combat Mission Arctic Front. US, Norwegian, British and Dutch units in snow covered mountainous terrain. And this time we start with the Marines. http://www.businessinsider.com/us-marines-extending-deployments-to-norway-for-arctic-training-2017-6 Meanwhile this is the more current article I was referring to http://www.businessinsider.com/marines-tanks-drill-near-russias-border-with-finland-for-first-time-2018-5 oh wait propositioned equipment? No that was intended, they are Marines after all.
  6. totally agreed, this one is a constant resource management battle..and it lasts a really really long time so don't get complacent. You have to pay attention to details or you will pay the price. A lot of scenarios have that aspect but rarely for several hours. I found myself developing several ad hoc response teams and had to make them mission oriented to succeed.
  7. Well the summit is about to occur. My wife will be at 30,000 feet for a good part of the day so she may be safe. I on the other hand and my wine collection are about 30 feet above sea level. My expectations are they may trade pointers on hair options which could make the summit wildly successful or both parties will sulk in their room passing love letters through intermediaries. Either way nothing substantial will occur but it will be deemed an amazing success, best ever way better than Obama for sure and then Kim wil launch a missile just to show he can and then we’ll begin all over again. Any bets?
  8. It would except I just polished off a very good bottle of wine. Can you be a little more explicit? I need the help
  9. Er what? I have 15,000 plus posts. Yeah way too many but that is a different subject.
  10. Not gonna happen unless you aren’t expecting CMSF until Christmas 2919 . Nuff said
  11. Thing is if you do the full download (yes a bit more of a pain) you will always have the latest. Patches don’t happen that often so in my view it is just easier to do the full download AND SAVE IT SOMEWHERE SAFE than to try worrying about patches
  12. Lol not sure what all you are tweaking. You are a perfectionist. Perfect is the enemy of good enough. Release your baby to the public. You’ll get more feedback. Agile software, it is all the rave now. seriously this is pretty damn polished scenario. Then you can start prepping a CMSF variant. Heh heh
  13. Agreeing with people all the time is freakin boring. you need alternate points of view to expand your horizons even if you vehemently disagree. As long as you can keep it civil. Civility is a lost art.
  14. Yeah but it didn’t go well and there wasn’t a second date. Memory recalls he got blacklisted on Match. Oh wait what were we talking about? seriously what do you mean did they get a date? I’ll look around there is a more current article, but that was what popped up. As far as I know there is an ongoing Marine exercise in Norway.
  15. Damn you, I am drinking some very good wine and you almost made me spit it out. Yes a delayed reaction. Blame it on @MANoWAR.U51for unearthing this thread.
  16. That isn’t quite fair. Every CM scenario is in fact a fantasy even if it is based around an actual historical event. You can not replicate a real battle with absolute fidelity in CM. **** happens in real life that does not happen in CM. The difference is more do I want to fight battles in WW2 equipment or with something from another era. CMSF is arguably as realistic as WW2 stuff if you are playing LLF’s Ramadi scenario, maybe even more so as the FoW aspect should be even worse in WW2. CMBS scenarios as well if you are using UKR forces. now Fulda gap stuff sure completely hypothetical, but not sci-fi. Sci-fi is space lobsters of doom.
  17. I think this is partly the dividing line. I love infantry combat in CM. Desert warfare is primarily an armor issue with a few occasions where that wasn’t the case. If you love armor then the war in North Africa is going to be really appealing. If you are into infantry Rommel’s forcing of the Meuse and GD at Stonne are gonna be your thing.
  18. Everybody take a deep breath. The definition of terrorist is varaiable and largely dependent on which side of the conflict you are on. Some times it is clear cut regardless. Unconventional Warfare by its very nature is a fight for control/support of the local populace. In Vietnam the US regarded the Viet Minh as terrorists and frequently they were right. However at the same time US actions and those of the ARVN were frequently clearly terroristic. The same can be true of almost any conflict of that type. Algeria, Zimbabwe/Rhodesia, Israel/Palestine etc etc. that is a debate that does not belong here. Uncon forces is a much safer definition.
  19. Regarding Marine exercises and landings. The exercises in Norway are using propositioned equipment. Hey maybe the next modern family. Combat Mission Arctic Front. US, Norwegian, British and Dutch units in snow covered mountainous terrain. And this time we start with the Marines. http://www.businessinsider.com/us-marines-extending-deployments-to-norway-for-arctic-training-2017-6
  20. Interestingly the same Bn. from LLFs scenario on Joker 1 and the battles for Ramadi. Another one I look forward to playing in CMSF 2
  21. Like a schwimmagen? Lol I am really surprised that it hasn’t come up recently now that we have amphibious vehicles. Or the DUKW. There are certain campaigns like the Scheldt estuary which could really use a couple additional capabilities /vehicles. One can hope.
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