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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. heh it was just an expression, was not meant to say you were actually saying CM sucks. Was just saying we adjust to what we have and make do. And yeah I do understand your interests are highly specialized.. well maybe not specialized per se but very very detailed. Specialized would be you say focus on MOUT. However your Carillion, Dien Bein Phu and Makin work speaks to a variety of interests but a very focused attention to detail. Your obstinate attention to detail will cost you your head m'lud. Heh I may have to alter Avatar somehow to include Norwich.
  2. Proper usage of terms is required. Shame on you, I’ll send you a proper dictionary and I expect you to read it cover to cover and apply correctly. There will be a test. Whew. MOUT is a several thread subject and no I don’t ever think I wil be 100% happy with how it works in CM or any title for that matter. It is a uniquely intimate form of combat where reflexes, combat training, inches of movement and luck all matter to a degree like nothing else. It is extremely tense. Half the time I find myself afraid to issue commands knowing that the next 60 seconds may mean me watching several of my pixeltruppen die as a result of my orders. Worse that some idiosyncrasy of CM will result in my guys getting shot by someone that I think shouldn’t even be able to see them. (Yeah I still remember our test run of your Syria scenario and that guy shooting yours like 4 stories up with what should have been an impossible shot, but allowed because building joints in CM have a gap.). Let’s not even get into tank gun elevations, gun barrels going through buildings etc etc. there are so many singular issues where MOUT combat simply fails. So what do you do? Throw up your arms and say CM totally sucks I’ll never play a MOUT battle or take what the game gives you and move on? I would love more variation in buildings. I’d love a lot of other things even more. However I have to work with what has been given and to share a little testing experience - I have played @George MC USMC Circle the Wagons scenario probably a dozen times testing out various items for this game and it is frankly a phenomenal experience. It varies every time I play it and sometimes a building takes a crap load of fire with my guys only being suppressed and sometimes a single rpg decimates a team. I honestly have had little concern for building dynamics as the actual combat is so amazingly tense. I was going to wait till the game was released to start a “my latest favorite scenario” thread to discuss different ones and this particular scenario was my motivator. Absolutely there are a ton of limitations in CM that drive me nuts playing MOUT in CM, but the one time I played this scenario where I got super aggressive with my Marines and drove right at the enemy to grab terrain and prevent them even getting into position to target the tanks I was tasked with defending and watching my Marines smash the enemy attack was pure elation. Yeah I tried the same attack again in another play through and hit a different AI plan and was slaughtered, but that previous win was just one of those spectacular CM moments when all the problematic BS just didn’t matter Those were titles built from scratch, not one they were trying to get to 4.0 with minimal effort. Until you stop comparing apples to oranges you”l never appreciate the decisions BF was having to make. Sure they could have said we are gonna do this just like any other title and we will charge full price. Instead they said we are gonna do what we can and reward our CMSF base with an unheard of discount. Considering that they have no idea if this is gonna take a hit, break even or maybe even earn a little cash your (and I am gonna be really blunt here and hope you can appreciate it comes from someone who does understand how you feel) petulant harping on this subject is beneath you. You know better. There is a cost to everything and BF is not charging the CMSF base of users the full price to treat this product as a from scratch family and yet the amount of work that has already gone in is damn close and I am sure ended up with a lot of soul searching by Steve and Charles as to whether or not to even consider doing this. I think most of us can agree we are extremely thankful they did regardless of the additional items we would have hoped for that didn’t make it in. And for what it is worth I was one of those pushing and hoping for independent buildings. Consider this. They made sure CMSF2 will play all CMSF content. Period. I can design a new CMSF scenario then copy that file to CMSF2 and it will work. Period. That was a priority commitment they made and was a make or break for doing this and it wasn’t easy. There was a lot of trial and effort involved. That means a lot to a lot of players. You included as your scenarios so laboriously created work. Period. And those are my favorites. So, no you don’t have all those buildings types, but Ramadi works in CMSF2 and you can now refine those AI plans using 4.0 features. Dont look a gift horse in the mouth.
  3. I would stick with what Rocketman quoted from Steve, it is much more current. Here's a short list of what you can expect to see in R2V The timeline extended until the end of the war, which means all the late war equipment and formation changes you'd expect for the Italian Front are included Gebirgsjäger, Waffen SS, and expanded Luftwaffe forces (yes, including LW Field Divisions) are included as well as the various modifications of Heer formations found a the end of the war The Allies now have access to Canadians, Polish, South African, New Zealand, Indian, Brazilian, and French forces along with a host of visual, equipment, and organizational quirks
  4. If I had my way BF would put far more focus into CMSF. There are sooooo many things I want. Like you I'd be more than happy to pay for them. Unfortunately I know there are a lot of folks really waiting for the 4.0 patch, modules for CMRT, CMFI and CMFB. BF can only take on so much so CMSF has to be pushed out the door in order to free up more time for other work. It is already far more than they initially planned, which is on the one hand wonderful and on the other a complete tease. Will it get some more attention down the road? Maybe, one can certainly dream. I know I am.
  5. I think you answered your own question. See the comments Steve made on the forces they were looking to have in the module.
  6. Sorry I was under the impression you were building something to release because well you did say you were planning to post. I just recognized Pete's work and figured to let ya know. Making large maps is a pita especially if you don't really get into map making. Pete would be thrilled I am sure to see it get use and it is the whole reason for having the master maps section lately anyway. Hell I did 3 for CMFB and am kind of bummed they don't see any use... at least none I know of. Also one for CMBS which hasn't done much better sadly.
  7. chill out dude, I'm talking about when you release it putting it in your designers notes. Sheesh. I mentioned it twice hardly beating a dead horse, just confirming it.
  8. open any CM title (except CSMF), open the editor. Start new. Go to buildings, there are two types independent and modular. Place some on the map go to 3d view and you'll see the different types. Only independent buildings show the affects you noted when damaged
  9. heh except for the recommendation which I wholeheartedly endorse to get all the modules- you'll only get pre order discount now. BF generally does not do discounts.
  10. correct and yes it looks like you have a ton of maps. It is usually not hard to find the original author and it is considered good behavior to credit when releasing material that uses others works. The master map is at the limit of what Pete could do as he noted. You can change the map anyway you want (smaller in some directions, larger in others as long as it is in spec as he noted), mileage will vary as you are working at the extreme threshold of what CM will support and that is without units.
  11. I would suggest going on youtube to give you far more detailed information about the game, but in regards to your specific questions 1. Maybe Sept. Subject to change. 2 Yes. You can pre order for a discount and according to Steve it should not now require sending material. Address information may just be for your account. You can take that up with helpdesk if it seems to not be right, they just moved the store website 3. You only need to buy the base game. Each module adds different forces, campaigns and scenarios. Base game does have at least 1 campaign, maybe 2 off hand not sure. 4. yes
  12. Okay if we are gonna talk culture, art and appreciating all of what humanity creates, then we just gotta note today. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/respect-remembering-aretha-franklins-10-greatest-performances-151105315.html And just in case you doubt her, the one video not working in that link is her stepping in for Pavarotti when he fell ill performing Nessun Dorma. She is part of our American culture. Not black, not white, but American. Rest in Peace Aretha.
  13. ninja’d by Mord. No idea if eventually CMSF will have them, but it won’t at start
  14. The Radzy maps are definitely Pete's. The one you pictured about is one of his creations for CMRT. Note his comments even before this map was converted. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-add-ons/razymin-master-map-care/ Radzymin Master Map This map was the basis for missions 1-5 of the German campaign released with CM: Red Thunder. This map was so large and memory intensive that the maximum map size was scaled back. (It is worth noting I was not able to open this map when complete in the 3d preview, as it caused a CTD. However the map can be loaded into the editor and reduced in size until it accords with the game maximum size requirement. These are as follows Max total surface area = 18.045km2 (approx. 4248m x 4248m) No one side longer than approx’ 8000m (8k) No ratio between length and width in excess of 10:1 In the zip file I have also included the extract of the topo’ map used as the editor overlay, together with a composite screen shot of the map in the editor (the screen shot is of the not quite completed map, but the map itself is complete).Pete Wenman
  15. CMSF2 is the really fine wine going with that meal of BF products.
  16. same here, but it depends a bit on where and what I view it on. My PC looks really clear. My iPad too close to the sunny window... not so much.
  17. Yeah true. Part of being a mobster gov't is you've made it really weak and prone to factionalism. Anything can cause it to totter, inability to pay your "boys", a young upstart that sees an opening, a failure in collections. Or as we have seen recently, telling your older generation that you may have to cut their benefits. If Russia doesn't figure it out soon they are likely to find themselves a vassal state to China.
  18. The Nork thread at least had a premise of discussing a possible conflict zone for the US military. This thread has already become a proselytizing site for the typical victimized white male racist apology movement with the usual asinine buzz words of snowflakes etc. Next thing we'll have some posting of the incel bulls**t. Let that nonsense go to the right wing crawl out from under a rock websites it belongs in, not here.
  19. bummer I like the old ones. Bulbous heads are so sexy...…. Seriously these are fantastic and well worth the effort.
  20. I am on nvidia and mine doesn’t do that. Weird that it is always 55 minutes, that sounds like something else is going on, but I am no computer whiz.
  21. You guys are way across the line into politics here. I won’t even try to reply to any of this, it just isn’t worth my time and would just further violate forum rules.
  22. I suspect that quite a few of those 27 you don't need anymore, but I'd keep them tucked away somewhere just in case. For sure the CMSF item should be reduced quite a bit once you are on CMSF2.
  23. And likely that drastic retaliation wouldn't be military in nature but an economic hit - probably targeting Russia's banks. There was an article about Russian response to recent sanctions and the general lack of response. The analyst position was at least part of the reason is Russia frankly lacks much ability to respond. What the article didn't bring up, but it is pretty clear the best places to make trouble are where the West is in a delicate position - DPRK for example and flouting the sanctions there undermines the US geopolitically. It remains to be seen what will happen with the push for Congress on the chemical weapons attack in the UK. Perhaps Trump will simply ignore it, but Congress seems determined to exact a price, and potentially a severe one.
  24. if my guess is right these are from maps created by Pete for CMRT. You can tell by zooming out - you'll likely see his name somewhere You should credit him somewhere for using it.
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