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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. @sublime why would you be so surprised at allegiance to Putin after what we have been going through here in the US? No need to look overseas for examples of blind allegiance. People like simple answers that don’t require they change their behavior or challenge their beliefs. Life is just easier if it conforms to your own predetermined bias. It is the very reason human social evolution is so damn slow and will probably be the reason humans become a failed evolutionary branch.
  2. Mord you are on a roll. That was freakin hysterical. I bow before you oh master of the slashing tongue of merciless razor sharp wit.
  3. It is a slower path. Could simply be the TAC AI deciding you wanted fast then let’s use better terrain.
  4. Listen to your other half, it is much much more realistic. For what it is worth I expect you won’t hear anything about NZ as frankly that is none of our business and likely subject to NDA for all involved. You should however hear a bunch of news to put you in a better frame of mind.
  5. Don’t sweat worrying about BF. That isn’t the first thread like that, it won’t be the last. Because....... BF is fine and is gonna be around for quite a bit yet. Hell I think Charles doesn’t even bother with the forum. Assuming he really exists, he is too busy creating.
  6. Maybe, just maybe when most other people don’t share your opinion.......now don’t react right away, just let it sink in a bit...... maybe you are just wrong. Or at least things aren’t as dire as you’d like to make them appear.
  7. Not from our view, but in Iraq it took a while for the enemy to realize how badly they were screwed at night. During the initial run to Baghdad a US force was at the bridges near Najaf. The Iraqis thought they could take advantage of bad weather and nightfall to attack. Hell they had troops disembarking right out of buses.....in front of Bradley’s. It did not go well.
  8. Enough on that, the conversation is crossing a line. Back to the confusion.
  9. So I just got a mailing to my house addressed to s burkely. I am definitely not who I thought I was and my avatar is quite upset.
  10. I think pretty much everywhere unless I am confused. Which is undoubtedly true. Confusing eh?
  11. Fake news! Are you really Mord? I think you are the new Mord, not the old Mord. Or maybe just A new Mord of which there may be many, possibly an infinite number of new Mords all standing on a flat earth with the blood rushing to their heads as earth is uprise down.
  12. I am not here and even if I was I am not who I think I am. Doesn’t look like anything to me.
  13. Fair enough, but I didn't call anyone stupid. I did say that some of the things being said were stupid. You could try and argue that is semantics, but it is also factually correct. For example that BF would be charging us for the patch to correct 4.0. They don't charge for patches- we all know that so yeah that is stupid. It is one of those snide accusations that come in a post that are really just another opportunity to trash BF because face it, some posters just really like to. They have a history to it so many of us who are active here can almost tell you in advance what they will post and how they will post it and why they will likely end up getting another timeout eventually. Just as there are some that folks will call fanboi's, there are also the "anti-fanbois" that just like digging at BF. They don't need to be factually correct, they just like slinging accusations. And the suggestion about growing up was in response to the stupid - yes stupid - little comment about maybe if they had good beta testers. That may have been intended as an insult to me, but it sideswipes every other beta tester most of whom ARE far better than me and we all missed the 4.0 issue. I see how much effort those folks put in. So yeah I am gonna call that poster immature. I'd love to have said quite a bit more, but as you were correct to point out, I was already feeding a bad feedback loop. I get telling me that I should heed my own advice to not sound like a horse's ass. And you are correct I did miss that comment from Steve was earlier this year. Fair enough. But when a beta tester says, "It doesn't look like anything to me" it isn't because I am a host on Westworld (ha I have been waiting to toss that line in somewhere!), but because maybe I am busy enough as a tester that it doesn't seem to have had any impact on what I am having to do. I've been a beta tester since CMFI so that has to count for at least a little right? What you proved is that BF is working on something and frankly I know nothing more than anyone else here on that. That doesn't prove anything regarding impact on workflow. I on the other hand have first hand experience on workflow and I am busy. Probably busier than I'd like to be, but I want 4.0 and the additional material out just as much as anyone- especially CMSF2. No one is sitting around farting in the tub, at least not to my knowledge.
  14. I can't speak for MAC, but I run all CM games on a windows 64 bit machine no problem including CM Afghanistan.
  15. Partially agree but not to the extent of the behavior in 4.0. With relatively little arty you can get troops to abandon their defenses. The problem in 3.0 was the suppressive effects weren't really working. It was fine that infantry didn't abandon their foxholes, but they didn't stay suppressed by incoming fire even to keep their heads down. Now you can drop a few 81mm mortar rounds and suddenly folks want to go sunbathing in the grass. To your point the balance act is somewhere in between and also has to accommodate other possible reactions.
  16. don't know, but did anyone see the news on the Ft Bragg Memorial day parade? Awesome. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/27/us/politics/military-parade-trump-army-82nd.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=second-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news Too much politics about Trump's parade in this but the punchline at the end is really cool. Then came a voice over the loudspeakers: “Ladies and gentlemen, if you look to your front, you should now see the division, led by Maj. Gen. Erik Kurilla and Chief Sgt. Maj. Michael Ferrusi, crossing Sicily Drop Zone, advancing through the smoke headed toward the reviewing stand.” And sure enough, there they were, coming across the field and emerging from the mist dramatically. Some 15,000 American troops, the 82nd Airborne Division, marched in lock step behind their commanding general, who had just jumped out of a plane with a titanium femur. Now that is a freakin parade!
  17. Hey no fair, there are two of them.... and how many did I find that they may not have?!!!! Tons I tell you! I am the world's best bug finder! Folks are even saying I should get a Nobel prize, not me but people are saying …. Nobel, Nobel! Funny that you didn't suggest that you would find them through.....
  18. it was not a threat- at least not from me. It was a simple notification that you are pushing a button that BF has been known to be short of patience with. As to the "competency of beta testers" if that was meant to get under my skin it is pretty laughable. Come back at me in a few years when you mature a bit and your put downs (hopefully) get a little better.
  19. I vote for that! Humor even sarcastic humor goes over better.
  20. Doesn't have to be if we can all just take it down a notch...I did say all before someone starts getting into the who said what first thing. There is only one issue here. Folks would like to know the status of the 4.0 patch. Period. I can't give that to you. All I can do is note that some of the supposition as to why it isn't out that has been remarked upon is wrong. Sorry, wish I could do more. @Trasher It is taking longer than expected. but that is only because folks didn't take into account that it was Steve posting about timing.....
  21. Yeah I am with Ian on this one. He and I are both beta testers and I didn't become aware of this one until in the middle of a pbem months afterwards. Not sure where you came up with this one but as far as I know it is completely false. Sounds like a mis-communication somewhere along the line or someone being mis quoted. Where you are correct is it was known a few months before January. January is when I think Steve posted that things were moving ahead on the AI reaction. If it were simply a matter of reverting that behavior any of us can do that now utilizing 3.0. BF however has additional AI behavior in 4.0 that no one wants just tossed so yeah it takes a bit of time to make sure the patch isn't released and right after someone says "hey wait when I do X.... the game is totally broken!" Also as @sttp noted it isn't the only issue that has been pointed out. whatever. You make unsupported accusations. I give at least circumstantial evidence to the contrary. You give nothing but indignant responses to being asked to provide at least some kind of information to back up your claims including the really stupid one of suggesting you'll have to pay for a patch which BF has never charged for. I'd also watch that location note of smashing delusional fanboys - BF has shown very little tolerance for that kind of attitude. Your choice, but I at least gave you a heads up. No, no they don't. Half fail in the first 5 years. Survival past there is a mark of success not a matter of limping along. If you are limping, you are in the fail process and it won't take 20 years to find that out. Be nice if you guys would just bother to do just a little research before spouting out this kind of nonsensical crap. Really google and read just a little bit. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140915223641-170128193-what-are-the-real-small-business-survival-rates/ That doesn't mean you guys can't and shouldn't gripe for updates. Hell if you didn't like the product you wouldn't bother. Just don't try and make the lack of comms from Radio BF more than it is. They just don't do that sort of thing. It doesn't reflect a lack of of appreciation or health of the business or difficulties with the patch. It is just how these guys work. You don't have to like it, but you also don't need to create some bizarre rationalizations for why. They just don't do it and never really have.
  22. No actually it is not literally impossible. Are they fabulously rich, no. Are they making a decent living enough to make this worthwhile when they could be making a lot more working for someone else. Yeah. And they still make the best tactical combat sim out there and haven't sold away the rights. And limping along for 20 years? Small businesses don't "limp along" for 20 years. That statement alone shows how little you understand the subject you are discussing. So yes I will standby my statement that the longevity reflects they know very well what they are doing. But hey if you have anything more than "they don't tell me enough info or they haven't yet released a patch for an issue that took months for anyone to notice" as a evidence that they don't know what they are doing, let's hear it. Actually let's not cause it doesn't really matter. I'll still buy the next release and it doesn't bother me that Steve waits till he feels he has something substantial to say before posting. Good lord - the new era where "what I believe" becomes the replacement for I don't really know so I shouldn't say. Where the f**k did that theory come from. Oh wait yeah I can smell it now..... I believe climate change isn't happening so I can ignore all the freakin science.
  23. I actually wasn't replying to you. Nevertheless the jump from they had something they did for NZ to that is what is holding things up is a really big leap . Personally I haven't seen any evidence to support that and I am in a slightly better position to know. Not a whole lot better, but enough to know you guys are going down a dead end. We should all know by now that much as we love what BF produces, Steve really sucks at timeline projections. I mean reaalllllly sucks. So maybe we should all take a deep breath and realize BF's strength is also the source of some frustration. Steve and Charles are seriously experienced gamer dudes. They aren't Curt Schilling. They don't promise the moon and then not deliver. They work their asses off to produce the best tactical war game out there at a very reasonable price. They aren't hand holding kind of guys, hell does anyone even know if Charles really exists? I've never met him. Never saw him post here...….. hmmmmm. Let them do what they do best- make the games. Stop expecting they are gonna start a blog you can interact with to get more information that will never actually satisfy you and please stop asking Steve for dates. Every time he posts one here I cringe cause I know it is only a matter of time before we end up right here. And for what it is worth I agree the snowflakes comment was uncalled for. I understand Ian's view that some things are a bit overblown, but I do know players who have stopped playing due to 4.0. I haven't, but I understand those who have.
  24. Whatever it is you woke up and started smoking this morning is some really good stuff, but I'd suggest laying off it. You guys have a way of developing conspiracies that is pretty interesting, but so far off base that it stops being funny ands just becomes sad. NZ project holding them up... pretty funny. Not sure what the basis was for that conclusion considering that article linked to is over a year old. As far as any of us knows they just went out and bought freakin copies of CMBS. But then that wouldn't fit into the conspiracy theory. Facts are such a pain in the arse. As to understanding how to run a business. Considering that they have been at it over 20 years and are still going strong it seems that most of you who think you know how to run one and have decided what the hallmarks of success are... are ...well how do I put this... WRONG. Not even just wrong, like totally out there in the ether stupid wrong. Like so wrong that you look like that Midvale school for the gifted Far Side comic. By the way I think the NZ gov't held up the contract because of 4.0 and decided it was un-playble. No not really, but it was funny to think so. Pull.
  25. Unfortunately I can't say much, but I can say that for sure is not it. Heck all they had to do if they felt they had created a bug was rollback to 3.0. The behavior itself is the result of trying to get the AI to react better. Unfortunately it had unintended consequences. The preference is to find the middle ground. They didn't "break the AI", semantics maybe but when you have an AI as complicated as CM is, getting the behavior to cover all situations is tough. I know that probably isn't helping much but it is about all that I can say.
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