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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Good luck on that. Everybody who has bet on Trump prior has lost money. (Check out the wonderful Atlantic City experience). Trump and Bolton don’t even agree so you can’t really bet on both. My bet is Trump eventually blames Bolton for the “missed opportunity” when he fires him. Trump is getting played by both NK and China. His lack of real experience in international diplomacy, his frankly horrible negotiating skills and his guttting of the professional diplomatic corps all spell disaster. The ZTE debacle alone should tell you how good Trump’s negotiating skills really are. ZTE we are gonna punish you by making you buy more of the products from us that you wanted in the first place! Take that!
  2. Replacement for the typical wounded and dead icons for your casualties. Less intrusive/more immersive.
  3. CMSF 2 is being redone with the 4.0 engine. CMBS is already at 4.0
  4. They thought the stuff he was carrying was good, but when they went to rifle his pockets...err I mean buddy aid him they found it was all damaged......or sumfink.
  5. no one is trying to. It is just it isn't the only example of failure. Oh what the hell, never mind.
  6. yeah keep the installer - toss the disks. I ditched mine a long time ago. It just doesn't make any sense to hang onto them Waiting for CMSF2 so I can ditch CMSF disks and the document I have for installing it step by step...
  7. not gonna get into a debate about communist block philosophy etc. I will say however your experience I think colors your perceptions. The communist block does not have a lock on oppression Name a country and I am sure I could with very little difficulty find a period when they too participated in a heinous act on some other group. Humanity as group is evolving only ever so slowly. Human beings are only too ready to blame someone else for their woes or covet what someone else has. Don't even get me started on the perils of power.
  8. I am surprised you bought that "China surrenders to us regarding trade deficit" Even if they wanted to we don't have several billions of dollars worth of what they typically buy from us to alter the deficit. That was a sop for Trump. The only thing that could really change that deficit is if Americans stop buying Chinese goods and that isn't gonna happen even after that crap sheetrock that caused so many issues to homeowners. We are very short sighted. As to the Iran deal, that actually was a good deal regardless of Trump's pronouncements. No it did not alter Iranian thinking about geopolitics, but that was not the goal. It was successful at reducing their Nuclear capabilities. Our allies felt so, our intelligence agencies felt so. Only Trump and folks who never want Obama to ever be able to be credited with a single thing disagreed. US violation (no we don't get to just cancel, we are now in violation) completely undermines US negotiating with DPRK. That was the US showing we negotiate in bad faith and even if we pen a deal forget any guarantee we will honor it if we decide it better serves domestic political aspirations to walk away. And no I don't really feel like hearing how "commies" negotiate in bad faith. That they do is not going to surprise me. Just about everyone negotiates in bad faith. How much varies. The continuing use of "commies" though is kind of cartoonish. It is a generic term that really means very little and ignores the many cultural and nationalistic aspirations of those countries that have had or have a communistic oriented gov't. The communist world was never a solid block of mindless bureaucrats all thinking and acting the same no more than the western powers all acted and thought the same. Failure to understand that seriously hurt our ability to take advantage of and manipulate differences in the cold war.
  9. well to be totally frank it isn't just the "commies" who negotiate like that. It is pretty much the way everyone does. The whole point is to give up as little as you can for as much as you can get. The extent to which you have the upper hand and your skill determines (usually) how well you do. Right now the US sucks at it - badly. So no I don't expect much if anything. Not exactly sure how we are going to economically pressure the PRC. That hasn't seemed to work out to well so far even for addressing a simpler issue of trade balances. The only real upside at the moment is the nuclear test site appears to be a wreck. Expecting DPRK to pick back up on the missile launches before too much longer, but they'll probably play a bit more pitting members of the administration against one another as why not, it seems to be working for them so far.
  10. The best CM game is whichever one I am playing at that time....
  11. I think I could easily do that but I can’t quite dedicate the time right now. it was either focus and blow through or have to set aside. I really wasn’t interested in the set aside option.
  12. I know @MOS:96B2Pis still polishing this up and as the creator he will likely never be totally content. However having finished a play through I can say this one is pretty damn well polished. Amazing work. I think I invested something on 12-14 hours in it and could easily have done more. It is extremely addictive. The design is like nothing I have seen and highly unlikely you could create this in any other tactical combat game. I bow before you @MOS:96B2P. If you were close enough by, I'd pick up your beer tab at the local pub for the next month. Seriously in sheer terms of entertainment value I will get more out of this scenario alone than I'd get for a full AAA game title. I am already editing the units for a different type fight utilizing everything in place you have built. Can't wait for the Marine Module for CMBS to try swapping the Stryker unit out for them.
  13. you can hear that Stryker just pounding away. I learned to really love the .50 over the 40 mm GL version in this. More accurate and lots more ammo.
  14. When your enemies suck worse than you do, you tend to look okay It is when your enemies start getting their act together that your own issues rise to the surface. Either you fix them or now the suckiness scale starts to tilt.
  15. I believe we just had a Steve sighting... 2 hours and he has yet to be accosted by the forum paparazzi. Slackers.
  16. I believe he meant to sat competent was too busy brushing up for his Australian portrayal.
  17. No, no it's not. You tossed me aside with no thought at all about how I might feel. I don't think we really share anymore. You seem distant and aloof. I... I ... I am afraid maybe we need some time apart.
  18. Yeah I thought from just a number standpoint that saying 1point whatever only mattered in context. If you and I each kick in 50% to pay for a meal together and you make a million dollars a minute and I make $50 dollars a week I am gonna be kind of put off. But if you kick in 50% of your income and I kick in 50% of mine I’ll feel pretty damn good. Ratios matter. That being said Ukraine’s army would likely kick the bundeswehr’s ass right now.
  19. If the thunder don’t get you then the lightening will
  20. Remember the days of Critical Hit selling ASL scenarios sometimes with units to punch out etc? That is what this feels like. I should be buying this with a laminated card with the Intel codes and a chart I can mark up with erasable marker for intel I have acquired and status etc Damn that is what I need - an easel with a whiteboard! and a laminated map with grid lines! and for those completely freakin out about 4.0 - it doesn't seem to have any impact here that I've noticed.
  21. Nice to see CM get some interesting reviews that aren't trying to weight what is good or bad versus this game or that but simply looking at the game and the kinds of issues you can run into. Hey if Bil feels it is worth chiming in on it, it's a good sign for me.
  22. Finally got a chance to give this one a close look. Simply put I am in awe. @MOS:96B2P you have not just set a new standard, you've shown how flexible CM can be to a degree most of us have never even considered. Twice in scenarios I have done for releases I have played with touch point locations for intel in attempts to make a scenario a little interactive. Looking at them now it is like a kid's crayon drawing on the refrigerator compared to a Stephen Hawking's thesis. No I am not embarrassed, I did use sharpened crayons after all. The degree that you have to think about your force commitments based on intel that you have to examine closely knowing you can't really be sure sets this apart. The map is nicely detailed, the situation is entirely credible. The constant interaction is riveting. This is one you have to play slow as you are likely going to have to divide your attention in multiple directions all the time. It is also apparent that you need to study the briefing. This is not a "I have an hour let me start a quick fight to kill some time" scenario. This is one you have to study first before you launch turn 1. Be sure that you have some idea of how the mechanics work and the capabilities of your force before you ever touch the big red button. Looking forward to what you do with CMSF2.
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