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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. you can alter the number of windows now.
  2. Yes. Signed Mr Desparate PS stop trying to imitate me.
  3. oh well so much for trying to keep this about N Korea.
  4. I don't think it is entirely out of the question- they do vehicle packs, why not soldier packs? Part of the issue is BF has always insisted that CMSF was not about the Syrian occupation, but rather just the invasion and they weren't real interested in the whole insurgency war. That is something that is subject to change, but it would have to fit within the priorities they may have already decided upon and the cost value they see in this kind of thing. Personally I would love it. A Muj pack would really enhance Afghanistan oriented scenarios. An African insurgent pack would open up whole new vistas for the war on terror concept. Considering this is what the US has been fighting for almost 2 decades ….. that is just my 2 cents subject to inflation, devaluation of the Chinese yen and Iranian rial and removal of the gold standard post zombie apocalypse - I.e. worthless
  5. I assume so typical scope creep issue. What do they keep adding. I really wish there were some independents both for damage modeling and some variation, but I also want to see CMSF2 released so.....
  6. Ahh but you forgot the moment my pixeltrooper twists his ankle and falls to the ground crying out as the flail continues approaching and in his fear he neglects to realize he could likely crawl out of the way....
  7. 2 things. Kieme's mod works in CMSF 2. It is not stock and won't be as it is a third party mod, but yeah it is a mod I always use. The others you listed are independent buildings. Modular buildings do not get that damage level look unfortunately. CMSF and CMSF2 do not have independent buildings.
  8. no you won't. You'll be doing stuff in CMSF2 for sure!
  9. Agreed. Let’s cut the politics angle as much as possible. It will always intrude to some degree as ones concern about current US position is weighted heavily in ones faith or not in the current administration, but we can try and stay objective about the actions that we can perceive from the DPRK side as the ball really is in their court.
  10. Regarding the remains that have been returned, if the initial information pans out, these may be Army troops from the fighting at Chosin reservoir possibly including soldiers from Task Force Faith https://www.yahoo.com/news/presumed-us-remains-famous-korean-war-battle-220306811.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Task_Force_Faith rebardkess of your political stance this if true is something every American should celebrate.
  11. That and Russian manipulation, massive Gerryandering by the Republican Party along with out right subversion of voting for example in Georgia, but yeah this is way off topic. To your point Erwin we don’t really know how things are going. If in fact the remains that have been returned are of allied soldiers that is a definite plus I am more than willing to credit the administration for. As to DPRK commitment, maybe they will follow through. My only issue is Trump is already running his victory lap when for the moment no one including GOP senators know what we have agreed to, similar to the Putin meeting. The statement from the Singapore meeting is very vague. International agreements only work when there is clear agreement as to what all parties committed to. That is not good. Remember George Bush’s “mission accomplished” and how that turned out? The Iran treaty despite Trumps claims was a good treaty with verifiable results and every other party to the agreement confirms Iran was living up to the commitments listed. How the DPRK talks can be considered successful when they don’t even come close to the “worst treaty ever” is confusing at least. Presumably 2 people know what was agreed to - Trump and Pompeo. Pompeo is saying DPRK actions are inconsistent with what they agreed to. https://in.mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idINKBN1KO0ZE
  12. Woot! Yeah that is the whole point if the full installer but getting that message across doesn’t always work until you actually do it. I have discarded all my disks, I’ll never load from them again. I just store the downloaded full installer in several places so I don’t have to DL again unless there is an updated version.
  13. Map size is neither, but 4x4 is closer. There is an overall size I expect is limited by maybe action squares but you can do approx 4x4 or 5x3 or stretch it way in one direction with a narrower frontage say maybe 8x2. 8x8 is not possible.
  14. Appeasement? Rigid sanctions is hardly appeasement. Wait are we talking China or DPRK? The statement was we were pressuring China on N Korea. I have seen no pressure on China regarding N Korea and the tariffs undermine gaining their cooperation. So in sum, prior to our govt current stance we refused any high level meeting without some measure of movement by N Korea enlisting the U.N. and China in that process. Now we hold a highest level meeting, we get no guarantees and in fact lower the threshold from previous agreements and we engage in a trade war with China undermining getting their assistance in isolating the N Korea regime while Russia also continues to undermine us with no ill effect. Where is the upside in all this and why would I trust the statements of our executive who has established a level of flat out disinformation on a scale we have never seen who actively undermines our only allies? I am having a difficult time understanding what actions we are taking that could even be presumed to have a positive impact. I am perfectly content to say negotiations are in process to which I am most emphatically not entitled to know the details on, but this administration has shown a singular lack of understanding how to conduct negotiations and has left the highest echelons of the diplomatic community vacant throughout this process. This isn’t an issue of opposing trump per se, though I do consider him completely unfit for the office. Even the Republican leadership in the Senate is confused by what the hell is going on here and they should actually know the details. Pompeo was supposed to report them himself so color me skeptical when asked to take this administration at it’s word.
  15. How so? Lots of news about tariffs and trade but nothing related to DPRK and China. The sanctions program still looks like it isn’t going anywhere with Russia undermining it as well. If anything our current trade war with China is undermining getting their support with DPRK when I see Trump family products no longer having made in China labels I might start believing the hype https://www.wsj.com/articles/russia-is-issuing-north-korean-work-permits-despite-u-n-ban-1533216752?mod=nwsrl_pro_cyber_news&cx_refModule=nwsrl the real question seems to be what does Kim see as his best move. So far it is impossible to tell if he is just playing Trump or if he is looking for a different path and using the leverage of a functional nuclear program to make a better deal.
  16. What??!! Minions get vacation time? Since when?
  17. Yeah I meant to say I’m NOT currently busy modding... See I think that answers everything.
  18. How did you quote me saying what Mikey said? He has his own communications director. I applied but wasn’t found qualified
  19. Lol oh no, level 14 I have to fight the web store! Wait isn’t there a god mode cheat I can use?
  20. It is neither, it is simply reality. The view that somehow they are supposed to find and or fix every perceived issue is simply unrealistic and follows the vein of entitlement that we hear so often. I may be a little more sensitive to it working in an arena with a user base of 20 something’s who think because their mom sliced the crust off their sandwiches that the whole world is gonna cater to their every whim. Still let’s say you think in a particular circumstance the TAC AI behaves counter to what you think it should, where do you think that should fall in BFs priority list and how closely should they follow every conversation on possible issues that pop up on the forum?
  21. well you do have a battle to fight... speaking of which.....
  22. news lately is pretty much not really informative. One article claiming DPRK still working on missiles but in the same article said that is pretty much the norm in every nuclear treaty we've worked on- until tangible process is made one can't expect everything to just stop. The other is on Korean war dead- it is possible we have made some progress on return of remains, but even Mattis is saying not until we can do some verification. So... possible progress, nothing really substantial either way. More interesting is some replacement at the top among Korean Generals. Hard to say what that shift really means but it could be Kim surrounding himself with folks who are more supportive of a different direction.
  23. I am with you Mord. CMA will end up being deleted. As to porting the maps, not likely but I wouldn't ever rule something completely out.
  24. Well just having the screenshot doesn’t help. To harp on a consistent message, a save would go a long way towards a better answer or a bug post. Without it, can’t really do either.
  25. yeah if you are doing something where you don’t want to know the details of for some reason (competitive game) that makes sense, but if you are just looking for something you want someone to do for you that might be a bit tricky. You might have to offer some payment in kind.
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