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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Not sure what you mean here. Could you provide an example? Say I have Jav team that just fired off their last round. I want them to get more. I also have the A team from that same squad that I want to go grab more 5.56 ammo.some 40 mm and a couple AT 4s. How would you see that working differently than the current set up? My impression is you want a single string command set - go to this location, pick up. - select options available from that source. So they go, hop in, grab the items. Is that close?
  2. There is no trust about acquire. I acquire what I need based on the mission I need to accomplish. Do I want AT4 rounds, Jav rounds, mortars, small arms, what type and how much, 40 mm rounds. There is no way the game can know what I want when I go to acquire. What I would like is the ability to designate smaller loadouts of small arms and unacquire jav launchers. Beyond that "resupply" isn't a generic option.
  3. yeah he's an insane modder, but he's OUR insane modder.
  4. To caveat a bit - the effects cited in 4.0 do not affect every battle and don't affect armor at all so it all depends on the scenario you are playing as to whether you will see a little effect, see no effect, or get really really frustrated. If you want time in to learn how to use the commands and behavior etc the effects cited for 4.0 won't stop you there. You'll still need to learn movement commands, splitting, combat commands, acquiring, the effects of the C2 model etc etc If you think you are interested in the game, get it, learn it and when it is patched worry about that then. The difference between those who feel it totally breaks the game and those who don't isn't necessarily an issue of one or the other being dishonest. It can simply be what you play. I am very aware of the 4.0 issues- it has stopped my PBEM campaign. It has not however stopped me from playing the game. So can we cut the notion from both sides that it is all or nothing?
  5. I don't vote for the GOP, but I'll miss McCain.
  6. while spraying you with a garden hose.
  7. boot up CMBS and tell us what the splash screen says, will be able to advise better
  8. Hi folks, I'm gonna go make the most of my time in this life before it is too late. you all have a … well best of luck on your projects.... There is no graceful way other than to act like you really wish you could stay cause anything else will just make them feel miserable as they wake up the next day to the daily grind. Now that I think about it...…. damn lucky bastard. I'd skip Syria. You may end up finding you'll waste money on bribes and such. As LLF noted you can actually do pretty well in SE asia if you avoid a lot of the touristy crap. If you hit Thailand go to the night market for food. Man I had a phenomenal shrimp curry dish ridiculously cheap that was so good I had to go back before I left. I was on the company dime and could have eaten anywhere. Japan can be surprisingly cheap as well. Lots of choices in accommodations from capsule hotels to local Ryokan and if you hit the small mom and pop noodle shops and such food is cheap. Also LLFs comments about resume are spot on. Travel and life experience are highly rated these days as setting you apart in job applications.
  9. even my worst moment in CM wasn't that embarrassing.
  10. Case in point is I almost always split my squads. It allows me to give much more specific commands than I can give to a squad. I never use the assault command. On the other hand I like that during that 60s I lose control of what my pixeltruppen do...to a degree. The stupid pathing issues however always irk me because they do things that aren't logical but if I understood more I could actually expect what they might do. For example if a barrel is too close to a doorway they will bunch up and slowly enter the room while running in place. I don't so much mind the delay as the visual of 4 guys all bunched up running in place trying to squeeze past the barrel. I do like the idea of being able to order multiple sequential targets.
  11. Another example of the pitfalls of nicotine addition. His family would later sue Philip Morris.
  12. it sure is if you are talking about a lot less programming time required on the game. You can't disconnect the content as workload from communicating a bunch of information (that is essentially useless other than to feed a user need to know they can do nothing with till the game is out) that is also workload. C'mon man, look at it this way. Would you like it if you had to stop what you were doing on your job to provide trivial information periodically to people just to feed their feeling they need to know. I know I wouldn't. Really IF they did this: 1. what would you do with that information other than use it as the basis to ask for more? Answer that honestly. 2. If you aren't going to ask more, what did getting that information really do for you? 3. Was it worth the developers time no matter how brief? Those are the questions I get stuck on. If you can provide decent answers to those other than "I'd like to know" then maybe you have a shot at convincing them. Some developers are answering and blogging because it is a way to generate interest. It is marketing. BF doesn't need to market, they need to produce. (I bet some part of you agrees with me 100% there ) I don't disagree that it would be nice to hear from Steve more on the game, but I don't see it as a requirement (that may be a strong word, but I think you get the gist). Part of why I don't see it as important as invariably he gets asked or he suggests a timeline I am absolutely sure will be wrong and I cringe when he does it as I know when that time is up we will be back to - Steve SAID it would be out.
  13. Well I am kind of a hold up. He's waiting for a list of Unit logos that was the original request that drew him back for the depths of Cthulhu's domain.
  14. LOL you are kidding right? That is an arcade game. C'mon man let's keep this even within orchard items must less an apples to apples comparison.
  15. yes technically it is a "smoking" jacket when you let your cigar fall on it, but I keep telling you - that... thing … is not a genuine smoking jacket.
  16. Only on the basis of you hearing from BF, not the other way round. At least as far as I know. Usually you don't ask to be a beta tester, you are asked to be a beta tester. But hey it can't hurt to ask, but that isn't likely something I would do on the forum. I'd contact BF directly.
  17. 53s followed by an unending thread asking additional details and don’t suggest for a moment that won’t happen. Yes BF could post something like that, but let’s not imagine for even 53s that it would satisfy those asking for more info. The only thing that would satisfy this demand is an ongoing open communication channel with Steve.
  18. Well yes an no. In a small battle rt gives more control as you can actually understand and react to the amount of input. There is a line somewhere though where the amount of input overwhelms your ability to understand and react. Wego has an initial threshold driven by the 60 second turn length, but it is flat relative to the size of the battle. For me it doesn’t matter though as I want that rewind and review option regardless of the size of the battle.
  19. Yeah much better than when he was at Cannae and told Consul Gaius Varro that he should charge the enemy center and split them in two.
  20. Well as far as I know they reach out to you on some mysterious basis. Not sure how I got in, they must have mistaken me for someone else. But you have apparently just started posting so they can’t really know you. It isn’t like there is a sign up sheet. To my knowledge anyway.
  21. Wait, did Steve make you wear the pink poodle outfit too?
  22. Are you asking how to become a beta tester for Battlefront?
  23. Bil lost a bet in the Beta tester club to Ken and in doing so was required to take on a totally unfair fight publicly. Ken is lucky, you should have seen what was required if Bil had won the bet.
  24. no that was Adam- it was actually what forced Adam out of the Garden of Eden. His comment to Jesus (though it was debated whether he was just singing an Allman Brothers tune) was "It just ain't my cross to bear".
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